摘要:Today, the editor will interpret and share "Evaluation of digital maturity of supply chain in automotive manufacturing enterprises
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1 内容摘要(Content summary)
Today, the editor will interpret and share "Evaluation of digital maturity of supply chain in automotive manufacturing enterprises" from the three sections of "mind map, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement".
2 思维导图(Mind mapping)
3 精读内容(Intensive reading content)
The literature reviewed in this extensive reading is published in the Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory, which is an article researching the issue of information security sharing among supply chain enterprises. The article takes into account factors such as reputation, sharing spillover effects, sharing efficiency, and information security risks, and analyzes the behavioral patterns of information security sharing among supply chain enterprises based on evolutionary game theory, studying the impact of changes in sharing costs and security risks on decision-making entities.
The Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory is an excellent journal under the administration of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, sponsored by the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, and publicly distributed both domestically and internationally. The journal publishes articles covering fields such as industry, agriculture, environmental protection, military, and education, with the main mission of bridging the communication between mathematics workers and other science and technology workers, and promoting the development of applied mathematics in China.
The author introduces that the information security sharing model among enterprises can improve the efficiency of security technologies and reduce management costs. However, if a company's system is relatively vulnerable and successfully hacked during the sharing process, it may lead to security attacks on cooperating enterprises. The supply chain is a typical scenario for the practice of enterprise information security sharing, hence how to implement information security sharing decisions among supply chain enterprises has become a research hotspot.
Scholars at home and abroad have conducted research on information security sharing issues from an economic perspective, and some have used game theory to explore information security sharing issues, with game theory research gradually becoming mainstream. Many scholars have established game models to investigate such issues. However, the author points out that existing research has rarely studied the impact of a company's reputation level on whether it implements sharing behavior, so the author has conducted research in this area.
In the model construction section, the author first assumes the parameters needed for the model, including the initial revenue of the enterprise, sharing costs, and efforts made. At the same time, based on the research of other scholars, the author introduces the parameter of sharing spillover effects. Compared to previous literature, the author introduces the factor of corporate reputation as the main research object based on previous summaries.
After setting the parameters, the payoff matrix can be constructed according to the different choices of participants, the replication dynamic equation can be calculated, and the equilibrium point of the game can be found to prepare for subsequent model analysis and numerical simulation.
4 知识补充(Knowledge supplement)
What is information sharing?
Information sharing refers to the exchange and sharing of information and information products among information systems at different levels and departments. It is the sharing of information, a resource that is becoming increasingly important in the internet era, with others to achieve more rational resource allocation, save social costs, and create more wealth. It is an important means to improve the utilization rate of information resources and avoid redundant waste in information collection, storage, and management.
The basis of information sharing is the standardization and normalization of information, guaranteed by laws or decrees. The efficiency of information sharing depends on the development of information system technology and the improvement of transmission technology, and must be strictly achieved under the conditions of information security and confidentiality.
That's all for today's sharing.
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翻译:ChatGPT 4
参考文献:赵柳榕, 杨广文, 邹文轩, 等. 考虑声誉的供应链企业间信息安全共享演化博弈研究 [J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2020, 50(16): 285-291.