Jurisdiction, power 和competence在指对诉讼或管辖能力的区别?

360影视 2025-01-15 09:20 7

摘要:Jurisdiction多指法院广义的受理及审判案件的能力,决定法院或准司法机构,如行政法庭审判案件的范畴,如法院的“受案范围”便为subject-matter jurisdiction;故jurisdiction应译为“司法管辖权”或“审判管辖权”(Juri


Jurisdiction多指法院广义的受理及审判案件的能力,决定法院或准司法机构,如行政法庭审判案件的范畴,如法院的“受案范围”便为subject-matter jurisdiction;故jurisdiction应译为“司法管辖权”或“审判管辖权”(Jurisdiction determines which court systems should properly adjudicate a case)。


Competence有时也指法院对案件的管辖权,如:The case falls within the competence of the court. 此时其多指在地域观念上的一种权限或权力,如域内管辖权、属地管辖权、内国地域管辖权等。



For any penalty imposed on any member of the Group under section 42 of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction outside Hong Kong by reason of any member of the Group defaulting, at any time after the date of the deed of indemnity, in any obligation to give information to the Commissioner under section 42(1) of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent authority thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction outside Hong Kong.

本集团任何成员公司因赔偿契诺日期之后任何时间未能履行其根据遗 产税条例第42(1)节向税务局局长或根据香港以外任何司法权区相等法 律向有关之相等机关提供资料之任何责任而根据遗产税条例第42节或 根据香港以外任何司法管辖区相等之法律被施加任何罚款。

At the same time, if the AvP finds that a complaint falls under the competence of the court of law, it can redirect it to the Ministry of Justice, the Public Ministry or to the president of a court of law, who are obliged to communicate the measures taken.

与此同时,如果“人民的拥护者”机构认为申诉属法院受理范围, 它可转交至司法部、公共部或法院院长,由其负责传达已采取的措施。

Since the exercise of these powers under sections 6 and 19 falls well within the competence of the Authority, the Bill proposes that they be delegated to him.

由于行使第 6 及 19 条所订权力,属于监督可行使的权力,条例草案建议将这些权力转授予监督。

