
360影视 2024-12-09 20:00 8

摘要:Gerascophobia is the fear of aging. It something that can impact anyone, even 20-somethings.The term comes from the Greek words “g


Gerascophobia is the fear of aging. It something that can impact anyone, even 20-somethings.The term comes from the Greek words “gerasko” (I grow old) and “phobos” (fear). This fear occurs as a response to a trigger, which may be imagined or real. It also may manifest as a result of the emotional displacement of trauma. Gerascophobia has behavioral, physiological, and cognitive aspects. It also has similarities to gerontophobia.


There are few documented cases of gerascophobia. Although many are anxious about the ravages of time, few develop a phobia. In some scientific studies, gerascophobia has been characterized as a “Dorian Gray syndrome.” The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel written by Oscar Wilde in 1891. The protagonist, Dorian Gray, ceased to age physically after having his portrait painted. Because the results of his behavior were not evident in his physical form, he lost himself in the pursuit of pleasure.


Those diagnosed with Dorian Gray syndrome have extreme pride in their physical appearance (dysmorphophobia), which leads to difficulty accepting the natural aging process. This condition is often evident through cosmetic surgery, body modifications, and especially hair loss replacement treatments.


Sometimes, those that have gerascophobia are afraid of developing a condition associated with aging rather than aging itself. For instance, a man in his 40s might fear developing Alzheimer’s as he looks in the mirror and notices hair loss. The physical decline, in this case, hair loss, that occurs with aging is thus interpreted as evidence of the feared eventuality rather than seen as a natural life progression. Suffers believe that reducing the physical proof of aging will prevent the outcome they are afraid of.


Specific phobias, like gerascophobia, occur in approximately 4 to 6 percent of the population. When phobias arise, they result from the amygdala, hypothalamus-brain stem, and septum-hippocampus limbic structures reacting to perceived danger exaggeratedly. Sometimes an initial traumatic event can be determined, but mostly, there is no direct association between an event and a phobia development.


In the case of gerascophobia, anxiety about thoughts of being left alone, unable to care for oneself can spark the phobia panic. Other times, the noticeable physical decline of the body or financial difficulties due to aging might bring it on. All of these factors contribute to causes of gerascophobia.



【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

