摘要:Dolphins and porpoises are some of the most charismatic critters in the ocean - but can you tell them apart? Although they might l
英汉双语阅读91:兔子粘液瘤病侵袭澳大利亚:“后天” 灾难上演
charismatic [ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk]:adj. 有魅力的;有吸引力的
cetacean [sɪˈteɪʃn]:n. 鲸目动物;adj. 鲸类的,鲸目的
echolocation [ˌekoʊloʊˈkeɪʃn]:n. 回声定位
prey [preɪ]:n. 猎物;被捕食的动物
bulbous [ˈbʌlbəs]:adj. 球根状的;球状的
pronounced [prəˈnaʊnst]:adj. 明显的;显著的
dorsal [ˈdɔːsl]:adj. 背部的;背的
triangular [traɪˈæŋɡjələr]:adj. 三角形的
streamlined [ˈstriːmlaɪnd]:adj. 流线型的
vaquita [vɑːˈkiːtə]:n. 小头鼠海豚
cone-shaped [ˈkoʊn ʃeɪpt]:adj. 圆锥形的
spade - shaped [ˈspeɪd ʃeɪpt]:adj. 铲形的;锹形的
hooked [hʊkt]:adj. 钩状的,弯曲如钩的
Dolphins and porpoises are some of the most charismatic critters in the ocean - but can you tell them apart? Although they might look alike at first glance, there are a few key differences that make it easy to tell which is which.
Let’s start with what they have in common: both dolphins and porpoises are cetaceans, an order of marine mammal that also includes whales. They’re further classified as toothed whales along with belugas, narwhals and sperm whales. While they’re both highly intelligent, dolphins are typically more curious around humans than porpoises are. Both animals use echolocation, which uses sound to sense what is around them, to hunt for prey and find their peers.
To tell these two cetaceans apart, first look at the head. Dolphins typically have a bulbous head and often a clearly-defined “beak,” or long nose that sticks out from their face. Porpoises, on the other hand, usually have a rounder face without the pronounced beak. If you can’t get a good look at the head, take a peek at the fin. Dolphins have curved dorsal fins, while porpoises have dorsal fins that are more triangular in shape. This is one of the quickest ways to tell them apart, especially if you spot one while out on the water and can’t get a look at the whole animal.
If you are able to see the entire animal, you can tell the two apart by their size and shape. Dolphins tend to have a sleeker, more streamlined body shape than porpoises. Dolphins are also often longer, averaging about six to 12 feet in length, while porpoises only reach a maximum seven feet in length. The smallest toothed whale is the vaquita, an extremely endangered species that only grows to about four feet and 120 pounds.
If you get a really good look, examine its teeth. Dolphins’ teeth are cone-shaped, while porpoises’ teeth are spade-shaped. Although, let’s be honest - if you’re close enough to see the specific shape of their teeth, you’re probably a little too close. If you’re still unsure about the difference between the two, the odds could be in your favor - there are 33 species of dolphin and only six species of porpoise.
In short, if you come across a sleek, large cetacean with a defined beak and a hooked dorsal fin, you’re likely looking at a dolphin. On the other hand, if you’re looking at a smaller, chunky animal with a round face and triangular dorsal fin, you’ve probably found a porpoise.
1. critters:在文中指动物,是 “creatures” 的非正式、口语化表达,更具亲和力,常用来指各种生物,这里指海豚和鼠海豚。
2. order:生物学分类中的 “目”,是生物分类法中的一个层级。
3. toothed whales:齿鲸,是鲸类的一个类别,这类鲸鱼具有牙齿,用于捕捉猎物,区别于须鲸(它们通过鲸须过滤食物),海豚和鼠海豚都属于齿鲸。
4. take a peek at:是一个非正式的表达,意为 “看一眼,瞥一眼”,文中指观察海豚或鼠海豚的鳍来区分它们。
5. sleeker:sleek 的比较级,意为更光滑的、线条更流畅的,用于描述海豚比鼠海豚身体形状更符合流体动力学,在水中游动阻力更小。
6. chunky:形容鼠海豚体型矮胖、厚实,相较于海豚的修长体型,鼠海豚显得更短小粗壮。
7. odds:几率、可能性,文中指由于海豚种类(33 种)比鼠海豚种类(6 种)多,所以区分两者时,遇到海豚的可能性更大。
8. tell... apart:意为 “区分;辨别” 。
9. at first glance:乍一看;初看之下。
10. in common:共同的;共有的” ,常与have搭配使用,如:They have much in common in character. (他们在性格上有很多相同之处。)
11. classified as:被归类为。
12. get a good look at:好好看一看;仔细观察。
13. take a peek at:偷看;瞥一眼。
14. come across:偶然遇见;偶然发现。
【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)
【Illustration】From Bing