摘要:I'm so glad you're all back. I'm sure you're well rested and ready to get back to work!" she smiled. The children made faces, but
Mrs. Grady welcomed her class back inside the warm cheerful room. The children settled down at their desks, still chatting about the activities they had enjoyed over the winter break. It took a few minutes for Mrs. Grady to get their full attention. "
I'm so glad you're all back. I'm sure you're well rested and ready to get back to work!" she smiled. The children made faces, but most of them were happy to be back at school with their friends after two weeks off. "Since it's the start of a new year, we'll talk a little bit about something people do this time of year. It's called making resolutions. Does anyone know what that means?" Mrs. Grady asked. The teacher's eyes focused like lasers on the boys still chatting. They immediately stopped and looked down at their fingernails to derstare livia raised her hand. "I know. It's when you decide to do something different for the new year."
Olivia always seemed to have the answers. Mrs. Grady nodded. "Yes,that's close. It doesn't have to be at the beginning of the year, but a resolution is a decision to make some kind of change and stick to it."
Several hands shot up in the air. Suggestions such as eating more vegetables, eating less candy, and drinking lots of water were offered. Mrs. Grady agreed they were good choices to make for a healthy resolution. "But the resolution we make is a bigger idea. And now, I would like all of you to take a few minutes to think about what kind of resolution you could make this year, and a few ways you would be able to achieve it. "the teacher suggested.
Olivia thought about it.
Olivia took out her workbook and started writing.
Olivia thought about it.
Olivia thought about it. Her mind drifted back to the stray kitten she'd found shivering under her porch last month, and how she'd secretly been saving her allowance to buy cat food ever since. She remembered Mrs. Grady's lesson about community helpers before winter break, and how the animal shelter volunteer had said they always needed more hands. A warm determination began to grow in her chest as she twirled her pencil, imagining scared animals waiting for someone to care.
Olivia took out her workbook and started writing.
Olivia took out her workbook and started writing. "My resolution is to help 50 animals find homes this year," she printed carefully. Underneath, she listed ideas: 1. Organize a blanket drive for the shelter. 2. Make adoption flyers with my art supplies. 3. Ask Dad to film me playing with shelter pets for social media. 4. Volunteer every Saturday morning. Her handwriting grew messier as excitement bubbled up, dark pencil smudges appearing where she pressed too hard. When Mrs. Grady paused by her desk, Olivia shyly covered her page, but the teacher's approving nod made her sit straighter. Tomorrow, she decided, she'd bring her piggy bank to class and ask friends to donate old towels instead of birthday presents.