
360影视 2024-12-12 16:21 9





For generations, diligent and wise Chinese people have been planting trees, building forests and implementing sand prevention and control measures, constructing a "Green Great Wall" in 13 northern provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, achieving remarkable accomplishments. In the past decade, sandy and dusty weather in northern China has decreased by 30 percent compared to the previous decade.


新疆阿克苏柯柯牙绿化工程 图源:中国绿色时报



Since the initiation of the Three-North Shelterbelt Program in 1978, a total of 31.74 million hectares of forest has been planted and conserved. The forest coverage in the project area has increased from 5.05 percent in 1977 to the current 13.84 percent.

China's forest coverage and stock volume have maintained "double growth" for 40 consecutive years, with the area of planted forests ranking first in the world, making China the country with the most significant increase in greenery globally.

The area of land affected by desertification in China has shifted from an annual average expansion of 343,600 hectares at the end of the 20th century to an annual average reduction of 667,000 hectares now, achieving a continuous net decrease in desertified land area over 20 years.

我们默默取得的这些成就,随着中国日报的“三北”工程主题四联版和国家林草局举办的同主题展览,被带到了正在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)举办的《联合国荒漠化防治公约》第16次缔约方大会(the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification,简称COP16)上,得到了世界各国政府、专家的盛赞。




Barron Joseph Orr, chief scientist of UNCCD, said: "China has made significant strides in sand control and green development, yet this progress remains largely unknown to many around the globe. It is crucial to present the comprehensive narrative of China's history and accomplishments."


"The design and headlines (of the China Daily newspaper) are captivating and impactful. It's powerful... This serves as a valuable gateway for the world to gain deeper insights into China, particularly its technological and scientific advancements in combating desertification," he said.

China's efforts in holding back its deserts date back over 50 years. According to the National forest and Grassland Administration, 53 percent of China's treatable desertified land has been managed. As of the end of last year, China’s forest coverage rate exceeded 25 percent.


联合国防治荒漠化公约副执行秘书Andrea Meza Murillo说,看了中国的治沙历史和成就,老一辈治沙人坚定不移的治沙精神让她十分感动,中国荒漠化防治产生的经济效益也让她印象深刻。在“三北”工程中,各地利用沙区独特资源发展传统中药材、优质饲草、林果、沙漠旅游等产业,促进了当地的乡村振兴。

She was deeply moved by the unwavering spirit of the older generation of desert control workers, and the economic benefits generated by China's efforts in desertification control left a profound impression on her. In the Three-North Shelterbelt Program, people in various regions have utilized unique resources in sandy areas to develop industries such as cultivating traditional Chinese medicinal ingredients, high-quality forage, forestry products, desert tourism and so on, promoting local rural vitalization.


"So the China model is really showing that you can have development with these green ways," she said.

