乒乓&英语一起学(01) What is Table Tennis? 什么是乒乓球?

360影视 2024-12-16 10:05 5




Playing in Shenda

Learning English can strengthen the brain, playing table tennis can keep you fit! If we combine the two, wouldn't it be even better: brain boosting and fitness enhancing?

乒乓球的英语可以翻译成:Ping Pang, 当然,更多的时候是用Table Tennis,也就是桌子的网球(运动)。

1、Where is the table tennis originated from ? 乒乓球发源于何地?

Table tennis originated in England and was originally an indoor sport derived from tennis. ‌乒乓球起源于英国,最初是由网球派生而来的一种室内运动。

2、Why do people like Table Tennis? 为什么人们爱打乒乓球?


Once table tennis was introduced, it was loved and welcomed by people all over the world. In addition to fitness benefits, table tennis has also become an important global event, such as the World Table Tennis Championships and the Olympic Games, which have effectively promoted the popularization and internationalization of table tennis worldwide.


The Chinese table tennis team has performed well in international competitions, winning multiple world championships and further promoting the global development of table tennis. At the same time, Chinese folk table tennis is very popular, and people of all ages and genders are swinging their paddles for fitness. Table tennis has been hailed as the "national sport" in China!

