
360影视 2024-11-28 21:57 4

摘要:Francesc Rifé Studio受知名陶瓷品牌NADIS之邀,为其2024年意大利博洛尼亚国际陶瓷卫浴展CERSAIE展厅进行设计,灵感来自于博物馆般的呈现方式,瓷砖的展示就像艺术品一样,同时,也被用来创造为关键的装饰元素,包括展厅里的大型吊灯和洽谈桌




Francesc Rifé Studio受知名陶瓷品牌NADIS之邀,为其2024年意大利博洛尼亚国际陶瓷卫浴展CERSAIE展厅进行设计,灵感来自于博物馆般的呈现方式,瓷砖的展示就像艺术品一样,同时,也被用来创造为关键的装饰元素,包括展厅里的大型吊灯和洽谈桌等等。

Francesc Rif é Studio has been invited by renowned ceramic brand NADIS to design the CERSAIE exhibition hall for its 2024 Bologna International Ceramic Bathroom Exhibition in Italy,inspiration from a museum-like approach. Tiles are displayed as if they were works of art and are also used to create key decorative elements, including the large hanging lamps and the meeting table.


The product display in the entire exhibition hall is restrained and extreme. The shape made of red brick Roberta forms a contrast with the shape of the wall array, breaking the dullness and monotony.


The designer deliberately brightened the lighting to create a soft atmosphere like an art museum, and used local lighting to highlight the product display area.




“我并不是一个墨守成规的人,我能清晰的认识到,设计构成了我生活重要的一部分。我想我们都能在执着的信念指引下实现自己的理想,对我来说,这就是秩序和平衡,它们是可以用来定义我的设计的。” ——Francesc Rifé Studio

"I am not a stickler for rules. I can clearly realize that design forms an important part of my life. I think we can all realize our ideals under the guidance of persistent beliefs. For me, this is order and Balance, they are whatdefine my designs.” - Francesc Rifé Studio.

该项目为知名陶瓷品牌Nadis在Cersaie2023国际瓷砖和浴室家具博览会的展厅,业主委托Francesc Rifé Studio设计。设计师通过具有严格秩序和半透明中心的铰接式立面,Nadis展台提案得以成形,定制的大型灯具成为该项目的基本特征之一。

The project is the exhibition hall of the well-known ceramic brand Nadis at the Cersaie2023 International Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furniture Expo. The owner commissioned Francesc Rif é Studio to design it. The designer formed Nadis' booth proposal through a hinged facade with strict order and a semi transparent center, and customized large lighting fixtures became one of the basic features of the project.

Francesc Rifé Studio运用建筑的表达手法,在有限的室内,创造出空间的延伸感与体块感,借助灯光设计,赋予展厅意境与独特性。

Francesc Rif é Studio uses architectural expression techniques to create a sense of extension and volume in a limited interior space. With the help of lighting design, the exhibition hall is endowed with artistic conception and deep meaning.

