
360影视 国产动漫 2025-03-11 20:51 3

摘要:2025全国两会已经落下帷幕。提到#两会#,你第一时间会想到什么?今年两会你最关注的话题是哪个?你知道人民大会堂是什么时候建成的吗?CGTN记者朱珠和外籍主持人林肯在大会堂门口聊聊天,分享报道感受。戳视频,加入这场中外记者的思想碰撞!The 2025 Two

#2025全国两会#【洋记者看两会:中外记者对对碰】2025全国两会已经落下帷幕。提到#两会#,你第一时间会想到什么?今年两会你最关注的话题是哪个?你知道人民大会堂是什么时候建成的吗?CGTN记者朱珠和外籍主持人林肯在大会堂门口聊聊天,分享报道感受。戳视频,加入这场中外记者的思想碰撞!The 2025 Two Sessions officially wrapped up today! What comes to mind when you hear "Two Sessions"? What caught your eye this year? And do you know when the Great Hall of the People was built? Catch CGTN reporters Zhu Zhu and Lincoln Humphries sharing their learnings and insights from this year's Two Sessions. Isn't it always interesting to hear the exchange of ideas between Chinese and foreign journalists? Join the conversation and dive into the discussion!

