【#一目瞭然# 特辑:世界发展的中国方案】人工智能正在重塑农业以及各个行业的方向;绿色转型兼顾了环境目标;新时代的外交政策坚持合作共赢,体现了大国担当;安全、稳定、开放、包容的环境促进高质量发展。中国实践正在为推动人类进步、建设更美好的世界提供案例和机遇。本周《一目瞭然》特辑,为您带来世界发展的中国方案。#2025全国两会##看中国# While AI is revolutionizing China's agriculture and industrial sectors, the green transition remains a key driver of environmental goals. China's foreign policy in the new era is focused on win-win cooperation, honoring international obligations, and fulfilling global responsibilities. A secure, stable, open, and inclusive environment fosters high-quality development. Through its unique development path, China is creating new opportunities to advance human progress and build a better world. In this Editor's Pick special edition, we explore China's innovative solutions to global development challenges.