
360影视 2025-01-22 20:48 3







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"Weekly Journal (2): Financial Accounting Study (7)"

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Other Equity Instrument Investments

1. 定义

1. Definition


According to Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, other equity instrument investments refer to non-trading equity instrument investments designated by enterprises to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income.

2. 核算范围

2. Accounting Scope


Generally speaking, if an enterprise invests in the stocks of listed companies and its purpose is not to sell them in the short term to earn the price difference, nor to exercise control, joint control or significant influence over the investee, it can designate them as other equity instrument investments.


In some cases, equity investments in unlisted companies may also be classified as other equity instrument investments if the enterprise does not plan to obtain short-term Profits through transactions and does not meet the accounting conditions for long-term equity investments.

3. 会计处理

3. Accounting Treatment


Initial Measurement: The initial recorded amount is the sum of the fair value and transaction costs. If the paid price includes declared but undistributed cash dividends, they should be separately recognized as receivables.


Accounting Entries: Debit: Other Equity Instrument Investments - Cost; Dividends Receivable; Credit: Bank Deposits, etc.


Subsequent Measurement


Fair Value Changes: On the balance sheet date, other equity instrument investments should be measured at fair value, and the changes in their fair value should be included in other comprehensive income.


Accounting Entries: If the fair value increases, Debit: Other Equity Instrument Investments - Fair Value Changes; Credit: Other Comprehensive Income. If the fair value decreases, the opposite entry should be made.


Dividend Income: When the investee declares the distribution of cash dividends, the share to which the enterprise is entitled should be recognized as investment income.


Accounting Entries: Debit: Dividends Receivable; Credit: Investment Income.


Disposal: When disposing of other equity instrument investments, the difference between the obtained price and the book value of the financial asset should be included in retained earnings, and at the same time, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income should be transferred out of other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings.


Accounting Entries: Debit: Bank Deposits, etc.; Credit: Other Equity Instrument Investments - Cost, - Fair Value Changes; Surplus Reserves, Profit Distribution - Undistributed Profits (or debit side). At the same time, Debit: Other Comprehensive Income; Credit: Surplus Reserves, Profit Distribution - Undistributed Profits (or debit side).

4. 列报

4. Presentation


In the balance sheet, other equity instrument investments are presented in the "Other Equity Instrument Investments" item (in the non-current assets section) or the "Other Non-current Financial Assets" item according to their liquidity. In the income statement, their dividend income is included in the investment income item. The other comprehensive income generated by the changes in fair value is presented in the owners' equity section of the balance sheet and the statement of changes in owners' equity.

5. 对企业财务的影响

5. Impact on Corporate Finance


Impact on Assets: The changes in the fair value of other equity instrument investments will directly affect the book value of the enterprise's assets, thereby affecting the total assets of the enterprise.


Impact on Profits: Since the changes in their fair value are not included in the current profit and loss, but in other comprehensive income, they usually do not directly affect the enterprise's current profit. Only when the relevant other comprehensive income is transferred to retained earnings during disposal will it indirectly affect the enterprise's profit distribution.


Impact on Owners' Equity: The inclusion of changes in fair value in other comprehensive income will directly affect the total owners' equity of the enterprise, causing the owners' equity to change with the fluctuations in the fair value of assets.v






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