
360影视 2024-12-17 17:16 4

摘要:图片来源:网络 + 自己做的在寒冷的冬天里,运动是少数可以让人立刻感受到自己「生命力」的事情。万物凋零,但你皮肤微微发热、脉搏强壮有力、心脏生机勃勃地跳动,如此真实而热烈地活着。这种感觉,可以抵御寒冷,抵御沮丧,抵御生活里的庸碌和乏味。运动吧!哪怕冬天,哪怕寒

原创 丁香医生看到「冬天」和「运动」两个词放在一起,有些人已经开始难受了。这可是冬天诶!光是出门就已经要花光全部力气了,还要运动??这可是运动诶!在温度适宜的时候能动就已经很厉害了,还要在寒冷的冬天??然而有那么一群人,从来不会被这些阻挡。TA 们可能是直接穿着跑鞋和压缩裤上班,手上有表、脚下有风的跑步人;图片来源:网络 + 自己做的在寒冷的冬天里,运动是少数可以让人立刻感受到自己「生命力」的事情。万物凋零,但你皮肤微微发热、脉搏强壮有力、心脏生机勃勃地跳动,如此真实而热烈地活着。这种感觉,可以抵御寒冷,抵御沮丧,抵御生活里的庸碌和乏味。运动吧!哪怕冬天,哪怕寒冷。你将前所未有地感受到——从小说到大的那句「生命在于运动」,是如此正确、如此不容置疑。最后,安全第一,还是多啰嗦几句:冬季运动小贴士➊ 冬天运动尤其要充分热身,提前升高体温,让身体更好地进入运动状态。➋ 应主要用鼻子呼吸,不要张大嘴巴,避免冷空气直接刺激咽喉。➌ 衣服最好一层层地穿,一层层地脱,避免受凉。➍ 运动后不要马上洗澡。运动后人心率加快,血液流动也加快,马上洗澡容易导致心脏和大脑供血不足。➎ 有基础疾病的患者冬季运动一定注意强度、时长。参考文献[1] Tanaka, Noriko, et al. "Relationship between seasonal changes in food intake and energy metabolism, physical activity, and body composition in young Japanese women." Nutrients 14.3 (2022): 506.[2] Yoneshiro, Takeshi, et al. "Brown adipose tissue, whole‐body energy expenditure, and thermogenesis in healthy adult men." Obesity 19.1 (2011): 13-16.[3] Rosen, Evan D., and Bruce M. Spiegelman. "What we talk about when we talk about fat." Cell 156.1 (2014): 20-44.[4] van Marken Lichtenbelt, Wouter D., and Patrick Schrauwen. "Implications of nonshivering thermogenesis for energy balance regulation in humans." American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 301.2 (2011): R285-R296.[5] Barclay, C. J., and D. S. Loiselle. "Historical perspective: heat production and chemical change in muscle. Roger C. Woledge." Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 161 (2021): 3-16.[6] Gao, Qian, et al. "Human PERIOD3 variants lead to winter depression-like behaviours via glucocorticoid signalling." Nature Metabolism (2024): 1-14.[7] Meyer, Jacob D., et al. "Feasibility of an exercise and CBT intervention for treatment of depression: a pilot randomized controlled trial." Frontiers in Psychiatry 13 (2022): 799600.策划制作策划:橘子卡 | 监制:Feidi封面图来源:irasutoya

