
360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-13 20:35 3

摘要:2013 年 8 月 21 日,纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心Sam S Yoon(音译,尹善善)团队在Molecular Cancer Therapeutics(IF=5.3)杂志在线发表题为 “Combining PARP-1 inhibition and rad

尤文肉瘤( ES )具有染色体易位,将EWS基因与ETS转录因子融合,最常见的是Friend leukemia integration 1 ( FLI1 )。

2013 年 8 月 21 日,纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心Sam S Yoon(音译,尹善善)团队在 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (IF=5.3)杂志在线发表题为 “Combining PARP-1 inhibition and radiation in Ewing sarcoma results in lethal DNA damage” 的研究论文,该研究表明,PARP-1在Ewing肉瘤中的抑制放大了放射治疗引起的DNA损伤的水平和持续时间,以ews - fli1依赖的方式导致细胞凋亡和细胞死亡的协同增加。

但是,在 2024 年 10 月 29 日,该文章被撤回,主要原因是文章内涉嫌图像的重复使用。

截至到2025年3月11日,由Sam S Yoon作为负责人的已经被撤回包括在MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH,Cancer ResearchCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH Cell Death & Disease 发表的15篇高水平文章(2024年11月1日被撤回3篇文章),后续会有更多的文章被撤回。


在图 4B 中,用 DMSO 处理的 SK-N-MC 细胞的一部分免疫荧光图像似乎与用奥拉帕尼处理的 HT1080 细胞相同;图 1B 中对 western blot 分析的内部审查也揭示了重复,其中使用相同的图像表示 24 小时的 SK-LMS-1 细胞和 0 小时的 SK-N-MC 细胞。使用图像分析软件对图形进行自适应直方图均衡后,注意到蛋白印迹重复。

撤稿通知的副本已发送到所有 9 位作者的最后已知电子邮件地址。五位作者(Changhwan Yoon、Benjamin Schmidt、Jeffrey A. Toretsky、David G. Kirsch 和 Sam S. Yoon)同意撤回;四位作者(Hae-June Lee、Do Joong Park、Alexia Y. Zhang 和 Hayriye V. Erkizan)没有回应。

Sam S Yoon作为主要负责人被撤回的文章列表:

[1]Differential effects of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 inhibition on tumor metastases based on host organ environment,Cancer Research;

[2]Variable Inhibition of Thrombospondin 1 against Liver and Lung Metastases through Differential Activation of Metalloproteinase ADAMTS1,Cancer Research;

[3]CD44 Expression Denotes a Subpopulation of Gastric Cancer Cells in Which Hedgehog Signaling Promotes Chemotherapy Resistance,CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH;

[4]KMT2C Mutations in Diffuse-Type Gastric Adenocarcinoma Promote Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition,CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH;

[5]Chemotherapy Resistance in Diffuse-Type Gastric Adenocarcinoma Is Mediated by RhoA Activation in Cancer Stem-Like Cells,CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH;

[6]PI3K/Akt pathway and Nanog maintain cancer stem Cells in sarcomas,Oncogenesis;

[7]Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α and -β promote cancer stem cell phenotypes in sarcomas,Oncogenesis;

[8]KRAS activation in gastric cancer stem-like cells promotes tumor angiogenesis and metastasis,BMC Cancer ;

[9]PIK3R3, part of the regulatory domain of PI3K, is upregulated in sarcoma stem-like cells and promotes invasion, migration, and chemotherapy resistance,Cell Death & Disease;

[10]Lymphatic metastasis-related TBL1XR1 enhances stemness and metastasis in gastric cancer stem-like cells by activating ERK1/2-SOX2 signaling,Oncogene;

[11]Multimodal targeting of tumor vasculature and cancer stem-like cells in sarcomas with VEGF-A inhibition, HIF-1α inhibition, and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy,Oncotarget;

[12]KRAS Activation in Gastric Adenocarcinoma Stimulates Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition to Cancer Stem-Like Cells and Promotes Metastasis,MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH;

[13]Role of Rac1 Pathway in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Cancer Stem-like Cell Phenotypes in Gastric Adenocarcinoma,MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH;

[14]CDX1 Expression Induced by CagA-Expressing Helicobacter pylori Promotes Gastric Tumorigenesis

[15]Combining PARP-1 inhibition and radiation in Ewing sarcoma results in lethal DNA damage,Molecular Cancer Therapeutics;


