摘要:"Honey! You stay in the car, I'll be back in a few minutes." She said to Nicole without a slight touch of emotions. She didn't wai
"Honey! You stay in the car, I'll be back in a few minutes." She said to Nicole without a slight touch of emotions. She didn't wait for her answer, stepped out of the car in a mechanical way and started walking towards the bridge.
"亲爱的!你待在车里,我几分钟就回来。" 她对妮可毫无感情地说道。没等对方回应,她便机械式地下了车,开始朝桥的方向走去。
"Honey! / 亲爱的!
You stay / 你 待在
in the car, / 在车里
I'll be back / 我会回来
in a few minutes." / 在几分钟内。"
She said / 她 说
to Nicole / 对妮可
without a slight touch / 不带一丝
of emotions. / 情绪地
She didn't wait / 她 没有等待
for her answer, / 她的回答
stepped out / 走出
of the car / 车外
in a mechanical way / 以一种机械的方式
and started walking / 并开始走
towards the bridge. / 向桥"
通过将长句拆解为7-10个单词的短链(如"stepped out of the car"),既保留英语思维惯性,又降低记忆负荷。此方法尤其适合处理考研英语中高频出现的长难句结构。