纽约灯饰品牌In Common With初涉家具领域,探索平衡之道

360影视 2024-12-01 21:50 7



Walk into a 19th-century loft building in Tribeca, walk down a narrow flight of stairs to a frosted glass door with the word "Quarters" in elegant lettering, and gently push open the door to a space that feels like entering a speakeasy.

Quarters是一个面积为473㎡的空间,In Common With的创始人Felicia Hung和Nick Ozemba重新设构了我们长期以来熟悉的空间语言,从传统的陈列室、设备齐全的商店和专业策划的画廊,到温馨的邻里酒吧与咖啡馆,其目的在于激发灵感并不断产生新的场所感知。

Quarters is a 473-square-meter space where Felicia Hung and Nick Ozemba, founders of In Common With, have reconfigured the language of Spaces we've long known, from traditional shorehouses, well-equipped shops and professionally curated galleries to welcoming neighborhood bars and cafes. The aim is to inspire and constantly generate a new sense of place.


In Common With

A design studio built on the collaboration of artists,
materials, environment and the entire community.




今年,以灯饰产品闻名的In Common With工作室开始涉足家具领域。Quarters是他们新开设的一间集合精品店、酒吧、活动空间、画廊和陈列室为一体的多功能空间。

This year, studio In Common With, known for its lighting products, branched out into furniture. Quarters is a new mixed-use space that combines boutiques, bars, event Spaces, galleries and showrooms.

空间的布局影响着Quarters的组织形式,步入室内,映入眼帘的是一个仿佛收藏家的图书馆和客厅空间,里面陈设着复古的Mario Bellini沙发、精致的壁画、古董挂毯和手工吹制的玻璃吊灯,给人一种居家感。

The layout of the space influences the organisational form of Quarters, and stepping inside is greeted by a collector's library and living room space furnished with vintage Mario Bellini sofas, exquisite murals, antique tapestries and hand-blown glass chandeliers to give it a homely feel.


The interior consists of a variety of connected rooms, with a bar and lounge area at the end of the corridor, and a chef's kitchen, 50-seat restaurant and office upstairs, each space decorated in rich colors, full of retro and modern art.

In Common With的两位创始人从城堡中汲取灵感,为阁楼增添了戏剧性的元素。例如,餐厅四周配备着门,在私密聚会时可以关闭,在送餐时打开。身处其中,无不感受到异域木材和材料的多种使用所呈现出来的装饰效果。

The two founders of In Common With took inspiration from the castle and added a dramatic element to the loft. For example, the restaurant is surrounded by doors that can be closed for private gatherings and opened for delivery. In it, you can feel the decorative effect of the various uses of exotic wood and materials.




Quarters的酒吧既是一个展厅,也是一个接待空间,它秉承着Felicia Hung和Nick Ozemba对合作设计和待客之道的承诺,这是In Common With品牌和Quarters的内核。由In Common With进行挑选的灯具、古董家具和特色餐具柜,除了功能使用、美学展示之外,也能独立销售。

Quarters' bar is as much a reception space as it is a showroom, adhering to Felicia Hung and Nick Ozemba's commitment to collaborative design and hospitality, which is at the heart of the In Common With brand and Quarters. The lamps, antique furniture and characteristic sideboards selected by In Common With can be sold independently, in addition to functional use and aesthetic display.

酒吧内的咖啡桌是他们推出的首个家具系列的第一次亮相。对于这一系列木制家具,In Common With委托10位纹身艺术家制作了一张闪光片,然后用烙铁刻在桌面上。这些纹身桌以不同的形式出现于空间之中,如边桌或餐桌。

The coffee table inside the bar is the first appearance of their first furniture collection. For this collection of wooden furniture, In Common With commissioned 10 tattoo artists to create a glitter, which was then carved into the tabletop with a soldering iron. These tattoo tables appear in different forms in the space, such as side tables or dining tables.


Beneath the pantry's square chandeliers, the space is centered around a countertop with custom-made woodwork at either end, and shelves with accessories and food that can also be sold independently. Many of the items here have a very clear Italian or Taiwanese style, which reflects the amount of effort the brand has put into the products, and the prices are more affordable.




卧室通向一间大房间,那里摆放着更多的复古家具,搭配了In Common With的各种灯饰系列。在更大的场地,我们能够看出许多产品来自不同的设计师,但它们之间却有着很强的凝聚力。

The bedroom leads to a great room With more vintage furniture paired with a variety of lighting collections In Common With each other. In the larger venue, we can see that many products come from different designers, but there is a strong cohesion between them.


It represents, in tangible form, our imagination, values, and ideals, as well as an open invitation to others to find unique inspiration in our world.


Nick Ozemba

两间浴室展示了另一项首创:与百年老瓷砖工厂合作制作的几何瓷砖系列,由艺术家Shane Gabie设计。这两间浴室展示了瓷砖系列中四种釉面中的两种,并配有单独设计的球形五金件和新的照明设备。

Two bathrooms showcase another first: a collection of geometric tiles made in collaboration with the century-old Tile Factory, designed by artist Shane Gabie. The two bathrooms showcase two of the four glazes in the tile collection and feature individually designed spherical hardware and new lighting fixtures.


In the first bathroom, a light fixture made of screen-printed glass powder is placed on top of the glass and laid in a grid-like pattern. In the second bathroom, hand-cut stripe patterns are transformed into basket woven lighting fixtures. The combination of different Spaces speaks volumes about the studio's ability to strike a balance between interior and architectural design and product.

Felicia Hung和Nick Ozemba利用这个空间为同行设计师和艺术家们展示了他们自己作品,而未来也会发生演变和进行转型,成为新的创意合作伙伴交流和聚会、展示装置和收藏品以及举办各种活动的理想之地。

Felicia Hung and Nick Ozemba used the space to showcase their work to fellow designers and artists, and the future will evolve and transform, becoming an ideal place for new creative partners to meet and mingle, display installations and collections, and host events.

