
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-10 05:21 2

摘要:A new Chinese artificial intelligence agent, Manus, has rapidly captured the attention of the AI community with its ability to han



1. Which of the following tasks is mentioned as one of Manus' capabilities?

A. Automatically generating social media content.

B. Creating a custom website through a step-by-step process.

C. Producing high-resolution images from scratch.

D. Hosting real-time video conferences.

2. How does the article position Manus in the competitive landscape of AI?

A. By emphasizing its superior technical benchmarks compared to established models like DeepSeek and OpenAI's systems.

B. By describing its low cost as the sole competitive advantage over American models.

C. By focusing on its limited information and invite-only availability as a drawback.

D. By comparing its development team with those of traditional tech giants.


What is Manus? China's World-First Fully Autonomous AI Agent Explained

From: Newsweek

A new Chinese artificial intelligence agent, Manus, has rapidly captured the attention of the AI community with its ability to handle complex, real-world tasks.

Developed by a low-profile team and backed by Chinese investors and developers, Manus is currently available as an invitation-only web preview. A demonstration video on its website,, showcases its ability to create a custom website through a step-by-step process.

Why It Matters

China has been at the helm of several AI breakthroughs in 2025. The launch of DeepSeek in January, described as a "Sputnik moment" for U.S. AI development, showed that China was able to produce functional Large Language Models (LLMs) for a fraction of the cost of American industry leaders, and Manus shows that this kind of progress can be repeated.

What To Know

Manus' website says it is focused on real-world complex tasks, giving the examples of devising an itinerary for a trip to Japan, providing an in-depth analysis of Tesla's stock, creating interactive courses for middle-school teachers, comparing different insurance policies, and assisting in business-to-business supplier sourcing.

Manus also claims to outperform OpenAI's Deep Research based on the GAIA benchmark, a third-party measure of general AI assistants.

Despite limited information about its corporate structure, team, and underlying models, Manus has generated significant interest. The demonstration video, published on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday, garnered over 200,000 views by Thursday.

This surge in popularity mirrors the buzz following the launch of DeepSeek's R1 reasoning model in January. General-purpose AI agents, capable of interacting with their environment, collecting data, and autonomously handling tasks to achieve predetermined goals, are widely regarded as the future of AI applications.

According to the demo, Manus can autonomously browse websites, leverage various capabilities, and display its workflow in real time. The developers describe it as "a general AI agent that bridges minds and actions: it doesn't just think, it delivers results."

The demo video is hosted by Ji Yichao, a 33-year-old Chinese entrepreneur and tech enthusiast known for creating the mobile browser Mammoth and founding Peak Labs in the U.S.

In the demonstration, presenter Ji Yichao said: "This isn't just another chatbot or workflow. It's a truly autonomous agent that bridges that gap between conception and execution. While other AIs stop at generating ideas, Manus delivers results."

What Happens Next

Manus is continuing to operate on an invite-only system for the time being, though it is expected to switch to free use at some point in the future.

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What is Manus? China's World-First Fully Autonomous AI Agent Explained

From: Newsweek

A new Chinese artificial intelligence agent, Manus, has rapidly captured the attention of the AI community with its ability to handle complex, real-world tasks.



agent /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/ 1)表示“代理人;代理商”,英文解释为“a person who acts for or represents another”举个🌰:Please contact our agent in Spain for further information. 如需更多信息,请联系本公司在西班牙的代理。

2)表示“(演员、艺术家、作家等的)经纪人,代理人”,英文解释为“a person who represents an actor, artist, or writer”

3)表示“原动力,动因;作用剂”,英文解释为“a person or thing that produces a particular effect or change”如:a powerful cleaning agent 高效清洁剂,a raising agent for cakes 蛋糕发酵剂,a clotting agent 凝结剂。


Developed by a low-profile team and backed by Chinese investors and developers, Manus is currently available as an invitation-only web preview. A demonstration video on its website,, showcases its ability to create a custom website through a step-by-step process.



profile /ˈprəʊ.faɪl/ 一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.”举个🌰:A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives. 一份报纸刊登了候选人妻子们的对比简介。

2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.” 常用:a high profile 惹人注目/关注;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。

📍如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。

作动词,1)表示“扼要介绍;概述;写简介”,英文解释为“to give or write a description of sb/sth that gives the most important information”举个🌰:His career is profiled in this month's journal.这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。

2)表示“给……画侧画像;显出……侧面轮廓”,英文解释为“represent in outline from one side”


demonstration /ˌdem.ənˈstreɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“演示,示范”,英文解释为“the act of showing someone how to do something, or how something works”举个🌰:This disaster is a clear demonstration of the need for tighter controls. 这场灾难清楚表明需要进一步加强控制。

2)表示“表示;表达;表现;表明;表露;展现”,英文解释为“a way of expressing a feeling or a quality”举个🌰:Huge crowds followed the funeral procession in a public demonstration of grief. 大批群众跟在葬礼队伍的后面,公开表达他们的悲痛。

Why It Matters 突破的意义

China has been at the helm of several AI breakthroughs in 2025. The launch of DeepSeek in January, described as a "Sputnik moment" for U.S. AI development, showed that China was able to produce functional Large Language Models (LLMs) for a fraction of the cost of American industry leaders, and Manus shows that this kind of progress can be repeated.


at the helm of sth

at the helm 表示“领导位置;掌管,负责”,英文解释为“You can say that someone is at the helm when they are leading or running a country or organization.”举个🌰:After more than a decade at the helm of the university, he today announced his retirement. 在掌管大学10多年后,他于今天宣布退休。

📍helm /hɛlm/ 原意表示“舵柄;舵轮”,英文解释为“the handle or wheel which controls the direction in which a ship or boat travels”

📍 take the helm短语可以表示“开始负责,开始掌管;担任领导”(to start to officially control an organization or company)

Sputnik moment

Sputnik moment(斯普特尼克时刻)指的是某个国家或组织在技术或科学领域取得突破性进展,促使竞争对手加快创新步伐,以免落后。源自1957年苏联成功发射世界上第一颗人造卫星“斯普特尼克1号”,当时震惊了美国,促使其大力投资航天和科技研究,最终推动了阿波罗登月计划。


fraction /ˈfræk.ʃən/ 表示“少量”,英文解释为“A fraction of something is a tiny amount or proportion of it.”举个🌰:She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding. 她犹豫了一下才回应。

At a fraction of sth意味着以某物的极低价格或者比其他事物小得多的尺寸、数量等。换句话说,就是以远低于原价的价格,或者比其他事物占用更少的资源或空间。(for a much lower price than something else, or in a much smaller size, amount, etc. than something else)

What To Know 核心功能

Manus' website says it is focused on real-world complex tasks, giving the examples of devising an itinerary for a trip to Japan, providing an in-depth analysis of Tesla's stock, creating interactive courses for middle-school teachers, comparing different insurance policies, and assisting in business-to-business supplier sourcing.



devise表示“想出,设计,发明(新的方法)”,英文解释为“to plan or invent a new way of doing something”举个🌰:She devised a method for quicker communications between offices. 她想出一种加快办公室之间通信联络的方法。


📍revise 1)表示“改变;修正,修改”,英文解释为“to change something because of new information or ideas”如:revise the article/revise the plan;

2)表示“(考试)温习,复习”,英文解释为“to study facts again, in order to learn them before an examination”,举个🌰:Revising for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course. 考前复习给你一个把课程各独立部分融会贯通的机会。


itinerary /aɪˈtɪn.ər.ər.i/表示“旅行计划,预定行程”,英文解释为“a detailed plan or route of a journey”举个🌰:The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary. 旅行社工作人员将负责安排交通和旅程计划。

Manus also claims to outperform OpenAI's Deep Research based on the GAIA benchmark, a third-party measure of general AI assistants.

Manus还声称,根据GAIA基准测试(第三方衡量通用人工智能助手的标准),其表现优于OpenAI的Deep Research。


outperform /ˌaʊt.pəˈfɔːm/ 表示“超过,胜过;比…做得好”,英文解释为“to do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type”举个🌰:The company has consistently outperformed its rivals this season. 这一季,这家公司的表现一直优于竞争对手。


benchmark /ˈbentʃ.mɑːk/ 表示“基准(点)”,英文解释为“a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things”举个🌰:Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world. 她的精彩表演为全世界歌手树立了新典范。

Despite limited information about its corporate structure, team, and underlying models, Manus has generated significant interest. The demonstration video, published on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday, garnered over 200,000 views by Thursday.



1)表示“暗含的;深层的;潜在的”,英文解释为“real but not immediately obvious”举个🌰:And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts? 这些看似偶然的行为,其暗含的意义可能是什么呢?

2)表示“以…为基础的”,英文解释为“used to describe something on which something else is based”举个🌰:The price of the investment fell below the value of the underlying assets. 这一投资项目的价格已经跌至低于标的资产价值。


garner /ˈɡɑːnə/ 表示“获得;收集”,英文解释为“If someone has garnered something useful or valuable, they have gained it or collected it.”举个🌰:He has garnered extensive support for his proposals. 他为他的提议赢得了广泛的支持。

📍这个词来自古法语的"gernier",表示"谷仓",象征"收集"。近义词:collect(收集),acquire(获得);常用短语:garner support(获得支持),garner attention(引起关注)

🎬电影《斯隆女士》(Miss Sloane)中的台词提到:But I'll tell you, the reputation you have garnered for yourself, we were just looking for an excuse to engage you. 但实话讲你蜚声于世 我们想找到能打动你的理由。

This surge in popularity mirrors the buzz following the launch of DeepSeek's R1 reasoning model in January. General-purpose AI agents, capable of interacting with their environment, collecting data, and autonomously handling tasks to achieve predetermined goals, are widely regarded as the future of AI applications.

此番热度与年初DeepSeek R1推理模型发布时的盛况相仿。通用AI智能体能够与环境交互、收集数据并自主处理任务以实现预定目标,被广泛视为人工智能应用的未来。


surge /sɜːdʒ/ 1)作动词,表示“急剧上升;飞涨;剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.”举个🌰:The company's profits have surged. 公司的利润激增。

2)表示“涌动,蜂拥向前”,英文解释为“to move quickly and powerfully”举个🌰:An angry crowd surged through the gates of the president's palace. 愤怒的人群涌进了总统府的大门。

3)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash. 突然出现的电压剧增导致电脑死机。

🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。


作动词,1)表示“反映”,英文解释为“to represent something honestly”举个🌰:The book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences. 这本书不可避免地反映出了我自己的兴趣和经历。

2)表示“与…很相似”,英文解释为“to be very similar to something”举个🌰:Her on-screen romances seem to mirror her experiences in her private life. 她在银幕上的浪漫故事似乎与她的私人经历很相似。


buzz /bʌz/ 的本义是指“嗡嗡声,蜂鸣声”(a continuous noise like the sound of a bee),还有“闹哄哄;喧闹”(a lot of activity, noise, and excitement)、“兴奋之感,喜悦心情”(a strong feeling of excitement, pleasure, or success, or a similar feeling from drinking alcohol or taking drugs)的含义。

此处buzz,韦氏词典(Merriam-Webster)给出的英文解释为:“speculative or excited talk or attention relating especially to a new or forthcoming product or event”或者是“an instance of such talk or attention”,(引起)关注/热议等,如:their first song created a huge buzz 他们的第一首引起热烈反响,create a buzz 制造话题,造势,炒作,制造噱头。

📍此外,比较常见的一个词buzzword,表示“流行语,热词,时髦用语,流行术语”(a word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is very important)


reasoning /ˈriː.zən.ɪŋ/ 表示“推理;推断;推论”,英文解释为“the process of thinking about something in order to make a decision”举个🌰:The reasoning behind her conclusion is impossible to fault. 她得出结论的推理过程无懈可击。


副词autonomously,形容词 autonomous /ɔːˈtɒn.ə.məs/ 表示“自主的,有自主权的”,英文解释为“independent and having the power to make your own decisions”


predetermined /ˌpriː.dɪˈtɜː.mɪnd/ 表示“预先决定的,预先确定的;事先安排的”,英文解释为“decided or arranged at an earlier time”举个🌰:At a predetermined time, we'll all shout "Happy birthday!" 在预先讲好的一刻,我们会齐声喊“生日快乐!”

According to the demo, Manus can autonomously browse websites, leverage various capabilities, and display its workflow in real time. The developers describe it as "a general AI agent that bridges minds and actions: it doesn't just think, it delivers results."



browse /braʊz/ 表示“浏览;随意看”,英文解释为“to look through a book or magazine without reading everything, or to walk around a shop looking at several things without intending to buy any of them”举个🌰:I was browsing through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle. 我在浏览时尚杂志,想找一种新发型。

也可以指“浏览(互联网);在网上浏览(信息)”,英文解释为“to look at information on the internet”如:to browse the Web 浏览万维网。


leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ 作动词,表示“利用”,英文解释为“to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better”,举个🌰:We can gain a market advantage by leveraging our partners. 我们可以利用我们的合作伙伴来获得市场优势。


📍leverage作动词还有“举债经营”的含义,英文解释为“to use borrowed money to buy an investment or company”举个🌰:They can leverage a very small investment into millions of dollars. 他们可以把很小的一笔投资变成数百万美元。


作名词,表示“影响力”,英文解释为“Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens.”举个🌰:His position gives him leverage to get things done. 他的身份使他有能力办成一些事情。

The demo video is hosted by Ji Yichao, a 33-year-old Chinese entrepreneur and tech enthusiast known for creating the mobile browser Mammoth and founding Peak Labs in the U.S.

演示视频由季逸超(Peak)主讲,他是一位33岁的中国创业者和技术爱好者,因开发移动浏览器Mammoth并在美国创立Peak Labs而闻名。


entrepreneur /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr/ 表示“(尤指涉及风险的)企业家,创业者”,英文解释为“someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity”举个🌰:He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property. 他是80年代靠做房地产生意赚钱起家的企业家之一。

In the demonstration, presenter Ji Yichao said: "This isn't just another chatbot or workflow. It's a truly autonomous agent that bridges that gap between conception and execution. While other AIs stop at generating ideas, Manus delivers results."



1)表示“观念;概念;见解;构想”,英文解释为“an idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle”

2)熟词僻义,表示“受孕,怀孕”,英文解释为“the process of a male and a female sex cell joining and causing a baby to start to form”如:at/from the moment of conception 在/从受孕的那一刻。


execution /ˌek.sɪˈkjuː.ʃən/ 1)表示“(尤指有计划的)实行,履行,表演”,英文解释为“the act of doing or performing something, especially in a planned way”举个🌰:Although the original idea was good, its execution has been disappointing. 尽管最初的想法很好,但真正做起来却令人失望。

2)表示“(依法进行的)处决,处死”,英文解释为“the legal punishment of killing someone”

What Happens Next 发展计划

Manus is continuing to operate on an invite-only system for the time being, though it is expected to switch to free use at some point in the future.


- 词汇盘点 -

agent、 profile、 demonstration、 at the helm of sth、 Sputnik moment、 fraction、 devise、 itinerary、 outperform、 benchmark、 underlying、 garner、 surge、 mirror、 buzz、 reasoning、 autonomously、 predetermined、 browse、 leverage、 entrepreneur、 conception、 execution

- 词汇助记 By DeepSeek -

An entrepreneur at the helm of an AI agent devised its conception to outperform industry benchmarks by a fraction. The demonstration garnered a surge in buzz as it autonomously browsed data, leveraging underlying reasoning to mirror human logic and devise dynamic itineraries—a Sputnik moment in AI execution.

