
360影视 2024-12-29 19:31 3



英语作文本来就没有固定模板,它需要的是丰富思想和逻辑思维写作。抄模板套范文背后隐藏得低分的“大坑”,导致模板写作往往限制学生的逻辑思维,而英语逻辑思维则能释放出学生的无穷智慧。这源于英语逻辑思维是一种以因果关系为基础,通过分析和推理来表达思想的方法,能够使文章更有逻辑性和可信度。用英语思维写英语,建立英语逻辑思维文化意识,是源于英语是逻辑语言,逻辑是英语的灵魂。用逻辑思维写作使学生有内容可写,提升英语作文成绩。通过使用三步骤写英语作文真正实现让思想自由“航行”得高分:以提示观点为中心,左找原因,右找结果,达到结构完整、叙述清晰、过渡得当。结合标题,本文以“Prosocial behavior & moral conduct to need to be set to citizens in jointly responsible way (关于优秀品行和公民社会责任)”为题写作英语作文如下。

Socialists could fulfill great responsibility for country, sociability, community or others, having been set at top of really-high value by all. They would do the work as per rules and regulations, that needs to become more morally and socially aware of, on their own responsibility to be held in belief. Their actions make them respected, by all, for their work done honestly that is considered as being pleasantly worthy of their good time.

This encourages the belief, together with ambition to be achieved greatly, that social responsibility is based on cultivating nationally-sound personality through spiritual-morality education. The team-spirit collectivists are becoming socially responsible, enabling students to develop mentally and morally in taking positive attitude.

I find it extremely important to conduct oneself faithfully and concentrate on one’s work, which are based on the interpersonal-relationships the weigh-bridge. That turns oneself, families and students etc. favourable for helping learn by a prosocial-behavior & moral-conduct example that has been set to them in an educational responsible way. They are enabled to live a brilliant life.

Each of them acts responsibly at work, in the family and society to inspire all people to try their best to do potentially in morally-responsible way. The individual, enterprises and country would seem at risk, without sense of their social responsibility. Compared with this, some of them can do a wonderfully big deal no matter how great or low their abilities and contributions are, remaining socially responsible.

Having been fulfilled, responsibility shall achieve superiority to ability, that is of great value to others who work hard at cooperating with parts in some respects according to rules.






《为啥英语作文别让抄模板套范文搅乱正常得高分的英语逻辑思维写作》一文阐述:英语写作需要培养丰富的思想和逻辑思维,而不是依赖固定模板。模板写作往往限制学生的逻辑思维,而英语逻辑思维能够释放学生的无穷智慧。本文以“Prosocial behavior & moral conduct to need to be set to citizens in jointly responsible way ”为题,通过使用三步骤写英语作文真正实现让思想自由“航行”得高分:以提示观点为中心,左找原因,右找结果,达到结构完整、叙述清晰、过渡得当。

1. 观点突出,逻辑连贯:文章观点明确,以社会主义核心价值观为基础,强调公民社会责任和道德行为的重要性。通过阐述个人、家庭和社会的责任,以及道德教育对培养健全人格的重要性,文章逻辑连贯,层次分明。

2. 语言准确,句式多样:文章语言准确,句式多样,展示了较高的英语水平。例如,“Their actions make them respected, by all, for their work done honestly that is considered as being pleasantly worthy of their good time.” 这句话使用了被动语态和定语从句,增强了文章的表达力。

3. 内容丰富,结合实际:文章内容丰富,结合实际,探讨了社会责任和道德行为在日常生活中的重要性。例如,文章提到了在工作、家庭和社会中负责任的行为对个人和社会的积极影响,以及缺乏社会责任感可能带来的风险。


