
360影视 2025-01-17 01:20 8

摘要:Rhinoceros horns(犀牛角), a big business. Traditional Chinese medicine uses them to treat certain diseases, even though there are no



Rhinoceros horns(犀牛角), a big business. Traditional Chinese medicine uses them to treat certain diseases, even though there are no actual therapeutic (治疗的)properties beyond comfort. And crafsmen carve them into dagger handles. A kilogram can thus command as much as $60.000 .So there is a tremendous appeal for poachers to hunt the animals, since almost all rhinoceros populations are endangered,several critically,This is a serious problem.

Some conservationists therefore suggest that a way to reduce pressure on the animals might be to flood the market with fakes. This, they hope, would reduce the value of real horns and consequently the motivation to hunt rhinos. That would require a fake to be good. But Fritz Vollrath ,a zoologist at Oxford University thinks his skills as a forger伪造者 are up to the challenge. As he writes in Scientific Reports, he and his colleagues from Fudan University in Shanghai have come up with a cheap and easy - to - make fake, strikingly similar to the real thing. The main ingredient of Dr. Wu's forged horns is horse hair. Despite their differing appearances, horses and rhinos are reasonably closely related. Horses do not have horns, of course, but technically neither do rhinos. The horns of rhinoceroses are composed of haird fibers bounded tightly together using a mixture of dead cells.

Examination under a microscope showed that hairs collected from horses' tails had a similar structure to those found in the horns of rhinos, except that horse hairs had a special layer absent in those of the rhinos. But the researchers were able to remove this with a solution of lithium bromide(溴化锂溶液)

. They bundled (捆绑)the treated horse hairs as tightly as they could in a mixture of a special glue and then left the bundles in an oven to dry. The result was a material that, with some polishing, looked like a rhino horn. Whether to launch indistinguishable fakes onto the rhino - horn Whether to launch indistinguishable fakes onto the rhinoceros horn market would truly reduce prices and demand remains to be tested, but it might. It is an old trick in warfare to leave the enemy with forged worthless money. Something similar may yet help save rhinos.





