向 Python 终端输出添加颜色:完整指南

360影视 2025-01-04 06:44 2

摘要:有没有盯着一堵墙的单色终端文本,希望你能突出重要信息?让我们看看如何为 Python 终端输出添加颜色 — 它比您想象的要简单,并且可以使您的程序更加用户友好。

有没有盯着一堵墙的单色终端文本,希望你能突出重要信息?让我们看看如何为 Python 终端输出添加颜色 — 它比您想象的要简单,并且可以使您的程序更加用户友好。

在 Python 中添加颜色最直接的方法是使用 ANSI 转义码。这些是告诉您的终端更改文本颜色的特殊序列:

# Basic color codesRED = '\033[91m'GREEN = '\033[92m'BLUE = '\033[94m'RESET = '\033[0m' # This resets the color back to default# Simple exampleprint(f"{RED}Error: File not found{RESET}")print(f"{GREEN}Success: Data saved{RESET}")print(f"{BLUE}Info: Processing...{RESET}")

- '\033' 是转义字符
- '[' 和 'm' 之间的数字定义颜色
- 我们总是在彩色文本后使用 'RESET' 以防止颜色渗入后续输出


class Colors: def __init__(self): # Regular colors self.red = '\033[91m' self.green = '\033[92m' self.blue = '\033[94m' self.yellow = '\033[93m' self.magenta = '\033[95m' self.cyan = '\033[96m' self.white = '\033[97m' self.reset = '\033[0m' def colorize(self, text, color): """Add color to text and handle reset automatically""" color_code = getattr(self, color.lower, '') return f"{color_code}{text}{self.reset}"# Create an instancecolors = Colors# Usage examplesprint(colors.colorize("Warning: Low disk space", "yellow"))print(colors.colorize("Error: Connection failed", "red"))print(colors.colorize("Success: Test passed", "green"))



import timefrom random import randintdef process_files(file_list): colors = Colors # Using our earlier Colors class for i, file in enumerate(file_list, 1): # Simulate processing time.sleep(0.5) success = randint(0, 10) > 1 # 90% success rate # Create status message status = f"Processing file {i}/{len(file_list)}: {file}" if success: print(colors.colorize(f"✓ {status}", "green")) else: print(colors.colorize(f"✗ {status} - Failed", "red")) # Add processing details in a different color details = f" → Size: {randint(100, 1000)}KB" print(colors.colorize(details, "cyan"))# Example usagefiles = ["document.pdf", "image.jpg", "data.csv"]process_files(files)

- 绿色对号 (✓) 表示操作成功
- 红色 X 标记 (✗) 表示失败
- 青色详细信息,了解更多信息


from datetime import datetimeclass ColorLogger: def __init__(self): self.colors = Colors # Our color helper class def _log(self, level, message, color): timestamp = datetime.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") colored_level = self.colors.colorize(f"[{level}]", color) print(f"{timestamp} {colored_level} {message}") def info(self, message): self._log("INFO", message, "blue") def success(self, message): self._log("SUCCESS", message, "green") def warning(self, message): self._log("WARNING", message, "yellow") def error(self, message): self._log("ERROR", message, "red")# Example usagelogger = ColorLoggerlogger.info("Starting application...")logger.success("Database connection established")logger.warning("Cache miss, regenerating data")logger.error("Failed to send email")


除了颜色之外,ANSI 代码还可以添加文本样式:

class TextStyle: def __init__(self): # Text styles self.bold = '\033[1m' self.underline = '\033[4m' self.reversed = '\033[7m' self.reset = '\033[0m' # Colors from our previous class self.colors = Colors def format(self, text, color=None, bold=False, underline=False, reverse=False): """Apply multiple text styles at once""" style = '' if bold: style += self.bold if underline: style += self.underline if reverse: style += self.reversed if color: style += getattr(self.colors, color.lower, '') return f"{style}{text}{self.reset}"# Example usagestyle = TextStyle# Create styled headersprint(style.format("SYSTEM STATUS", "blue", bold=True, underline=True))print(style.format("Critical Error", "red", bold=True))print(style.format("New Update Available", "green", reverse=True))

- 重要信息以粗体显示
- 标题的下划线
- 反转(背景颜色)用于特殊通知


并非所有端子都以相同的方式处理 ANSI 颜色。以下是编写可在任何地方使用的代码的方法:

import osimport platformclass ColorSupport: def __init__(self): # Check if the terminal supports colors self.has_colors = self._check_color_support # Store color codes self.colors = { 'red': '\033[91m' if self.has_colors else '', 'green': '\033[92m' if self.has_colors else '', 'yellow': '\033[93m' if self.has_colors else '', 'reset': '\033[0m' if self.has_colors else '' } def _check_color_support(self): """Check if the current terminal supports colors""" # Force colors if FORCE_COLOR env variable is set if os.getenv('FORCE_COLOR'): return True # Check platform-specific support if platform.system == 'Windows': return self._enable_windows_color # Most Unix-like systems support colors return os.getenv('TERM') not in ('dumb', '') def _enable_windows_color(self): """Enable color support on Windows""" try: import ctypes kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 kernel32.SetConsoleMode(kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7) return True except: return False def colorize(self, text, color): """Add color if supported, otherwise return plain text""" if not self.has_colors: return text return f"{self.colors[color]}{text}{self.colors['reset']}"# Example usagecs = ColorSupportprint(cs.colorize("This text might be red", "red"))


import sysimport timeclass ColorProgressBar: def __init__(self, total, width=50): self.total = total self.width = width self.colors = ColorSupport def update(self, current): """Update progress bar""" # Calculate progress progress = current / self.total filled = int(self.width * progress) empty = self.width - filled # Choose color based on progress if progress


import inspectfrom datetime import datetimeclass DebugOutput: def __init__(self): self.colors = ColorSupport self.indent_level = 0 def _get_caller_info(self): """Get information about the calling function""" frame = inspect.currentframe.f_back.f_back filename = frame.f_code.co_filename lineno = frame.f_lineno func_name = frame.f_code.co_name return filename, lineno, func_name def _format_value(self, value): """Format different types of values with appropriate colors""" if isinstance(value, str): return self.colors.colorize(f"'{value}'", "green") elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): return self.colors.colorize(str(value), "yellow") elif isinstance(value, bool): return self.colors.colorize(str(value), "red") elif value is None: return self.colors.colorize("None", "red") return str(value) def debug(self, *args, **kwargs): """Print debug information with colors and formatting""" timestamp = datetime.now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] filename, lineno, func_name = self._get_caller_info # Format location info location = f"{filename}:{lineno} in {func_name}" header = self.colors.colorize(f"[DEBUG {timestamp}]", "yellow") # Format arguments arg_strings = [self._format_value(arg) for arg in args] kwarg_strings = [ f"{k}={self._format_value(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items ] all_args = arg_strings + kwarg_strings # Create indented output indent = " " * self.indent_level # Print everything print(f"{indent}{header} {location}") if all_args: print(f"{indent} Values:", ", ".join(all_args))# Example usagedebug = DebugOutputdef calculate_total(items, tax_rate=0.1): debug.debug("Starting calculation", items=items, tax_rate=tax_rate) subtotal = sum(items) debug.debug("Calculated subtotal", subtotal) tax = subtotal * tax_rate debug.debug("Calculated tax", tax) total = subtotal + tax debug.debug("Final total", total) return total# Test the debug outputprices = [10.99, 24.99, 5.99]total = calculate_total(prices, tax_rate=0.15)import sysfrom typing import Dict, Callableclass ColorMenu: def __init__(self): self.colors = ColorSupport self.options: Dict[str, Callable] = {} def add_option(self, key: str, description: str, action: Callable): """Add a menu option""" self.options[key] = { 'description': description, 'action': action } def display(self): """Show the menu with colors""" print(self.colors.colorize("\n=== Main Menu ===", "yellow")) for key, option in self.options.items: key_display = self.colors.colorize(f"[{key}]", "green") print(f"{key_display} {option['description']}") print(self.colors.colorize("[q] Quit", "red")) def run(self): """Run the interactive menu""" while True: self.display choice = input("\nEnter your choice: ").lower if choice == 'q': print(self.colors.colorize("Goodbye!", "yellow")) sys.exit(0) if choice in self.options: print(self.colors.colorize("\nExecuting command...", "green")) try: self.options[choice]['action'] except Exception as e: print(self.colors.colorize(f"Error: {e}", "red")) else: print(self.colors.colorize("Invalid option!", "red"))# Example usagedef view_records: print("Viewing all records...")def add_record: print("Adding new record...")def delete_record: print("Deleting record...")# Create and run the menumenu = ColorMenumenu.add_option('v', "View Records", view_records)menu.add_option('a', "Add Record", add_record)menu.add_option('d', "Delete Record", delete_record)# Run the menu (commented out to avoid blocking)# menu.run

这些示例展示了 color 如何使您的 Python 程序更加用户友好且更易于调试。关键是有目的地使用颜色来突出重要信息并在您的输出中创建清晰的视觉层次结构。


