摘要:The article was originally published in the issue 2/2023 of WIPO Magazine. The author is Catherine Jewell, Information and Digital
WIPO China: Designing with Life - Biofabricate's Suzanne Lee Envisions a “New Material World”
The article was originally published in the issue 2/2023 of WIPO Magazine. The author is Catherine Jewell, Information and Digital Outreach Division, WIPO.
“我们认为细菌、酵母、藻类和菌类等生物体是未来的细胞工厂,”Biofabricate首席执行官Suzanne Lee表示。(图:onairjiw / iStock / Getty Images Plus)
“We think about organisms such as bacteria, yeast, algae and fungi as the cell factories of the future,” says Suzanne Lee, CEO of Biofabricate. (Photo: onairjiw / iStock / Getty Images Plus)
“我们需要一场材料革命,就在现在,”Biofabricate首席执行官兼创始人Suzanne Lee在她2020年关于“生物制造”的Ted演讲中强调。Biofabricate是一家致力于“可持续生物材料创新”的精品店,正在教育企业如何利用基于自然的技术来创造一个“新材料世界”。通过拥抱生物制造,即利用生物技术的进步来生产和使用原材料,制造时尚、体育和建筑等行业的产品,而不是依赖工厂化的农业和化石燃料,我们可以大幅削减二氧化碳排放,为遏制气候变化做出贡献。
"We need a material revolution, and we need it now,” proclaimed Suzanne Lee, the CEO and Founder of Biofabricate, in her 2020 Ted Talk on “biofabrication”. Biofabricate is a “sustainable biomaterial innovation” boutique that is educating companies on how to use nature-based technologies to create a “new material world.” By embracing biofabrication – which employs advances in biotechnology to produce and use raw materials for the manufacture of products in sectors such as fashion, sports and construction – instead of relying on factory farming and fossil fuels, we could significantly reduce CO2 emissions and help curb climate change.
Lee spoke with WIPO Magazine about her road to biofabrication and why we must take microorganisms seriously as the fabric of the future.
WM: Your journey began with the “Biocouture” project. Can you tell us how that came to be, and what you were seeking to achieve?
Suzanne Lee:我是一名接受过培训的时装设计师。我对时尚的未来感到好奇,2002年,我正在为我的书《时尚的未来:明天的衣橱》做研究,当时我与生物学家朋友David有过交流,他拥有自己的材料公司。他提出了一个极具启发性的概念,即我们可以利用微生物来培养所需要的织物和其他材料,而不是在田间地头栽培植物或饲养动物以获得肉类和皮革,甚至是使用石化产品。
Suzanne Lee: I'm a fashion designer by training. I was curious about the future of fashion, and in 2002, I was doing research for my book, Fashioning the Future: Tomorrow's Wardrobe, when I had that conversation with my biologist-friend David, who owned his own materials company. He proposed the incredibly provocative notion that instead of growing plants in fields or raising animals for meat and leather, or even using petrochemicals, we could harness microorganisms to grow the fabrics and other materials we need.
It was one of those light bulb moments that changed everything for me.
We set up a collaboration with funding from the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council.
The goal was to prove we could grow materials for clothing using microbes. It was the coming together of haute couture, the very hands-on making of a garment, with biology – hence, “biocouture.”
We used a kombucha culture, which is a mix of yeast and bacteria. All you need to do is feed the bacteria with sugar and they create cellulose fibers, which naturally self-assemble to form a non-woven sheet material.
Eventually, I had about 20 bathtub-sized tanks growing sheets of material in my London studio. And as a designer, I learned how to treat the material and turn it into something that could be used in a garment, a shoe or a bag. I had a lot of interest from the press, and some brands, but I was 20 years too early. Very few people were talking about sustainability in 2002.
After that, I switched from researching fashion to researching biotech. I spent the next 10 years in Europe going to conferences on synthetic biology, trying to understand what biology could do and whether it is possible to grow materials using microorganisms.
Now, 20 years later, I'm advising startups that are basically copying the Biocouture process, and they're all getting funded.
Biofabricate首席执行官Suzanne Lee(上)在纽约举行的2022年Biofabricate峰会上。该峰会自2014年开始举办,汇集了引领生物材料革命的创意者、科学家、投资者和品牌。(图:BiofabricateTM)
Biofabricate CEO Suzanne Lee (above) at the 2022 edition of the Biofabricate Summit in New York. The Summit, which has been running since 2014, brings together the creatives, scientists, investors and brands that are leading the biomaterial revolution. (Photo: BiofabricateTM)
How did you come to establish Biofabricate after that?
2014年,在搬到纽约加入生物科技公司Modern Meadow并担任首席创意官六个月后,我组织了第一届Biofabricate峰会。我发现明显需要一个活动,将创意者、科学家、投资者和品牌聚集在一起,相互学习,更理想的是,催生新的公司。我原本以为这会是一场一次性的活动,但从那时起,我们就一直在举办这一活动。
In 2014, six months after having moved to New York to join Modern Meadow, a biotech company, as their chief creative officer, I organized the first Biofabricate summit. I saw there was a clear need for an event to bring together the creatives, the scientists, the investors and the brands to learn from one another and ideally spark new companies. I thought it was going to be a one-off event, but we've been running them ever since.
How are intellectual property rights supporting the development of the biofabrication field?
I never thought I'd have my name on multiple patents, but I do, and they all relate to biofabricated materials. There is opportunity for so much novelty in the way we are producing these materials and a need to protect those ideas. Patents are a prime concern because so much of this industry is funded by venture capital.
Every startup we work with is thinking about their intellectual property (IP) in different ways, whether protecting it by using patents or preserving their knowledge internally as trade secrets. You're not going to spend that amount of money on an innovation and not think about IP from day one.
What is your message to aspiring young designers and/or scientists?
Don't be pigeonholed. Here I am, leading a movement around biomanufacturing as a fashion designer. I have no science training and am self-educated in this field. It's my refusal to be pigeonholed and my openness to working with people from other disciplines that has brought me to where I am today. Innovation happens when you throw people together from very different backgrounds.
“我们在微软最初的一次谈话就是关于使用DNA来存储数据。在世界范围内,我们想要存储的数据正呈指数级增长。生物学就是发展方向,”Biofabricate首席执行官Suzanne Lee谈道。(图:metamorworks / iStock / Getty Images Plus)
“One of the very first conversations we had at Microsoft was around using DNA to store data. The data we're trying to store in the world is growing exponentially. Biology is where that will go,” says Suzanne Lee, CEO of Biofabricate. (Photo: metamorworks / iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Read the full article online and learn more about Biofabricate.
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