【双语】The Yellow Emperor Culture Shines Worldwide 千年河泥染新韵 黄帝文化扬四海

360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-28 21:31 2

摘要:On March 28th, the Zhengzhou Youth Palace witnessed the unveiling of Zhengzhou Youth Art Education Achievement Exhibition: River M

1310th article1310期双语推文

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

On March 28th, the Zhengzhou Youth Palace witnessed the unveiling of Zhengzhou Youth Art Education Achievement Exhibition: River Mud Dyeing Art, a fusion of ancient techniques and youthful creativity, where river mud was transformed into vibrant hues. Alongside the exhibition, the bilingual animated seriesThe Yellow Emperor's Stories – Legend of Lei Zu was launched.


This event was jointly hosted by the Zhengzhou Media Group · International Communication Center, Zhengzhou Youth Palace, Zhengzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Cultural Tourism and Creative Integration Development Center, Culture and Sports Department of Zhengzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, etc. It focused on the intangible cultural heritage technique of river mud dyeing, while exploring the dyeing and weaving wisdom of Lei Zu within the Yellow Emperor culture. Meanwhile, it showcased the profound heritage of Chinese civilization and its vitality in modern era to a global audience.


In 2023, Zhengzhou Media Group · International Communication Center co-produced the bilingual animated series "The Yellow Emperor's Stories", spotlighting four legendary stories: Brotherhood Discovery of Medicinal Herbs Creating Boats and Chariots, and Music Law by Linglun. These works were launched at the Youth Art Exhibition of Bilingual Animated Series "The Yellow Emperor's Stories". Building on previous successes, this event enriched artistic education through diverse mediums. To date, the intangible heritage project "River Mud Dyeing in Schools" has reached 8 primary and secondary schools in Zhengzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, fostering over 20 workshops and 500 creations. This dynamic integration of culture and pedagogy instills in youth the ethos of "from hometown pride to national identity, from ancestral reverence to cultural continuity".


With the theme of "Images of the Yellow River", the opening ceremony kicked off with the performance of the theme song Chinese Descendants Aspire Far and Wide of the river mud dyeing animation by the student chorus from Zhengzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Amidst the soulful melodies, students traced the process of "mud collection, mud preparation and dyeing", reviving the millennia-old wisdom of river mud dyeing and earning resounding applause. The bilingual animated series The Yellow Emperor's Stories – Legend of Lei Zuweaves the legends of Lei Zu's silkworm rearing and plant dyeing. Moreover, it integrates the cultural elements of the Yellow Emperor such as "Worshiping Xuanyuan on the Third Day of the Third Lunar Month", and uses animated storytelling to reveal the origins of river mud dyeing techniques to a global audience.

开幕式以“黄河意象”为主题,由郑州市高新区学生合唱团演绎河泥染动画主题曲《华夏儿女志在四方》拉开序幕。悠扬的歌声中,学生们以“采泥制泥染色”为脉络,再现河泥染工艺的千年智慧,赢得全场掌声。《黄帝故事双语动画片·嫘祖的传说》以嫘祖养蚕、草木染色的传说为脉络,融入“三月三 拜轩辕”黄帝文化元素,用动画语言向世界讲述河泥染技艺的起源。

Within the exhibition hall, over 500 river mud dyeing artworks captivated the senses. Students, transformed into young docents, unveiled the stories behind each creation. As the Yellow River's mud meets youthful hands and Lei Zu's ancient wisdom intertwines with digital technology, the essence of Chinese civilization flows anew, echoing to the world the timeless ideal of "harmony in diversity".



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Photo丨Wang Jiaying

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Voice丨Benjamin Curwen(英国)

