
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-12 11:00 2

摘要:有理均值、均值的弱结合性、关于均值类型和t-(范数、余范数)映射的不变性及其应用Rational means, weak associativity of means, invariance with respect to mean-type and t-(n

本期对《Fuzzy Sets And Systems》《IEEE TransaCTions on Fuzzy Systems》《Information Sciences》《Marketing Science》四本高影响力期刊进行论文目录整理汇总。

【期刊卷期信息】/【Volume and Issue

一、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》Volume 508, Issue 10, May 2025

二、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》Volume 509, Issue 11, June 2025

三、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》Volume 510, Issue 12, June 2025

四、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》Volume 33, Issue 3, March 2025

五、《Information Sciences》Volume 704, Issue 19, June 2025

六、《Information Sciences》Volume 705, Issue 20, July 2025

七、《Information Sciences》Volume 706, Issue 21, July 2025

八、《Information Sciences》Volume 707, Issue 22, July 2025

九、《Information Sciences》Volume 708, Issue 23, August 2025

十、《Marketing Science》Volume 44, Issue 2, March-April 2025

【期刊论文目录】/【Journal and Content

一、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》Volume 508, Issue 10, May 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/fuzzy-sets-and-systems/vol/508/suppl/C

(1)基于组合干扰观测器的状态约束非线性系统模糊有限时间预设性能控制 Combined disturbance observer-based fuzzy finite-time preassigned performance control for State-constrained nonlinear systems

(2)基于R-理想和2R-理想的MV-代数研究 Study of MV-algebras in view of R-ideals and 2R-ideals

(3)基于Sendograph度量的模糊数空间的拓扑结构 The topological structures of the spaces of fuzzy numbers with the sendograph metric

(4)用于挖掘模糊概念的Aristotle方阵 Aristotle’s square for mining fuzzy concepts

(5)考虑切换控制故障的Takagi-Sugeno模糊遗传振荡器网络均方指数镇定:时空离散化框架 Mean-squared exponential stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy genetic oscillator networks involving switching control failures: A frame of spatio-temporal discretizations

(6)技能评估方法:概念认知学习视角 Skill assessment method: A perspective from concept-cognitive learning

(7)有序加权平均(OFWA)算子的表示及其若干性质 On representation and some properties of OFWA operators

(8)有理均值、均值的弱结合性、关于均值类型和t-(范数、余范数)映射的不变性及其应用 Rational means, weak associativity of means, invariance with respect to mean-type and t-(norm,conorm) mappings and applications

二、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》Volume 509, Issue 11, June 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/fuzzy-sets-and-systems/vol/509/suppl/C

(1)间值函数的离散拉普拉斯变换及其在区间分数阶差分方程中的应用 Discrete Laplace transform for interval-valued functions and its applications to interval fractional difference equations

(2)非紧集中模糊星形数的拓扑性质与结构 Topological properties and structure of fuzzy star-shaped numbers in noncompact sets

(3)基于最大积和最大最小运算的Shepard算子的向量值函数的非线性逼近 Nonlinear approximation of vector-valued functions by Shepard operators based on max-product and max-min operations

(4)利用渐元和渐集对脆函数进行模糊化 Fuzzification of crisp functions using gradual elements and gradual sets

(5)求解一类极大极小模糊关系不等式系统的最宽区间解 Solving on widest-interval solutions with the maximum width for a system of max-min fuzzy relational inequalities

(6)用于分解模糊上下文的定义和关系的独立子语境和概念格块 Independent subcontexts and blocks of concept lattices. Definitions and relationships to decompose fuzzy contexts

三、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》Volume 510, Issue 12, June 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/fuzzy-sets-and-systems/vol/510/suppl/C

(1)标记模糊反应图 Labeled Fuzzy Reactive Graphs

(2)如何可跟踪地计算可能部分有序DL-Lite本体的生产性修复? How to tractably compute a productive repair for possibilistic partially ordered DL-Lite ontologies?

四、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》Volume 33, Issue 3, March 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=10908446&punumber=91

(1)探索模糊集在半机械人增强中的潜力:全面综述 Exploring the Potential of Fuzzy Sets in Cyborg Enhancement: A Comprehensive Review

(2)用于路径跟踪变线速度差速转向车辆的分层规则库约简模糊控制 Hierarchical Rule-Base Reduction Fuzzy Control for Path Tracking Variable Linear Speed Differential Steer Vehicles

(3)含时滞和不确定性的离散时间分数阶T-S模糊复值神经网络的完全同步 Complete Synchronization of Discrete-Time Fractional-Order T-S Fuzzy Complex-Valued Neural Networks With Time Delays and Uncertainties

(4)网络攻击下具有切换通信信道的离散时间T-S模糊网络化控制系统的有限时间弹性滤波 Finite-Time Resilient Filtering for Discrete-Time T–S Fuzzy Networked Control Systems With Switching Communication Channels Under Cyber Attacks

(5)FDI攻击下基于单调管边界函数的非线性多智能体系统自适应模糊一致性跟踪:单参数积分方法 Adaptive Fuzzy Consensus Tracking Using Monotone Tube Boundary Functions for Nonlinear MASs Under FDI Attacks: A Single-Parameter Integration Approach

(6)SDHGCN:一种结合阴影集的异质图卷积神经网络SDHGCN: A Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Neural Network Combined With Shadowed Set

(7)基于间歇控制的T-S模糊复杂网络实用固定时间同步 Intermittent Control-Based Practical Fixed-Time Synchronization of T–S Fuzzy Complex Networks

(8)基于递归估计器的含状态饱和和测量缺失的离散时间不确定系统模糊自适应控制 Recursive Estimator-Based Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Discrete-Time Uncertain Systems With State Saturations and Missing Measurements

(9)基于合作博弈的带有分布式语言偏好关系的群体决策一致性调整机制 Cooperative Game-Based Consensus Adjustment Mechanism With Distribution Linguistic Preference Relations for Group Decision Makingions and Missing Measurements

(10)基于多线性趋势模糊信息粒的交通时间序列多变量长期预测 Multivariate Long-Term Forecasting Using Multilinear Trend Fuzzy Information Granules for Traffic Time Series

(11)基于加幂积分技术的随机非线性约束多智能体系统自适应模糊非奇异固定时间二分一致性跟踪 Adaptive Fuzzy Nonsingular Fixed-Time Bipartite Consensus Tracking Using Adding Power Integration Technique for Stochastic Nonlinear Constrained MASs

(12)基于模糊蕴含粒度信息的特定标签多标签特征选择 Label-Specific Multilabel Feature Selection Based on Fuzzy Implication Granularity Information

(13)具有渐近误差的航天器姿态跟踪预设时间模糊自适应控制 Predefined-Time Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Spacecraft Pose Tracking With Asymptotic Error

(14)基于多尺度信息粒的两阶段预测机制时间序列预测模型 Multiscale Information Granule-Based Time Series Forecasting Model With Two-Stage Prediction Mechanism

(15)具有有限时间预选品质的避免抖振离散时间模糊控制 Chattering-Avoidance Discrete-Time Fuzzy Control With Finite-Time Preselected Qualities

(16)基于改进多线性趋势模糊信息粒的卷积神经网络时间序列预测 Time Series Forecasting Based on Improved Multilinear Trend Fuzzy Information Granules for Convolutional Neural Networks

(17)具有介质访问约束和虚假数据注入攻击的区间二型模糊马尔可夫跳跃系统的故障检测 Fault Detection for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Markov Jump Systems With Medium Access Constraints and False Data Injection Attacks

(18)将复杂知识提炼为可解释的T-S模糊系统 Distilling Complex Knowledge Into Explainable T-S Fuzzy Systems

(19)模糊多层符号网络的脉冲固定时间二分同步 Impulsive Fixed-Time Bipartite Synchronization of Fuzzy Multilayer Signed Networks

(20)具有多个随机传输间隔、数据包丢失和FDI攻击的网络化非线性系统的模糊镇定 Fuzzy Stabilization of Networked Nonlinear Systems With Multiple Stochastic Transmission Intervals, Packet Losses, and FDI Attacks

(21)基于模糊社交网络和前景-后悔理论的具有异质偏好结构的多尺度群体共识 Multiscale Group Consensus With Heterogeneous Preference Structures Based on Fuzzy Social Networks and Prospect-Regret Theory

(22)加法-最小-乘积合成的模糊关系不等式系统的字典序最小解 Lexicographic Minimum Solution to the System of Fuzzy Relation Inequalities With Addition-Min-Product Composition

(23)采用模糊集度量不确定性的散热器供暖建筑非线性动态模型 Nonlinear Dynamic Models With Uncertainties Measured by Fuzzy Sets for Radiator-Heated Buildings

五、《Information Sciences》Volume 704, Issue 19, June 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-sciences/vol/704/suppl/C

(1)隐式双拓扑空间中面向优化的多视图表示学习 Optimization-oriented multi-view representation learning in implicit bi-topological spaces

(2)NEEP-ADF:带有自动定义函数的神经编码表达式编程 NEEP-ADF: Neuro-encoded expression programming with automatically defined functions

(3)利用逻辑异构图学习应对金融操作风险:基于聚类和薄尾分布的视角 Harnessing logic heterograph learning for financial operational risks: A perspective of cluster and thin-tailed distributions

(4)一种具有灵活交叉和变异的改进灰狼优化算法用于集群任务调度 An improved grey wolf optimizer with flexible crossover and mutation for cluster task scheduling

(5)提高纵向数据匿名化的效率和数据实用性 Enhancing efficiency and data utility in longitudinal data anonymization

(6)GRVFL-MV:基于多视图学习的图随机向量功能链接网络 GRVFL-MV: Graph random vector functional link based on multi-view learning

(7)一种基于稀疏性的新型确定性方法用于夏普利值近似及其应用 A novel sparsity-based deterministic method for Shapley value approximation, with applications

(8)LDP-PPA:主成分分析的局部差分隐私保护 LDP-PPA: Local differential privacy protection for principal component analysis

(9)基于非线性映射和流形正则化的多标签特征选择 Multi-label feature selection via nonlinear mapping and manifold regularization

(10)使用集成ResUNet-InceptionV4模型对CT和MRI图像进行肝脏肿瘤自动分割 Automatic liver tumor segmentation of CT and MRI volumes using ensemble ResUNet-InceptionV4 model

(11)一种基于模式交叉置换的新度量用于捕捉复杂时间序列中的相互作用 A new metric based on pattern cross permutation for capturing interactions in complex time series

(12)Multi-HGNN:用于预测代谢网络中缺失反应的多模态超图神经网络 Multi-HGNN: Multi-modal hypergraph neural networks for predicting missing reactions in metabolic networks

(13)一种用于跨模态检索中一致且选择性学习过程的多模态嵌入迁移方法 A multimodal embedding transfer approach for consistent and selective learning processes in cross-modal retrieval

(14)基于显著性的可解释序列聚类 Significance-based interpretable sequence clustering

(15)民航公共在线消息的文本分类:一种N-BM25加权词向量方法 Text classification of public online messages in civil aviation: A N-BM25 weighted word vectors method

(16)强化学习在态势感知决策模型中的应用 Reinforcement learning applied to a situation awareness decision-making model

(17)由归一化和正则化驱动的蒸馏细粒度领域对抗网络 Distilled fine-grained domain adversarial network prompted by normalization and regularization

(18)复杂场景下群体级情感识别的混合融合模型 A hybrid fusion model for group-level emotion recognition in complex scenarios

六、《Information Sciences》Volume 705, Issue 20, July 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-sciences/vol/705/suppl/C

(1)学习改进表示以加速进化大规模多目标优化 Learning improvement representations to accelerate evolutionary large-scale multiobjective optimization

(2)基于自适应动态规划的约束非线性多智能体系统数据驱动容错一致性控制 Data-driven fault-tolerant consensus control for constrained nonlinear multiagent systems via adaptive dynamic programming

(3)基于多群体进化策略的自适应变异用于灰盒模糊测试 Adaptive mutation based on multi-population evolution strategy for greybox fuzzing

(4)基于Q学习驱动的遗传算法求解带交付时间窗的分布式混合流水车间组调度问题 A Q-learning-driven genetic algorithm for the distributed hybrid flow shop group scheduling problem with delivery time windows

(5)基于大数据驱动的医生能力评估的智能医疗推荐模型 An intelligent medical recommendation model based on big data-driven estimation of physician ability

(6)RDFS-TDC:基于改进迹差准则的鲁棒判别特征选择 RDFS-TDC: Robust discriminant feature selection based on improved trace difference criterion

(7)使用AMITA从不规则收集的顺序患者数据中预测和解读医疗轨迹 Predicting and interpreting healthcare trajectories from irregularly collected sequential patient data using AMITA

(8)采用混合策略的增强型灰狼优化器用于高维数据的高效特征选择 Enhanced grey wolf optimizer with hybrid strategies for efficient feature selection in high-dimensional data

(9)用于弱监督时间动作定位的自监督时间自适应学习 Self-supervised temporal adaptive learning for weakly-supervised temporal action localization

(10)基于强化学习的约束多目标优化帕累托前沿搜索算法 A Pareto Front searching algorithm based on reinforcement learning for constrained multiobjective optimization

(11)耦合分数阶不确定神经网络的集群输出同步分析 Cluster output synchronization analysis of coupled fractional-order uncertain neural networks

(12)子句感知学习链:用于对话情感识别的三重对比学习 Learning chain for clause awareness: Triplex-contrastive learning for emotion recognition in conversations

(13)基于三方冲突分析的分组加权平均算子 The grouping weighted averaging operator via three-way conflict analysis

(14)保留源域知识用于跨域行人重识别 Preserving knowledge from the source domain for cross-domain person re-identification

(15)带余弦加权动态图正则化的联合判别投影用于特征提取 Joint discriminant projection with cosine weighted dynamic graph regularization for feature extraction

(16)基于非语义探索的分布外检测 Out-of-distribution detection with non-semantic exploration

七、《Information Sciences》Volume 706, Issue 21, July 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-sciences/vol/706/suppl/C

(1)稀疏个性化联邦类增量学习 Sparse personalized federated class-incremental learning

(2)定时离散事件系统模式可诊断性的多项式时间验证 Polynomial-time verification of pattern diagnosability for timed discrete event systems

(3)释放少样本故障诊断的知识力量:从知识视角的综述 Unlocking the power of knowledge for few-shot fault diagnosis: A review from a knowledge perspective

(4)CDTDNet:一种用于捕捉时间序列中深度时间依赖关系的神经网络 CDTDNet: A neural network for capturing deep temporal dependencies in time series

(5)分形时空无标度消息传递:由魏尔斯特拉斯函数分量给出的自执行载波的幅度调制 Fractal spatio-temporal scale-free messaging: Amplitude modulation of self-executable carriers given by the Weierstrass function's components

(6)实用的抗响应身份攻击的可搜索加密方案 Practical searchable encryption scheme against response identity attacks

(7)四元数值多层耦合网络的同步:一种基于激活时间的自适应事件触发方案 Synchronization of quaternion-valued multi-layer coupled networks: An adaptive activation-time-based event-triggered scheme

(8)EVA:用于手部姿态估计和形状重建的带空间锚的关键值涌现 EVA: Key values eclosion with space anchor used in hand pose estimation and shape reconstruction

(9)GRANA:一种基于图卷积网络的属性网络对齐的网络表示学习方法 GRANA: Graph convolutional network based network representation learning method for attributed network alignment

(10)确保物联网多维服务质量预测与推荐中的隐私和相关性感知 Ensuring privacy and correlation awareness in multi-dimensional service quality prediction and recommendation for IoT

(11)SCSGA-MF-TS的紧凑代理邻域搜索:具有多维特征且优先考虑任务满意度的SCSGA Compact agent neighborhood search for the SCSGA-MF-TS: SCSGA with multi-dimensional features prioritizing task satisfaction

(12)多权重复杂网络的同步时间和能耗 Synchronization time and energy consumption for multiweighted complex networks

(13)受混合攻击的网络物理系统的弹性模型预测重置控制 Resilient model predictive reset control for cyber-physical systems subject to hybrid attacks

(14)使用近似欧几里得度量的共定位模式挖掘 Co-location pattern mining using approximate Euclidean measure

(15)使用混合元学习和元启发式方法优化半导体工艺配方设置 Optimizing semiconductor process recipe settings using hybrid meta-learning and metaheuristic approaches

(16)JLR-GCN:用于异质图表示的联合标签感知和关系感知图卷积神经网络 JLR-GCN: Joint label-aware and relation-aware graph convolution neural network for heterogeneous graph representations

八、《Information Sciences》Volume 707, Issue 22, July 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-sciences/vol/707/suppl/C

(1)通过多属性协同识别实现可信身份追踪 Toward trustworthy identity tracing via multi-attribute synergistic identification

(2)不平衡数据下三方决策的快速交叉验证计算 A rapid cross-validation computing for three-way decisions in imbalanced data

(3)保护运动员隐私的基于边缘的个性化健身推荐和训练指导 Edge-enabled personalized fitness recommendations and training guidance for athletes with privacy preservation

(4)广义加权邻域粗糙集 Generalized weighted neighborhood rough sets

(5)动态多目标优化的相似环境迁移策略 A similar environment transfer strategy for dynamic multiobjective optimization

(6)离散事件系统同步诊断基的计算 Computation of synchronous diagnosis bases of discrete-event systems

(7)二阶多智能体系统动态避障与编队控制的高斯信念传播 Gaussian belief propagation for dynamic obstacle avoidance and formation control in second-order multi-agent systems

(8)基于元知识学习者的信息扩散预测 Information diffusion prediction via meta-knowledge learners

(9)基于模糊形式语境的跨不同分析层次的分布式冲突分析 Distributed conflict analysis across varying analysis levels based on fuzzy formal contexts

(10)基于最大依赖属性组的松弛naïve贝叶斯分类器 Relaxed naïve Bayesian classifier based on maximum dependent attribute groups

(11)缺边网络上嵌入深度核心节点信息的社区检测 Deep core node information embedding on networks with missing edges for community detection

(12)基于标记数据的区间值模糊谓词:一种数据分类和知识发现方法 Interval-valued fuzzy predicates from labeled data: An approach to data classification and knowledge discovery

(13)保形分类和选择分类的合子空间检验 Conjunction subspaces test for conformal and selective classification

九、《Information Sciences》Volume 708, Issue 23, August 2025

原文链接/ Link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-sciences/vol/708/suppl/C

(1)一种新的基于相似度的味道特征提取情感感知音乐推荐算法 A novel similarity-based taste features-extracted emotions-aware music recommendation algorithm

(2)确定OWA算子权重最大值的方法 A method for determining maximin OWA operator weights

(3)RIONIDA:一种结合实例学习和规则归纳法的不平衡数据新算法 RIONIDA: A novel algorithm for imbalanced data combining instance-based learning and rule induction

(4)集成异构图和强化学习实现了表面贴装技术车间的高效调度 Integrated heterogeneous graph and reinforcement learning enabled efficient scheduling for surface mount technology workshop

(5)动态期货投资组合策略:基于羊群行为的多准则嵌套序贯三态三向决策模型 Dynamic futures portfolio strategy: A multi-criteria nested sequential three-state three-way decision model based on herd behavior

(6)基于数据驱动技术的非线性时变多智能体系统一致性研究 Investigation of consensus for nonlinear time-varying multiagent systems via data-driven techniques

(7)基于三向决策的集装箱纵向扩展强化学习 Three-way decision-based reinforcement learning for container vertical scaling

(8)单类图自编码器:一种新的端到端、低维、可解释的节点分类方法 One-class graph autoencoder: A new end-to-end, low-dimensional, and interpretable approach for node classification

(9)基于特征增强和特权信息学习的多视图有序回归 Multi-view ordinal regression with feature augmentation and privileged information learning

(10)混合计算中多粒度GPU-CPU协同调度的分层三向决策融合 Hierarchical three-way decision fusion for multigranularity GPU-CPU coscheduling in hybrid computing

(11)混合计算系统中多粒度GPU-CPU协同调度的分层三向决策融合 Hierarchical three-way decision fusion for multigranularity GPU-CPU coscheduling in hybrid computing systems

(12)基于新初始邻域系统的粗糙集方法在新型冠状病毒变体医学诊断中的应用 Innovative rough set approaches using novel initial-neighborhood systems: Applications in medical diagnosis of Covid-19 variants

(13)基于自适应神经网络双滑模的多电机非线性系统定时控制 Fixed-time control of multi-motor nonlinear systems via adaptive neural network dual sliding mode

(14)用于互动混合开发的对抗偏见的可解释服务推荐 Explainable service recommendation for interactive mashup development counteracting biases

(15)基于迭代学习的邻域信息未知的多智能体系统共识控制 Consensus control for multi-agent systems with unknown faded neighborhood information via iterative learning scheme

(16)大规模优化问题的基于双评价准则和全局优化的多级竞争群优化器 A multiple level competitive swarm optimizer based on dual evaluation criteria and global optimization for large-scale optimization problem

(17)PCG-CAM:基于梯度主成分的增强类激活图及其在脑MRI中的应用 PCG-CAM: Enhanced class activation map using principal components of gradients and its applications in brain MRI

十、《Marketing Science》Volume 44, Issue 2, March-April 2025

