
360影视 2024-12-17 11:20 4

摘要:图源:图虫焦虑广泛存在于我们的工作生活中,面对延迟退休,少焦虑一些工作时间的延长,而可以多思考如何让我们的梦想融入职业发展,不断叠加buff,让自己越来越有价值!参考文献[1] Cheng BH, Mccarthy JM. Understanding the

原创 詹蕾 上海市护理学会作者简介 /Profile/图源:图虫焦虑广泛存在于我们的工作生活中,面对延迟退休,少焦虑一些工作时间的延长,而可以多思考如何让我们的梦想融入职业发展,不断叠加buff,让自己越来越有价值!参考文献[1] Cheng BH, Mccarthy JM. Understanding the dark and bright sides of anxiety: a theory of workplace anxiety[J]. J Appl Psychol, 2018, 103(5) : 1-24.[2] Hobfoll SE, Halbesleben J, Neveu JP, et al. Conservation of resources in the organizational context: the reality of resources and their consequences[J]. Annu Rev Organizat Psychol Organizat Behav, 2018, 5(1) : 103-128.[3] Frone M R. Relations of negative and positive work experiences to employee alcohol use: Testing the intervening role of negative and positive work rumination[J]. J Occup Health Psychol, 2015, 20 (2): 148-160.[4] Cui Z, Li Y. The relationship between proactive behavior and workfamily conflict: a moderated mediation model[J]. Front Psychol, 2021, 12:657863.doi: 10. 3389 /fpsyg. 2021. 657863.[5] 邱晶青,杨心玫,倪士光.深圳市医生工作家庭冲突与工作焦虑的关系: 职业压力的中介作用[J].现代预防医学,2017,44(23):4248-4251.[6] 黄亚夫,王慧,曾小叶,等.职场焦虑量表中文版测评员工的效度和信度[J].中国心理卫生杂志,2022,36(8):719-723.版权所有:上海市护理学会

