摘要:as引导的方式状语从句:意为“按照;像……一样”,结构为“主句 + as + 从句”,通常位于主句后,但在(just) as...so...结构中位于句首,带有比喻的含义,意思是“正如……;就像”,多用于正式文体。
方式状语从句是用来描述主句中动作的方式或方法的从句,在句子中作方式状语,通常由as、as if、as though等引导词引导。
- as引导的方式状语从句:意为“按照;像……一样”,结构为“主句 + as + 从句”,通常位于主句后,但在(just) as...so...结构中位于句首,带有比喻的含义,意思是“正如……;就像”,多用于正式文体。
1. Do as I say, not as I do.(照我说的做,别照我做的做。)
2. Leave the things as they are.(让这些东西保持原状。)
3. You should do your homework as your teacher told you.(你应该按照老师告诉你的去做作业。)
4. Please try to write as neatly as you can.(请尽量写得工整些。)
5. Run as fast as you can to catch up with the others.(尽量快跑以赶上其他人。)
6. Sing the song as I taught you.(按照我教你的那样唱这首歌。)
7. We must act as the rules require.(我们必须按照规则要求行事。)
8. He painted the picture as he saw it.(他照他看到的样子画了这幅画。)
9. Read the text as carefully as possible.(尽可能仔细地读课文。)
10. Do it as the instructions describe.(按照说明书上描述的那样做。)
11. As water is to fish, so air is to man.(我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水。)
12. Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.(正如打扫房屋一样,我们也要扫除我们头脑中落后的东西。 )
13. As you sow, so will you reap.(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。)
14. As the sun rises in the east, so does the day begin.(正如太阳从东方升起一样,新的一天开始了。)
15. As the clock ticks, so does the life of a person.(正如时钟滴答作响一样,人的生命也在不断流逝。)
16. We should learn from Lei Feng as many people do.(我们应该像很多人一样向雷锋学习。)
17. You must hold the knife as I showed you.(你必须像我给你展示的那样握住刀。)
18. Write your name as your teacher showed you how to.(按照老师教你的方式写下你的名字。)
19. Play the game as we played it last time.(像我们上次那样玩这个游戏。)
20. Please pronounce the word as I do.(请像我这样读这个单词。)
- as if / as though引导的方式状语从句:意为“仿佛;好像” ,两者意义和用法相同。若说话者认为其看法是真的或可能会成为事实,从句谓语就按常规变化;如果从句的内容是不真实的,是与事实相反的,从句的谓语时态要用虚拟语气(现在用过去时,过去用过去完成时,be动词在虚拟语气中常用were)。常跟在be、act、appear、behave、feel、look、seem、smell、sound、taste等描写行为举止的动词之后。
1. He looks as if he is ill.(他看起来好像病了。)(有可能是真的生病,用陈述语气)
2. It looks as though it is going to rain.(看起来好像要下雨。)(有可能下雨,用陈述语气)
3. She behaves as if she were the boss.(她表现得好像她是老板似的。)(实际不是老板,与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
4. He talks as if he had been to the moon.(他说起话来好像他去过月球似的。)(实际没去过月球,与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
5. The boy acts as if he were a superhero.(这个男孩表现得好像他是超级英雄一样。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
6. She sings as though she were a professional singer.(她唱歌好像她是专业歌手一样。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
7. They treat me as if I were their own child.(他们对待我就像我是他们自己的孩子一样。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
8. He walks as if he has hurt his leg.(他走路好像腿受伤了。)(有可能腿受伤,用陈述语气)
9. It seems as though they know each other well.(看起来他们好像彼此很了解。)(有可能彼此了解,用陈述语气)
10. She dresses as if she were going to a party.(她打扮得好像要去参加派对。)(实际可能不是去参加派对,与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
11. The old man runs as if he were young.(这位老人跑得好像他还年轻一样。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
12. He smiles as if nothing had happened.(他微笑着好像什么都没发生过。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
13. The dog barks as if it sees a stranger.(狗叫得好像它看到了陌生人。)(有可能看到陌生人,用陈述语气)
14. She dances as though she is on the stage.(她跳舞好像她在舞台上一样。)(有可能在舞台上,用陈述语气)
15. He studies as if he will win the first prize.(他学习好像他会得一等奖似的。)(有可能会得一等奖,用陈述语气)
16. They play as if they are having a great time.(他们玩得好像很开心。)(有可能很开心,用陈述语气)
17. The bird flies as though it is chasing something.(鸟儿飞着好像在追逐什么东西。)(有可能在追逐东西,用陈述语气)
18. She writes as if she is copying from others.(她写得好像在抄袭别人。)(有可能在抄袭,用陈述语气)
19. He listens as if he understands everything.(他听着好像什么都懂了。)(有可能懂了,用陈述语气)
20. It sounds as though there is someone outside.(听起来好像外面有人。)(有可能外面有人,用陈述语气)
在高中阶段,除了初中常见的引导词外,还会涉及到更多关于方式状语从句的用法和较复杂的句式,比如“(in)the way (that)”引导方式状语从句等,而且对as if / as though引导的虚拟语气考查更深入。
- as引导的方式状语从句:除了初中所学的基本用法,as引导方式状语从句还可以表示“随着”,强调两个动作同时发生或一种情况随着另一种情况的变化而变化。
1. As time goes by, we are getting older.(随着时间的流逝,我们渐渐变老。)
2. As technology develops, our lives become more convenient.(随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得更加便利。)
3. We should adapt to the changes as the society progresses.(随着社会的进步,我们应该适应变化。)
4. As the population grows, the demand for resources increases.(随着人口的增长,对资源的需求增加。)
5. She improved her English as she practiced more.(随着她练习得越多,她的英语提高了。)
6. As the night deepens, the city becomes quieter.(随着夜越来越深,城市变得更安静。)
7. We learn new knowledge as we explore the world.(随着我们探索世界,我们学习新知识。)
8. As the economy recovers, more job opportunities are created.(随着经济的复苏,创造了更多的就业机会。)
9. The students' confidence grows as they achieve more success.(随着学生们取得更多的成功,他们的信心增强了。)
10. As the wind blows harder, the waves become higher.(随着风刮得更猛,海浪变得更高。)
11. You should do as the teacher requires in the experiment.(在实验中你应该按照老师要求的去做。)
12. Leave the equipment as it is after use.(使用后让设备保持原状。)
13. We must operate the machine as the manual instructs.(我们必须按照手册说明来操作这台机器。)
14. Write the composition as the topic demands.(按照题目要求写作文。)
15. Sing the national anthem as the flag is rising.(当国旗升起时,唱国歌。)
16. As you grow older, you will understand your parents better.(随着你年龄的增长,你会更好地理解你的父母。)
17. We change our strategies as the situation changes.(随着形势的变化,我们改变策略。)
18. The plants grow taller as the sunlight becomes more sufficient.(随着阳光变得更充足,植物长得更高了。)
19. As the competition becomes fiercer, we need to work harder.(随着竞争变得更激烈,我们需要更努力工作。)
20. He adjusts his plan as new problems arise.(随着新问题的出现,他调整他的计划。)
- as if / as though引导的方式状语从句:as if / as though引导的从句如果表达与事实相反的情况,谓语动词要用虚拟语气;若表达的情况是事实或实现的可能性较大,谓语动词用陈述语气。此外,as if / as though还可以引导分词短语、不定式短语、形容词或介词短语。
1. He talks as if he knew everything in the world.(他说起话来好像他知道世界上的一切。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
2. She behaves as though she were a queen.(她表现得好像她是女王一样。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
3. It seems as if it had rained last night.(看起来好像昨晚下雨了。)(实际昨晚可能没下雨,与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
4. They treat the old man as if he were their relative.(他们对待这位老人就像他是他们的亲戚一样。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
5. He walks as if he were drunk.(他走路好像喝醉了似的。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
6. She looks as though she has seen a ghost.(她看起来好像看见了鬼。)(有可能真的看见了可怕的东西,用陈述语气)
7. It sounds as if there will be a storm tonight.(听起来好像今晚有暴风雨。)(有可能有暴风雨,用陈述语气)
8. He acts as if he is in charge here.(他表现得好像他是这里的负责人。)(有可能是负责人,用陈述语气)
9. She sings as though she has received professional training.(她唱歌好像接受过专业训练。)(有可能接受过专业训练,用陈述语气)
10. They played as if they were professionals.(他们比赛时好像是专业选手。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
11. He stared at me as if seeing me for the first time.(他目不转睛地看着我,就像第一次看见我似的。)(as if 引导分词短语)
12. She cleared her throat as if to say something.(她清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的。)(as if 引导不定式短语)
13. The girl stood there silent as if in deep thought.(这个女孩静静地站在那里,好像在沉思。)(as if 引导介词短语)
14. The old man sat in the corner, looking sad as if ill.(老人坐在角落里,看起来很悲伤,好像生病了。)(as if 引导形容词)
15. He laughed as if nothing had happened.(他笑了起来,好像什么都没发生过。)(与事实相反,用虚拟语气)
16. She ran out of the room as if chased by someone.(她跑出房间,好像被人追赶似的。)(as if 引导分词短语)
17. They talked loudly as if not caring about others.(他们大声说话,好像不在乎别人似的。)(as if 引导分词短语)
18. The boy opened his eyes wide as if to see more clearly.(男孩睁大眼睛,好像想看得更清楚。)(as if 引导不定式短语)
19. She walked slowly as if tired.(她走得很慢,好像很累。)(as if 引导形容词)
20. It looks as if the problem can be solved easily.(看起来这个问题好像能很容易地解决。)(有可能容易解决,用陈述语气)
- (in)the way (that)引导的方式状语从句:表示“以……方式”,在非正式文体中,that可以省略。
1. Please do it (in) the way I showed you.(请按照我给你展示的方式做这件事。)
2. They didn't do the experiment (in) the way we usually do.(他们没有按照我们通常的方式做这个实验。)
3. She taught the students (in) the way that her teacher used to teach her.(她用她老师过去教她的方式教学生。)
4. He solved the math problem (in) the way that his classmates suggested.(他按照同学们建议的方式解决了这道数学题。)
5. We should face difficulties (in) the way that brave people do.(我们应该像勇敢的人那样面对困难。)
6. The artist painted the picture (in) the way that he liked.(这位艺术家以他喜欢的方式画这幅画。)
7. She arranged the furniture (in) the way that made the room look more spacious.(她以能使房间看起来更宽敞的方式摆放家具。)
8. They communicated with each other (in) the way that avoided misunderstandings.(他们以避免误解的方式彼此交流。)
9. He expressed his opinion (in) the way that was straightforward.(他以直截了当的方式表达了他的观点。)
10. The workers repaired the machine (in) the way that the engineer instructed.(工人们按照工程师指示的方式修理机器。)
11. You can organize your study (in) the way that suits you best.(你可以以最适合你的方式安排你的学习。)
12. She dealt with the problem (in) the way that was effective.(她以有效的方式处理了这个问题。)
13. They built the house (in) the way that followed the traditional style.(他们按照传统风格建造了这所房子。)
14. He played the game (in) the way that made it more interesting.(他以让游戏更有趣的方式玩游戏。)
15. The teacher explained the grammar (in) the way that the students could understand.(老师以学生能理解的方式讲解语法。)
16. We should treat others (in) the way that we want to be treated.(我们应该以我们希望被对待的方式对待别人。)
17. She decorated her room (in) the way that reflected her personality.(她以能反映她个性的方式装饰她的房间。)
18. They traveled (in) the way that allowed them to enjoy the scenery.(他们以能欣赏风景的方式旅行。)
19. He wrote the story (in) the way that attracted the readers.(他以吸引读者的方式写这个故事。)
20. The team worked together (in) the way that achieved the best result.(这个团队以取得最佳结果的方式合作。)