
360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-20 08:42 2



- 学习与艺术成长经历:自幼酷爱书法,少年成名。1974年因其特长入伍进京,先在中国人民解放军三军仪仗队当战士,1976年调师政治部干部科专司干部档案誊写管理工作。1983年参加北京书画研究社高级书法培训班,师从书法泰斗萧劳和吴未淳、卜希旸先生研习诸家碑帖。后拜李铎、凌士欣大师门下专攻行书、隶书,悉得真传。

- 职务与社会兼职:曾先后受聘中国书画研究院副院长、财政部书画协会副会长、金盾影视中心书画院执行院长、中国将军诗书画院副院长、北京华文文缘书画社名誉社长等职。现任国学经典书画院高级顾问,山东省韩氏书画院院长。中国书法家协会中央国家机关及北京市书法家协会会员,中国楹联学会会员。中国文化人才库优秀书法家,央视书画频道签约艺术家,中华慈善爱心贡献艺术家。

- 书法艺术成就:经过多年的潜心研习,在坚持传统与创新的基础上,深追书法艺术的正道与大美,将书法艺术与时代精神和大众审美融合一体,逐渐形成了自己独特的艺术语言和创作风格。他的书法笔力遒劲,结构严谨,富有正大气象,充分展现了其深厚的书法艺术底蕴。曾在红都瑞金、字圣故里白水、北京世纪坛、国际风筝都潍坊等地举办展览。他的作品无数次参加国内外书画展,多次获得一等奖、金奖、优秀奖,并被多家博物馆、艺术机构和国内外贵宾政要收藏。(以下是他的部分代表作品展示)

Han Yaoguang was born in February 1956 in Anqiu, Shandong Province, and now resides in Beijing. The following is his main experience:

- Learning and Artistic Growth Experience: He has been extremely fond of calligraphy since childhood. He started practicing calligraphy at the age of 5 and became the main writer for the publicity boards of his school and the people's commune at the age of 12. In 1974, due to his calligraphy expertise, he enlisted in the army as a specially qualified soldier and joined the Honor Guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Beijing. In 1976, he was transferred to the Political Department of the division, specializing in transcribing and managing the files of cadres, and was directly promoted to an officer later. In 1983, he signed up for the advanced night class of the Beijing Calligraphy and Painting Research Society. He studied under the renowned calligraphy masters Xiao Lao, Wu Weichun, and Bu Xiyang, and systematically studied various stele inscriptions and calligraphy models of different masters.

- Positions and Social Appointments: Currently, he serves as the Executive Dean of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy of the Jinding Film and Television Center of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission, Deputy Secretary-General of the Calligraphy and Painting Association of the Ministry of Finance, a member of the Calligraphers Association of the Central Government Agencies and the Beijing Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Association, and Honorary President of the Beijing Huawenyuan Calligraphy and Painting Society, etc. He is also an outstanding calligrapher in the Chinese Cultural Talent Pool, a contracted artist of the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, and an artist who has made contributions to charity in China.

- Calligraphy Achievements: His works are delicate, elegant, concise, vivid, and full of spirit and charm. He has participated in many important exhibitions, such as the First Yongle Palace International Calligraphy and Painting Art Festival and the First Chinese Wang Xizhi Calligraphy Art Exhibition, and has won many awards on multiple occasions. His works have been collected by many museums, art galleries, and distinguished guests at home and abroad.

