精读论文《SaaS 模式在中小型企业信息化管理中的应用研究》第三章

360影视 2024-12-27 21:19 2

摘要:Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave beautiful.






Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave beautiful.

Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy!

Today, the editor brings you the interpretation of articles.

Welcome to visit!

今天小编将为大家带来硕士论文《SaaS 模式在中小型企业信息化管理中的应用研究》第三章内容的解读,接下来我们开始今天的学习吧!

Today, the editor will bring you the interpretation of Chapter 3 of the master's thesis "Research on the Application of SaaS Mode in Information Management of Small and Medium sized Enterprises". Let's start today's learning!



The following figure is the mind map of this section:


本期推文主要是对论文第三章节内容进行精读。首先对国内主要的 SaaS 产品及服务进行分析比较,帮助企业在实施 SaaS前做出适合自身企业发展需求的产品选择,然后中小企业根据应用 SaaS 产品进行实施对策及调整问题。

The main purpose of this tweet is to carefully read the content of the third chapter of the paper. Firstly, analyze and compare the main SaaS products and services in China to help enterprises make product choices that are suitable for their own development needs before implementing SaaS. Then, small and medium-sized enterprises can implement strategies and adjust problems based on the application of SaaS products.

1、针对中小企业的 SaaS 产品及服务比较

作者首先对国内主要的 SaaS 产品及服务进行分析比较,以帮助中小企业做出正确抉择,这是实施 SaaS 模式进行信息化建设的前提。

1. Comparison of SaaS products and services for small and medium-sized enterprises

The author first analyzes and compares the main SaaS products and services in China to help small and medium-sized enterprises make the right choices, which is a prerequisite for implementing the SaaS model for information construction.

2、中小企业实施 SaaS 过程中的问题分析

中小企业在实施 SaaS 之前先要根据自身发展需求选择适合自己的产品,然后进行部署和实施,但在实施过程中发现仍存在很多问题。

2. Analysis of Problems in the Implementation of SaaS for Small and Medium sized Enterprises

Before implementing SaaS, small and medium-sized enterprises need to choose products that are suitable for their own development needs, and then deploy and implement them. However, many problems have been found during the implementation process.

3、中小企业应用 SaaS 产品的实施路线及调整

作者分析了中小企业实施 SaaS 过程中的问题之后,依据中小企业实施过程中出现的典型问题提出了实施路线及相应的调整策略。

3. Implementation route and adjustment of SaaS products for small and medium-sized enterprises

After analyzing the problems encountered by small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing SaaS, the author proposes an implementation route and corresponding adjustment strategies based on typical issues that arise during the implementation process.






That's all for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about the article, please leave us a message, and let us meet tomorrow.

I wish you a nice day!

[1] 赵丹阳. SaaS模式在中小型企业信息化管理中的应用研究 [D]. 上海: 上海工程技术大学, 2015.

