顶尖学者学术讲堂 | 哈佛大学Josh Lerner:创业、风险投资和全球转型

360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-13 10:05 2

摘要:How is the global entrepreneurial surge, shifting from Silicon Valley's blueprint to localized innovation in emerging markets, fun



How is the global entrepreneurial surge, shifting from Silicon Valley's blueprint to localized innovation in emerging markets, fundamentally changing industries?



As geopolitical tensions, technological leaps, and sustainability demands reshape the world, what are the pivotal opportunities for entrepreneurial leaders and venture capitalists?

2025年3月23日19:00,哈佛大学商学院投资银行学Jacob H. Schiff讲席教授乔什·勒纳(Josh Lerner)将莅临北京大学光华管理学院。


Join us on March 23, 2025, at 7:00 PM as we welcome Josh Lerner, the esteemed Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at Harvard Business School, to the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Professor Lerner, a leading global authority on venture capital and innovation policy, will dissect the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and venture capital in our interconnected world.

Drawing from decades of groundbreaking research and influential case studies, Professor Lerner will illuminate the crucial strategies for crafting effective industrial policies, optimizing venture capital investments, and nurturing thriving innovation ecosystems. His insights will offer invaluable, forward-thinking academic perspectives for entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers navigating this dynamic era.

主 题|Theme


Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and Global Transformation

时 间|Time


Sunday, March 23, 7:00 PM

地 点|Location


Guanghua School of Management, PKU

语 言|Language

英文 (配备中文同声传译)

English (Simultaneous Chinese Interpretation)


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Josh Lerner is the Jacob H. Schiff Professor at Harvard Business School and Co-Director of the HBS Private Capital Project. Much of his research focuses on venture capital and private equity organizations. (This research is summarized in The Money of Invention, Patent Capital, and The Venture Capital Cycle.) He also has extensively examined innovation policy. (That research is discussed in the booksThe Architecture of Innovation, The Boulevard of Broken Dreams, The Comingled Code, and Innovation and Its Discontents.)

He co-directs the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Productivity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Program and serves as co-editor of their publication, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy.He founded and runs the Private Capital Research Institute, a nonprofit devoted to encouraging access to data and research, and has been a frequent leader of and participant in the World Economic Forum projects and events.

In the 1993-1994 academic year, he introduced an elective course for second-year MBAs. Over the past two decades, “Venture Capital and Private Equity” has consistently been one of the largest elective courses at Harvard Business School. (The course materials are collected in Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Casebook, now in its fifth edition, and the textbookVenture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of Entrepreneurship, whose second edition recently appeared.) He also established and teaches undergraduate and doctoral courses on entrepreneurship and teaches in a wide variety of executive courses relating to venture capital, private equity, and entrepreneurship.

He graduated from Yale College with a special divisional major. He worked for several years on issues concerning technological innovation and public policy at the Brookings Institution, for a public-private task force in Chicago, and on Capitol Hill. He then earned a Ph.D. from Harvard's Economics Department. He was recently recognized as the 37th most influential economist worldwide by research.com. For information on Josh’s compensated outside activities, please see www.bella-pm.com.


Guanghua's 40th Anniversary Top Scholar Forum


The "Top Scholar Forum" series, launched to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Guanghua School of Management and promote the high-quality development of academic disciplines, brings together top scholars and experts from around the world. Through lectures and academic exchanges, the forum focuses on frontier issues and key topics in economics and management, employing innovative academic paradigms and scientific methodologies. It encourages interdisciplinary innovation and the exploration of practical challenges, showcasing the latest research and sparking new ideas and perspectives. This international platform for academic dialogue aims to enhance Guanghua’s academic contributions and further elevate its global influence in the fields of economics and management.

来源 | 北大光华学术资讯

编辑 | 王蒙


30余位全球高管齐聚北大光华 一同探寻全球变局下的中国机遇


