Things which aresimultaneoushappen or exist at the same time.同时发生的事物在同一时间发生或存在。...the simultaneous release of the book and the CD.
Things which aresimultaneoushappen or exist at the same time.同时发生的事物在同一时间发生或存在。...the simultaneous release of the book and the CD.
Microsoft-backed OpenAI in February unveiled "Sora," an AI software capable of generating minute-long videos from text prompts. Th
events newsevents technews 2024-12-31 15:06 12
On June 25, China's Chang'e-6 probe made history by returning to Earth with the first-ever samples collected from the far side of
events chinese newsevents 2024-12-30 12:31 9
Sports events held in Guangzhou pave the way for the deep understanding between China and the rest of the world, noted Ahmad Ghola
events ahmad understanding 2024-12-02 16:40 10
「真格精酿」系列活动从 2019 年起,已走过 4 年,旨在帮助创业者更深入地洞察行业赛道,发现科技前沿机会,结交更多志同道合的创业伙伴。
On the evening of November 28th, the 2024 China (Guangzhou) International Fashion Industry Conference (2024 CGIFIC) officially rai
「真格精酿」系列活动从 2019 年起,已走过 4 年,旨在帮助创业者更深入地洞察行业赛道,发现科技前沿机会,结交更多志同道合的创业伙伴。
净零碳活动(Net Zero Carbon Events,NZCE)倡议计划在巴库举行的COP29上宣布,将其测量方法与联合国的绿色活动工具整合。该工具由海湾研究与发展组织管理,用于测量联合国会议的碳足迹。这一合作旨在增强该工具对商业活动行业测量的能力。联席会