Trump Warns EU and Canada will Face “Far Larger” Tariffs if United Retaliation Harms US
Trump issued the warning, threatening he will impose “far larger” than planned tariffs on to the European Union and Canada in a po
Trump issued the warning, threatening he will impose “far larger” than planned tariffs on to the European Union and Canada in a po
Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, meets wit
eu economic e tradecooperation 2025-03-28 07:52 1
欧盟委员会于2022年发布了RED指令补充授权法案(EU) 2022/30,对无线电设备的网络安全、隐私保护和反欺诈等方面提出了明确要求。该法案将于2025年8月1日正式实施,届时无线电设备必须符合RED指令第3(3)条(d)、(e)和(f)点的网络信息安全要
The EU’s first retaliatory tariffs against the United States has been pushed back until the middle of next month, Reuters reported
许多在英国留学的国际学生,可能会与持有欧盟定居身份(EU Settlement Scheme, EUSS)的伴侣建立长期关系,并希望通过此途径获得英国永久居留权(Indefinite Leave to Remain, ILR)。但在此过程中,申请人需了解合法途
留学生 eu eusettlement settlement 2025-03-20 16:22 3
BRUSSELS, March 19 (Xinhua) -- China provides opportunities for the European Union's (EU) digital development and serves as a part
digital eu digitaldevelopment 2025-03-20 06:32 3
In fact, turning a deaf ear to her appeal, the US administration threatened a 200 percent tariff on EU-imported alcohol such as ch
eu attack eutrying tradeattack 2025-03-18 14:02 3
国际可持续发展与碳认证体系(ISCC) 国际可持续发展与碳认证体系(ISCC)是当前全球公认最具权威性、含金量、影响力的可持续性绿色认证之一。它是首个满足欧盟《可再生能源指令》,并得到欧盟全部成员国认可的标准,目前已覆盖100多个国家的4800余家企业。其中I
If the European Union does not remove its 50% tariff on Whisky it just put immediately, the U.S. will shortly place a 200% tariffs
eu spirits trump transatlantic 2025-03-14 10:08 5
Trump reiterated his pledge of reciprocal tariffs on the EU. "We’re going to be doing reciprocal tariffs. So whatever they charge
eu co trump retaliatorytariffs 2025-03-13 10:28 6
前列腺癌是男性常见的恶性肿瘤之一,随着筛查技术和诊断水平的提高,前列腺癌的早期发现率逐年上升。根治性前列腺切除术(RP)是治疗局限性前列腺癌的常见方法,然而,尽管手术能够有效去除局部肿瘤,仍有部分患者在术后发生生化复发(BCR,Biochemical Recu
在尝试将创新技术从实验室推向市场时,一个常见的挑战是驾驭一个定义不明确的监管框架,该框架不够明确,无法确保在整个欧盟领土上顺利进行示范。热能存储 (TES) 确实是这种情况。储能仍然被广泛认为只是电能存储,并且储能的这一特定领域已经在欧盟和国家层面制定了明确的
TMTPOST -- The relationship between EU and China is the one characterized by partnership, competition, and systemic rivalry, Jorge
eu partnership euambassador 2024-12-16 18:31 11
Brussels and Beijing are nearing a solution over tariffs on Chinese EV imports into the bloc, Bernd Lange the chair of the trade c
TMTPOST -- After five rounds of talks concerning China-made electric vehicles (EVs) in Beijing from November 2 to 7, Chinese and t
eu technicalconsensus ev 2024-11-20 12:15 10