展览 Exhibition | “女性肖像Portraits of Womanhood” 我们通过艺术,放大女性叙事

360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-10 19:38 2

摘要:为庆祝国际妇女节,比利时大使馆将于3月11日至3月14日(每天14:00至16:00)在钱秀玲厅举办“女性肖像”展览。这次对公众开放的活动将展出江子艺、朱雨心、刘雨晴和Aaron Berkovich四位艺术家的作品,他们通过不同的艺术形式探索、放大了女性的不同

为庆祝国际妇女节,比利时大使馆将于3月11日至3月14日(每天14:00至16:00)在钱秀玲厅举办“女性肖像”展览。这次对公众开放的活动将展出江子艺、朱雨心、刘雨晴和Aaron Berkovich四位艺术家的作品,他们通过不同的艺术形式探索、放大了女性的不同叙事。与我们一起,通过她们独特的视角,向女性的力量、韧性和美丽致敬。

We are excited to announce "Portraits of Womanhood," an inspiring exhibition held at the Qianxiuling Hall of the Belgian Embassy from March 11 to March 14 (everyday from 14:00 to 16:00), in celebration of International Women's Day. This open-to-the-public event will feature the powerful works of four distinguished artists — Claire Ziyi Jiang, Violet Yuxin Zhu, Tsing Liu, and Aaron Berkovich — who explore and amplify the diverse narratives of women. Join us as we honor the strength, resilience, and beauty of womanhood through their unique perspectives.


The exhibition is free to visit. All visitors have to scan this QR code to sign up. If you have any questions, please send an email to:




11th - 14th of March (on weekdays) 14:00-16:00



Sanlitun Road 6, Chaoyang District, Beijing


About the Artists

江子艺(Claire Ziyi Jiang)是一位摄影师兼艺术从业者,她的创作跨越文化与领域的边界。十余年来,她活跃于艺术与设计行业,并在美国纽约负责运营艺术基金会,以此推动艺术家与厨师驻地计划、自然与环境可持续项目,让创造力在自然与人文的交汇中生长。她致力于关注多元文化与女性叙事,为那些被忽视的故事创造被看见的可能。

她的摄影项目 Soft Intention以细腻而克制的目光,记录来自尼泊尔、日本、马来西亚及中国各地女性的日常瞬间。她用镜头捕捉那些不经意却动人的细节,让柔韧的力量在无声的光影中浮现,以沉静之姿诉说她们的故事。

Claire Ziyi Jiang is a photographer and arts professional whose work bridges cultures and disciplines. With over a decade in the arts and design world, she manages an art foundation in the U.S. that nurtures creativity through artist and chef residencies, as well as natural and agricultural initiatives. Claire is deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices, particularly those of women, and creating spaces for stories that are often overlooked. Her photography project, Soft Intention, captures the quiet strength and subtle charisma of women from various cultures, revealing their lives in intimate and profound ways. Soft Intention explores the lives of women from diverse backgrounds across Nepal, Japan, Malaysia, and throughout China. Through intimate moments captured in these everyday lives, Claire amplifies the voices of women often overlooked, revealing their strength and quiet charisma, which resonate beyond the frame.

朱雨心(Violet Yuxin Zhu)从事艺术创作超过11年,从传统中国画过渡到当代水墨肖像创作。她对女性肖像画的兴趣源于她对女性的观察和思考。在她的“宁静肖像 ”系列中,她将生命力的拥抱置于精湛技艺的积累之上。也许是受到她对中国书法中篆书和隶书精髓的理解的启发,她希望呈现出最本质的一面——非理想化的、具有普遍意义的、没有叙事性的。这些看似简陋的线条体现了宇宙的正能量,而青铜和石头的铜锈则捕捉到了时间和空间凝结的力量。

Violet as an artist for more than 11 years, has transitioned from traditional Chinese painting, to the creation of contemporary ink portraits. Her interest in female portraits is rooted in her observations and contemplations of women. In her series "Serene Portraits," she prioritizes the embrace of vitality over the accumulation of refined techniques. She aims to present the most essential aspects—unidealized, universally significant, and devoid of narrative—perhaps inspired by her understanding of the essence of seal and clerical script in Chinese calligraphy. These seemingly rudimentary lines embody the righteous energy of the cosmos, while the patina of bronze and stone captures the congealed power of time and space.

2001年出生的刘雨晴是一名设计师和创意技术专家,现居纽约。她对数字界面设计和物理计算的交叉有着坚定不移的热情,通过眼球追踪和手势等其他控制方法创造互动体验。她拥有维克森林大学工作室艺术学士学位,目前正在新学院帕森斯设计学院攻读艺术硕士学位。刘雨晴曾在纽约大学Clive Davis画廊、苏荷摄影画廊(Soho Photo Gallery)、雷诺达之家美国艺术博物馆(Reynolda House Museum of American Art)和亚德金文化艺术中心(Yadkin Cultural Arts Center)等地策划和展出作品。

Tsing Liu(b. 2001) is a designer and creative technologist based in New York. She has an unwavering passion for the intersection of digital interface design and physical computing, creating interactive experiences through alternative control methods like eye-tracking and hand gestures. She holds a BA in Studio Art from Wake Forest University and is currently pursuing an MFA at Parsons School of Design, The New School. Liu has curated and exhibited work at venues including New York University’s Clive Davis Gallery, Soho Photo Gallery, Reynolda House Museum of American Art, and Yadkin Cultural Arts Center.





As a woman creative, I am drawn to the quiet intensity of the gaze—how the eyes hold traces of connection. I found myself taking close-up photos of the eye, lost in desire and desolation, longing and loneliness. In those moments, physical closeness became a form of consolation—an intimate exchange where distance dissolved into shared vulnerability and unspoken dialogue.

The process of reinterpreting these eyes through deconstruction, reassembly, and manipulation became a way to reflect on my connection with each subject. Drawing from the kaleidoscopic array of colors and patterns inherent in the iris, each unique to an individual, I constructed surreal landscapes using the familiar elements. Eyelashes become fantastical flora, while the iris transforms into intricate treeline. Through these reimagined portraits, I invite contemplation on the ways we see and are seen, both by ourselves and by those we hold close.

——Tsing Liu

Aaron Berkovich

自2011年来到中国在北京大学学习中文以来,Aaron Berkovich一直致力于艺术创作和国际交流。Aaron曾与国际总统和政治代表团、跨国公司、小型企业和非营利组织合作,为讲故事和视觉叙事提供支持。

Since coming to China in 2011, to study Chinese at Peking University, Aaron has been committed to artistic creation and international communication. Aaron has worked with international presidential and political delegations, multinational and small businesses, and non-profits to support storytelling and visual narratives.

Thanks to the convenience of modernization and urbanization, we can easily get anything we want off of a shelf or even delivered straight to our door.
Food, clothes, electronics, and even coffee.
Due to this convenience, we often overlook or even ignore the efforts that go on behind the scenes making this lifestyle possible.This series aims to tear that veil, just a little bit, and show the faces and hands that bring us that magic liquid that keeps life churning. Especially the strong women, who are ethnic minority farmers from Rural Yunnan, who’s expended energy, bring us the gift of energy we enjoy with every cup of coffee.

——Aaron Berkovich

Aaron Berkovich:“得益于现代化和城市化带来的便利,我们可以轻松地从货架上买到任何想要的东西,甚至可以直接送货上门。







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