英文里也有个关于宠物的类似说法:in a pet,形容生气恼怒的样子。
1854年,美国英语开始有了 teacher's pet 的说法,指老师最喜爱的学生,但属贬义词。
今天要说的 petulant/'petʃələnt/ 的词义大概就是受了 pet 的影响。
She was moody and petulant.
I have no wish to put myself in the same Category:irrational, petulant.
- Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood
cross /krɒs/:生气的 (中学)
sour /saʊə/:闷闷不乐的 (中学)
irritable /'ɪrɪtəbl/:易怒的 (6级)
sulky /'sʌlkɪ/:生闷气的 (GRE)
sullen /'sʌlən/ = sulky (GRE)
perverse /pər'vɜːrs/:任性的 (GRE)
fretful /'fretfl/:烦躁的 (GRE)
waspish /'wɒspɪʃ/:暴躁的 (GRE)
querulous /'kwerələs/:满腹牢骚的 (GRE)
peevish /'pi:vɪʃ/:爱发牢骚的 (GRE)
snappish /'snæpɪʃ/:没好气的 (GRE)
pettish /'petɪʃ/:闹情绪的 (GRE)
fractious /'frækʃəs/:易怒的 (GRE)
testy /'testɪ/:暴躁的 (GRE)
crusty /'krʌstɪ/:易怒的 (俚语)
grumpy /'grʌmpɪ/:暴躁的 (俚语)
ratty /'rætɪ/:暴躁的 (俚语)
huffy /'hʌfɪ/:发怒的 (俚语)
cranky /'krænkɪ/:脾气怪的 (俚语)
△out of sheer petulance: 仅仅因为不爽 - 截屏自The Green Mile (《绿里奇迹》1999年)
She threw at me a very naughty look, so naughty that I would not kiss her good-night at first. I covered her up, and shut her door, in great displeasure; but, repenting, halfway, I returned softly, and lo! there was Miss standing at the table with a bit of blank paper before her and a pencil in her hand, which she guiltily slipped out of sight, on my entrance.
"You'll get nobody to take that, Catherine," I said," If you write it, and at present I shall put out your candle."
I set the extinguisher on the flame, receiving as I did so a slap on my hand, and a petulant "Cross thing!" I then quitted her again, and she drew the bolt in one of her most worst, most peevish humor.
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
我将熄灯器往火苗上一罩,手上就挨了一巴掌,听到小姐气嘟嘟地骂了句"讨厌的家伙!" 然后我又走了,她气急败坏地把门闩上。
- 艾米丽·勃朗特《呼啸山庄》