【拍客直击:以色列再次袭击加沙 网友实拍伤亡画面】3月19日,以色列军方发表声明说,过去一天,以军已在加沙地带中部和南部开展“有针对性的地面行动”。声明强调,以军将继续在加沙地带打击“恐怖组织”从而保护以色列公民。根据加沙地带卫生部门的统计数据显示,3月18日以来以色列在加沙地带的新一轮空袭已累计造成超过千人伤亡。CGTN新媒体加沙拍客在当地一家医院前,拍摄了以军空袭后,加沙民众在泪水中告别亲人的独家画面。On March 19, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that over the past 24 hours, they had launched a targeted ground operation in central and southern Gaza to expand the security zone and create a partial buffer between the north and south of the Strip. According to Palestinian health authorities, since March 18, Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip have caused more than 1,000 casualties. CGTN Stringer captured exclusive footage of Gazans bidding farewell to their loved ones at a local hospital in the aftermath of the strikes.