摘要:终身学习智能体会议 (Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents,CoLLAs) 是AI、机器学习等相关领域研究人员的年度学术会议,旨在交流如何推进机器学习,使AI系统能够在其使用期间不断学习,知识积累渐进上升、推断与识别能力
1 会议简介
终身学习智能体会议 (Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents,CoLLAs) 是AI、机器学习等相关领域研究人员的年度学术会议,旨在交流如何推进机器学习,使AI系统能够在其使用期间不断学习,知识积累渐进上升、推断与识别能力逐渐加强,并在复杂的非平稳环境中表现良好。CoLLAs由Mila, Google DeepMind,Google Brain,蒙特利尔大学,宾大,阿尔伯塔大学等机构研究人员组织发起。首届会议CoLLAs 2022于2022年8月22日至24日在加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学举行。
CoLLAs 的Advisory Board由多位来自世界各国的著名AI、机器学习专家学者组成:
Abhinav Gupta - Carnegie Mellon University
Chelsea Finn - Stanford University
Claudia Clopath - Imperial College London
Hugo Larochelle - Google Brain
Joelle Pineau - McGill University and FAIR
Jürgen Schmidhuber - KAUST, Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, USI, AIRI, and NNAISENSE
Konrad Kording - University of Pennsylvania
Kyunghyun Cho - New York University
Leslie Kaelbling - MIT
Marc Aurelio Ranzato - DeepMind
Michael Littman - Brown University
Peter Stone - University of Texas at Austin
Pieter Abbeel - University of California Berkeley
Raia Hadsell - DeepMind
Sepp Hochreiter - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Yee Whye Teh - University of Oxford and DeepMind
Yoshua Bengio - University of Montreal
2 会议组织
CoLLAs 2025是第四届会议,计划于2025年在美国费城的宾夕法尼亚大学举行。会议主席 General Chairs由Mila的Sarath Chandar 和Google DeepMind的Razvan Pascanu组成。Program Chairs 由Eric Eaton (University of Pennsylvania), Bing Liu (University of Illinois Chicago), Rupam Mahmood (University of Alberta), 以及Amal Rannen-Triki (Google DeepMind)组成。
此外,还有以下来自多位学术界和工业界的Associate Program Chairs:
3 会议主题以及征稿范围
4 重要日期
Abstract deadline: Feb 21, 2025
Submission deadline: Feb 26, 2025
Review released: Apr 7, 2025
Author rebuttals due: Apr 15, 2025
Notifications of decision: May 12, 2025
Resubmissions deadline: Jun 12, 2025
Decision of resubmissions: Jun 23, 2025
The Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs) is an annual gathering of researchers to exchange ideas on advancing machine learning toward systems that can continually learn throughout their lifetime, become increasingly knowledgeable and capable, and perform well in complex non-stationary environments.
Traditional machine learning has largely relied on the assumption that data samples are i.i.d., which emphasizes optimizing test performance within a single task. While this approach has been highly influential, it limits further progress. One of the defining traits of human intelligence is the ability to learn continually and adaptively. In recent years, attention has shifted to alternative paradigms that embrace continual learning under non-i.i.d. and non-stationary settings and move away from a single fixed objective.
We invite submissions to the 4th edition of CoLLAs that describe new theories, methodologies, applications, or insights into existing algorithms and benchmarks for learning in non-i.i.d. and non-stationary settings. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR). Topics of submission may include but are not limited to:
Theory for continual/lifelong learning
Continual learning paradigms(class-incremental, task incremental, domain incremental, curriculum learning, active learning, federated learning, online learning, meta-learning, few-shot learning, and other non-stationary learning paradigms)
Challenges with non-stationary learning(loss of plasticity, catastrophic forgetting, policy collapse, unlearning, OOD generalization, distribution shift, etc.)
Continual reinforcement learning(options, skill discovery, hierarchical RL, intrinsically motivated learning, multi-agent RL)
Continual learning in LLMs(in-context learning, pre-training, model editing, fine-tuning, adaptation)
Knowledge transfer(transfer learning, multi-task learning, domain adaptation, sim2real, meta-learning)
Non-stationary optimization
Streaming learning, on-device, real-time learning
Open-world learning, open-ended learning
Neuroscience-inspiredcontinual/lifelong learning
Applications(control, robotics, healthcare, etc.)
Datasets, benchmarks, evaluation, software libraries
We are particularly interested in submissions that explore connections between continual learning and other areas, including neuroscience, robotics, and education.
Submitted papers will be evaluated based on their novelty, technical quality, and potential impact. Experimental methods and results are expected to be reproducible, and authors are strongly encouraged to make code and data available. We also encourage submissions of proof-of-concept research that puts forward novel ideas and demonstrates potential, as well as in-depth analysis of existing methods and concepts.
CoLLAs 2025 will be held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA.
For any questions about the conference, you can contact us at contact@lifelong-ml.cc.
Dates and Deadlines (Anywhere on Earth)