最近,某综艺节目中出现的骑马场景,在网络上引发了讨论:摘要:综艺节目骑马场景 | 来源:芒果TV抛开节目本身,有人就要问了,嘉宾们骑的是什么马?我们身边和大型犬一般高的小矮马、草原景区上身高略矮的蒙古马、拉车的高头大马都是怎么来的呢?它们为什么长的不一样?
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[14] Pruvost, Melanie; Bellone, Rebecca; Benecke, Norbert; Sandoval-Castellanos, Edson; Cieslak, Michael; Kuznetsova, Tatyana; Morales-Muñiz, Arturo; O'Connor, Terry et al. (4 November 2011). "Genotypes of predomestic horses match phenotypes painted in Paleolithic works of cave art". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (46): 18626–18630. doi:10.1073/pnas.1108982108. PMID 22065780. Bibcode: 2011PNAS..10818626P.
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