2024年11月14日至17日,国际细胞与免疫治疗(CTI)大会在中国杭州盛大举行,汇聚了全球细胞治疗和免疫治疗领域的顶尖专家、学者和行业领袖。此次大会不仅是一个学术交流的国际平台,更是一个展示最新科研成果、推动领域发展的重要窗口。会议期间,《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特别邀请到美国杜克大学前癌症中心主任Herbert Kim Lyerly教授,分享细胞疗法所取得的突破性成果,以及该领域未来发展的无限可能。现整理成文,以飨读者。
细胞与基因治疗领域目前重点关注细胞疗法在治疗特定癌症中的显著效果,并已开始应用于某些自身免疫性疾病,显著扩大了其应用范围。细胞疗法创新性地实现了为细胞增添或去除功能,开发出类似微型机器人的细胞产品,为精准治疗提供了新的策略。细胞与基因治疗的未来发展前景光明,技术进步使得细胞的安全植入和功能恢复等难题逐步得到解决。通过巧妙操控细胞创造独特功能,医学界正构建一个多功能“工具箱”,以应对疾病治疗挑战。Herbert Kim Lyerly教授:细胞与基因治疗领域当前的重点在于细胞疗法在治疗某些癌症方面所展现出的卓越成效,并且这一疗法现已开始拓展至某些自身免疫性疾病的治疗。这一进展使得细胞与基因疗法的应用范围显著扩大,不仅惠及癌症患者,特别是血液系统恶性肿瘤患者,同时也为一些与癌症无关的疾病带来了新的治疗希望。某些形式的细胞疗法对自身免疫性疾病(即身体攻击自身的疾病)产生了显著的影响,为这类长期困扰医学界的难题提供了新的解决思路。
Dr.Herbert Kim Lyerly:The current focus of the field of cell and gene therapy involves the remarkable performance of cell therapies in the treatment of certain cancers. And now, certain autoimmune diseases. So the breadth of applications of cell and gene therapy appears to be increasing to affect not only people with cancer, and in particular, hematologic malignancies, but also some diseases that are not associated with cancer. Autoimmune diseases in which the body attacks itself appear to be dramatically affected by certain forms of cellular-based therapies.
One of the most dramatic innovations occurring in cell therapy is the ability to create various combinations that either add specific functions into cells or to remove functions of certain cells. What I mean by that is that you can create cell products, almost like miniature robots that can activate or inhibit elements of the body. And as you can imagine, the opportunity to learn, appreciate how this can impact a variety of diseases will likely have not only impact today and tomorrow, but for many years to come.
One of the advantages of international conferences is that you get to see the breadth of activities that are occurring in parts of the world that you may not be exposed to on a day-to-day basis. For example, it was very impressive to see many of the investigators using very creative techniques, all applying their knowledge and their innovation in different ways to attack a variety of diseases. Not all of these will work, and some will probably be better than others, but it's fantastic to be able to see them compared, to learn from each other, and really try to improve the lives of patients that are suffering from all these diseases.
Our own personal work has been in cell therapy, but we've also begun to explore the use of subcellular compartments. For example, those pieces of the cells that break off perhaps are actually the functional part of cell therapy. Obviously, the advantage of a smaller component is that it might enter into the body and deliver to areas that cells can't easily reach. And eventually, it might be much cheaper and less expensive to manufacture and to apply. We don't know if they'll work as well as cells, but they might function specifically to do the job they're intended to. And that might have a big impact on certain diseases.
The future of cell and gene therapy is very bright. And one of the reasons is that for many years, there was a barrier to the concept. Can we actually put cells into patients safely? Have them recover and perform their daily duties and so forth? And that appears to be well established. More importantly, today, we're recognizing that we can artfully manipulate cells and create very unique functions. We can turn functions on, turn functions off, and apply these in a variety of combinations that in and of itself, really a toolbox to attack diseases is occurring right in front of our eyes. And it's very exciting to think about the results, hopefully to be reported in the near future.
总 结
综上所述,Herbert Kim Lyerly教授的访谈为我们揭示了细胞与基因治疗领域的最新进展和广阔前景。细胞疗法在治疗癌症及自身免疫性疾病方面所展现出的卓越成效,不仅为患者带来了新的治疗希望,更为医学界带来了深刻的启示。随着研究的不断深入和技术的持续进步,我们有理由相信,细胞与基因治疗将在未来发挥更加重要的作用,成为攻克疾病、改善人类健康的重要武器。我们期待着这些创新成果能够早日应用于临床实践,为患者带来实实在在的福音,共同开创医学领域的新篇章。
Herbert Kim Lyerly教授