作者简介:梁世杰 中医高年资主治医师,从事中医临床工作24年,积累了较丰富的临床经验。师从首都医科大学附属北京中医院肝病科主任医师、著名老中医陈勇,侍诊多载,深得器重,尽得真传!擅用“商汤经方分类疗法”、专病专方结合“焦树德学术思想”“关幼波十纲辨证”学术思想治疗疑难杂症为特色。现任北京厚德为怀医生集团渐冻症研究中心主任,北京树德堂中医研究院研究员,北京中医药薪火传承新3+3工程—焦树德门人(陈勇)传承工作站研究员,国际易联易学与养生专委会常务理事,中国中医药研究促进会焦树德学术传承专业委员会委员,中国药文化研究会中医药慢病防治分会首批癌症领域入库专家。荣获2020年中国中医药研究促进会仲景医学分会举办的第八届医圣仲景南阳论坛“经方名医”荣誉称号。2023年首届京津冀“扁鹊杯”燕赵医学研究主题征文优秀奖获得者。
Publication of scientific research report: a new chapter of scientific and technological innovation and Talent construction
At the end of 2024, the ALS Research Center of Beijing Hode for Huazhong Hospital Physician Group demonstrated to the world, in an unprecedented gesture, its major breakthrough in ALS research. This heavy scientific report not only pools the heart and wisdom of countless researchers, but ALSo represents a heartfelt confession to the patients with ALS and their families. At the same time, the National Health Work Conference 2025 was held in Beijing with profound and forward-looking content, and section 8 of the conference, on strengthening scientific and technological innovation and talent development, pointed the way for the future development of the field of health care.
A shining jewel in the study of ALS
Since its establishment, Beijing Hode is the progressive disease research center of the Physicians Group of Huazhong Hospital, with the historical mission of exploring the unknown and overcoming persistent diseases. The 2024 scientific report is the culmination of years of research carried out by the center. In the report, the researchers revealed several new clues to the pathogenesis of ALS and new ideas in traditional Chinese medicine through innovative experimental design, combination of literature and data, and in-depth analysis of large amounts of clinical data from experts involved in the research. For the development of effective treatment has laid a solid foundation.
The launching pad for the National Health Work Conference
At a time when the scientific research achievements of the Glacidosis Research Center attracted widespread attention at home and abroad, the National Health Work Conference of 2025 was successfully held in Beijing, sounding the rallying cry for scientific and technological innovation and talent development in the field of health care. Section 8 of the meeting specified that we should strengthen scientific and technological innovation, leverage the strengths of a new national system, and advance major scientific and technical advances in health. At the same time, we should deepen medical and educational coordination and strengthen the training of weak disciplines and professionals who are in short supply.
Taking ALS research as an example, technological innovation is a key engine driving the development of this field. The "new national system" emphasized at the meeting means that in the allocation of scientific research resources, more attention will be paid to focusing on big issues and forming coordinated innovation mechanisms across sectors and fields. This is undoubtedly a boon for the study of complex diseases such as ALS. By integrating multiple resources and accelerating the translation and application of scientific research results, more scientific institutions such as the Beijing Hode Weizhong Hospital Physician Group Center for Fever Disease Research will be able to make breakthroughs in a short time.
Talent building: the cornerstone of scientific research and innovation
In the wave of scientific and technological innovation, talent is always the most valuable resource. The National Health Work Conference proposed to strengthen the talent pool, especially the cultivation of weak disciplines and short-term professionals, providing talent security for the long-term development of the field of health care. Research on rare diseases such as ALS often faces a shortage of talent because of the small patient population and the difficulty of research. The emphasis on deepening medical-education synergies means building a closer bridge between medical education and clinical practice and encouraging medical talent to gravitate towards these fields.
Take the example of the Beijing Houde Hospital Physician Group, which has established a comprehensive talent training system through deep cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions at home and abroad. By setting up special scholarships, providing internship and training opportunities, and carrying out joint training projects, a group of young talents interested in ALS research have been recruited outside the country. The addition of these new blood not only breathes new life into the research center, but also brings new perspectives and ideas to the study of complex diseases such as ALS.
Conclusion: Working together to create a new chapter for a healthy China
Beijing Hode has jointly painted a picture of a healthy China featuring technological innovation and talent building for the release of the 2024 scientific research report of the Physicians Group of Huazhong Hospital and the convening of the National Health Work Conference in 2025. In this path of challenges and opportunities, we not only need scientific institutions like the Center for ALS Research to continue to climb the technological peaks, Moreover, the whole national health system needs to work together to promote scientific and technological innovation and the building of a talented workforce, contributing to the ambitious goal of achieving a healthy China.
Let us join hands on this promising path to write a new chapter in health care so that every life can flourish freely in the sun.
Author Bio: Liang Shijie is a senior medical practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. He has been engaged in traditional medicine clinical work for 24 years and has accumulated a wealth of clinical experience. Following Chen Yong, chief physician of liver disease at Beijing Traditional Medicine Hospital, affiliated with Capital Medical University, and renowned old Chinese medicine, he has been treated for many years and received great attention. He specializes in the treatment of difficult diseases using "conversational traditional therapy" and special treatments combined with the academic ideas of Jiao Shude and Guan Yubo's ten-level diagnosis.He is currently the director of the Center for Diffusion Research of Dr. Houde Wei Group in Beijing, a researcher at the Shude Tang Institute of Chinese Medicine, and a fellow at the new 3 + 3 project of traditional Chinese medicine flame inheritance in Beijing - a scholar at the inheritance work station of Jiao Shude's protégés (Chen Yong),He is a standing committee member of the International Expert Committee on E-learning and Health Care, a member of the Jiao Shude Academic Heritage Special Committee of the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine Research, and the first cancer specialist to be included in the chapter of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Culture Research Association. Won the 2020 China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhongjing Medical Branch held the eighth session of the Medical Saint Zhongjing Nanyang Forum "Classic Prescription Famous Doctor" honorary title. The winner of the first Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei "Pingui Cup" Yanzhao Medical Research Essay Award in 2023.