摘要:在BBC 官网上,有一个关于 roots of slavery (奴隶的起源) 的观点:the term "slave" has its origins in the word "Slav"。
在BBC 官网上,有一个关于 roots of slavery (奴隶的起源) 的观点:the term "slave" has its origins in the word "Slav"。
这个观点认为,slave 一词源自 Slav (东欧斯拉夫人)。也是西方学者普遍赞同的一种说法。
不过,西方的这一观点并未得到俄罗斯历史学家的认可,他们认为在西方学者所谓的 slave 与 Slav 开始确立词源关系的13世纪,欧洲并无大规模战争能足以产生大量输往西欧的奴隶。
他们还认为 slave 一词出现的时间在公元6世纪,跟西方学者提到的神圣罗马帝国奥托大帝 (King Otto the Great) 把战俘当作奴隶贩卖的10世纪,在时间上相差了400年。
△Otto the Great
今天要说的 slavish/'sleɪvɪʃ/ 派生自 slave,词义不用我说,可能你也猜到了。
slavish 仅作形容词:奴隶的,奴性的。
Flair walked over to stand beside him, giving him a soppy, slavish look that Harry hoped with all his heart would never appear on his face again.
a slavish coherence to the rules
slavish (GRE) 的近义词按难度级别由低到高:
submissive /səb'mɪsɪv/:服从的 (4)
servile /'sɜːrvl/:奴性的 (G)
fawning /'fɔ:nɪŋ/:恭维的 (G)
cringing /'krɪndʒɪŋ/:谄媚的 (G)
abject /'æbdʒekt/:下贱的 (G)
menial /'mi:nɪəl/:卑微的 (G)
obsequious /əb'si:kwɪəs/:谄媚的 (G)
△ House of Cards (《纸牌屋》第六季)
But no brutality disgusted her: I suppose She has an innate admiration of it, if only her precious person were secure from injury! Now, was it not the depth of absurdity - of genuine idiocy! For that pitiful, slavish, mean-minded brach to dream that I could love her? To tell your master, Nelly, that I never, in all my life, met with such an abject thing as she is.
- Chapter 14 of Wuthering Heights
但是任何残忍都引不起她厌恶,我猜想只要她这宝贝的本人的安全不受损害,她对于那种残忍还有一种内心的赞赏哩!是啊,那种可怜的,奴性的,下流的母狗 - 纯粹的白痴 - 竟还梦想我能爱她岂不是荒谬透顶!告诉你的主人,耐莉,说我一辈子也没遇见过像她这样的一个下贱东西。