A Different Day Today
当夜色苍茫 我在边疆站岗
When night veils the land,
on the border I stand,
目光所至 都是我的故乡
Wherever I gaze,
lies my homeland's embrace.
炊烟袅袅 诉说亲人的盼望
Hearth smoke whispers
tales of loved ones' yearning,
灯火灿烂 是我不变的信仰
City lights blaze bright,
my faith forever burning.
当清晨哨响 我又扛起钢枪
At dawn's bugle call,
I lift my rifle tall,
使命在肩 从未放下行囊
Duty weighs my spine,
yet I hold the line.
万家团圆 我把思念收藏
While families reunite,
I shelter memories tight,
祖国需要 我会奔向远方
When the nation commands,
I march to distant lands.
今天不一样 春联写下新的希望
Today is different,
the Spring couplets bring new hope,
今天也一样 界碑就在我的身旁
Yet still the same—
frontier stones mark where I stand true.
看烟花璀璨 多少笑脸在绽放
Fireworks ignite,
countless smiles take flight,
看繁华背后 多少肩膀在担当
Behind the splendor,
countless shoulders bear the fight.
当清晨哨响 我又扛起钢枪
At dawn's bugle call, I lift my rifle tall,
使命在肩 从未放下行囊
Duty weighs my spine, yet I hold the line.
万家团圆 我把思念收藏
While families reunite,
I shelter memories tight,
祖国需要 我会奔向远方
When the nation commands,
I march to distant lands.
今天不一样 春联写下新的希望
Today is different—
Spring scrolls script hopes anew,
今天也一样 界碑就在我的身旁
Yet still the same—
frontier stones mark where I stand true.
看烟花璀璨 多少笑脸在绽放
Fireworks ignite,
countless smiles take flight,
看繁华背后 多少肩膀在担当
Behind the splendor,
countless shoulders bear the fight.
今天不一样 晨曦照亮新的方向
Today is different—
dawn lights paths untraced,
今天也一样 誓言铭刻我的胸膛
Yet still the same—
oaths are carved upon my chest.
看蔚蓝天空 雄鹰只为胜利翱翔
Azure skies unfold,
eagles soar for victory's hold,
看万里边关 战士只为和平守望
Frontiers stretch afar,
soldiers guard where peace is bold.
今天不一样 今天也一样
Today is different, today is the same.
作词 | 郑云天 肖昌炳
作曲 | 宋旸欣 张 波
演唱 | 张鲁沙
视频 | 宋旸欣 张 越
翻译 | 欧阳嘉鸿 郑云天
文字 | 宋旸欣 郑云天
编辑 | 陈思