中山大学丁北辰 等:基于非线性估计与补偿的永磁同步电机精确建模与电压预测

360影视 2025-01-19 07:05 9

摘要:B. Ding, Y. Lu, C. Lai, W. Peng, K. Huang and G. Feng, "Nonlinearity Estimation and Compensation for Accurate PMSM Modeling and Vo

Nonlinearity Estimation and Compensation for Accurate PMSM Modeling and Voltage Prediction

Beichen Ding1; Yuting Lu1; Chunyan Lai2; Weiwen Peng1; Kaide Huang3; Guodong Feng1

1. Sun Vat-sen University, Shenzhen, China

2. Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

3. Foshan University, Foshan, China

B. Ding, Y. Lu, C. Lai, W. Peng, K. Huang and G. Feng, "Nonlinearity Estimation and Compensation for Accurate PMSM Modeling and Voltage Prediction," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 394-403, December 2024, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2024.00034.

摘 要



For permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM), the machine model is critical to predict the operating states for motor control, which, however, can be greatly affected by system nonlinearities. Hence, this paper investigates accurate machine modeling for control and parameter estimation. In the proposed approach, the PMSM model with saturated inductances is used as the base model, and this paper investigates modeling and compensation of the offsets to the base model due to system nonlinearities such as saturation and core loss effects for accurate machine modeling and voltage prediction. Specifically, the offsets to the base model are modeled using nonlinear functions with variable coefficients to compensate saturation and core loss effect, which can achieve better accuracy without changing the model structure. A differential estimation model is derived to estimate the model coefficients from a small amount of measurements with simplified procedure. Moreover, the model offset calculation is both computation and memory efficient with simplified implementation. The contribution is to improve the machine model accuracy and achieve precise voltage prediction for practical applications. Experiments, comparisons and the application to temperature estimation are conducted on a test interior PMSM to validate the proposed approach.




赖春燕(IEEE高级会员),于2010年获得中国中山大学工程学学士学位,2017年获得加拿大温莎大学欧洲经济委员会博士学位。她目前是加拿大康考迪亚大学电气与计算机工程系的副教授。她的研究领域包括电机驱动和控制,以及其他与电力电子相关的应用,如可再生能源。赖博士是《IEEE Systems Journal》和《IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics》的副主编。



冯国栋(IEEE高级会员),分别于2010年和2015年获得中国广州中山大学工程学学士和博士学位。2015年至2019年,他在加拿大温莎大学担任博士后研究员。目前,他是中国中山大学智能系统工程学院的副教授。他的研究兴趣包括先进的信号处理、优化以及电机和驱动器。冯博士是《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》的副主编。

《中国电工技术学会电机与系统学报(英文)》(CES TEMS)是中国电工技术学会和中国科学院电工研究所共同主办、IEEE PELS学会技术支持的英文学术期刊。期刊发表国内外有关高性能电机系统、电机驱动、电力电子、可再生能源系统、电气化交通等研发及应用领域中原创、前沿学术论文。中国工程院院士马伟明担任主编,IEEE的执委Don Tan博士为国际主编。目前已被ESCI、EI、Scopus、 Inspec、Google scholar、IEEE Xplore、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD) 核心版、DOAJ、CSTPCD、知网、万方、维普等数据库收录。








