搞定中考英语1600词汇,每天10个(careless, carry, cat, … cent)

360影视 2024-12-06 14:54 4

摘要:**careless**:粗心的。当你做事情不够细心时,可以用这个词。例如:“I made a careless mistake on the exam.”

1. **careless**:粗心的。当你做事情不够细心时,可以用这个词。例如:“I made a careless mistake on the exam.”

2. **carry**:携带、搬运。无论是背包、书本,还是购物袋,carry 都是非常常用的动词:“Can you help me carry this box?”

3. **cat**:猫,宠物中最常见的动物之一。“My cat loves to sleep on the couch.”

4. **catch**:抓住,不仅是指物理上的抓住,还可以用来描述抓住机会或者注意力:“I tried to catch the bus, but it was too late.”

5. **cause**:导致,表示事情的起因:“The heavy rain caused flooding in the city.”

6. **CD**:光盘,虽然现在更多使用流媒体,但 CD 依然是一个常见的词汇,尤其是过去的音乐和数据载体:“I used to have a lot of music on CDs.”

7. **CD-ROM**:光驱,过去常见的电脑设备,主要用于读取数据光盘:“Older computers had CD-ROM drives.”

8. **ceiling**:天花板,建筑物的顶部:“The ceiling of this room is beautifully decorated.”

9. **celebrate**:庆祝,通常用在节日、生日或重要的场合:“We celebrate New Year’s Eve with a big family dinner.”

10. **cent**:美分,货币单位,常用于描述价格:“This candy costs fifty cents.”

