
360影视 2025-01-05 12:01 3




Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2025

Get a glimpse into the future of Digital Marketing. Our expert predictions reveal the top 10 trends that will shape the industry in the coming year.digital marketing is changing and the industry is trying to adapt whilst accepting the uncertainty.So, let me offer an alternative approach that you could take this year.

Invite all the key decision-makers in your organization – including C-level executives as well as the heads of digital analytics, digital advertising, SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing – to an off-site meeting to help them understand how the ten digital marketing trends mentioned below will shape your digital marketing strategy for 2025.This is no ordinary time and you need to decide if your new digital marketing strategy will enable your organization to weather the coming storm.To give you a starting point for crucial conversations, here is my take on the top 10 digital marketing trends for 2025:





1. Digital Marketing Fundamentals

In Digital Marketing Fundamentals, I mentioned that the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs conducted a survey that found:

“Content marketers are resilient. Most have met the challenges of the pandemic head-on.”

In response to the pandemic, B2B and B2C marketers:

• Increased time spent talking with customers.

• Revisited their customer/buyer personas.

• Reexamined the customer journey.

• Changed their targeting/messaging strategy.

• Changed their distribution strategy.

• Adjusted their editorial calendar.

• Put more resources toward social media/online communities.

• Changed their website.

• Changed their products/services.

• Adjusted their KPIs.

• Changed their content marketing metrics (e.g., set up new analytics/dashboards).

I concluded:

“Both B2B and B2C marketers totally overhauled the process for creating a content marketing plan from stem to stern. For some, 2020 was the year of quickly adapting their content marketing strategy. For others, it was the year to finally develop one.”

This is now relevant again, so replace “content” with “digital” and 2020 with 2025.

1. 数字营销的基础




• 花更多时间与客户沟通,了解他们的需求。

• 重新定义目标客户的画像。

• 重新梳理客户旅程。

• 修改目标群体定位和信息传递策略。

• 调整内容分发方式。

• 更新编辑计划。

• 投入更多资源到社交媒体和线上社区。

• 优化公司官网。

• 改变产品或服务方向。

• 更新关键绩效指标(KPIs)。

• 调整内容营销指标,例如设立新的数据分析工具或仪表盘。




2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

From a senior executive’s point of view, the increasing reliance on AI for data analysis, customer segmentation, and personalized marketing campaigns raises concerns about the balance between automation and human touch.

Some might argue that your organization should “focus” all its attention and resources on the trend of AI. To prove a point, I used a generative AI tool to crank out 10 sub-trends of this megatrend below:

1. Hyper-Personalization: Utilizing generative AI to craft highly tailored content and user experiences based on their behaviors, preferences, and demographics.

2. AI-Driven Content Creation: Automating the production of content such as blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions using generative AI tools, enabling marketers to scale their efforts efficiently.

3. Voice and Conversational Marketing: Enhancing customer interactions and simplifying the purchasing process by adopting voice search optimization and conversational AI technologies like chatbots.

4. Predictive Analytics for Customer Insights: Leveraging data-driven insights to help marketers make informed decisions and refine their strategies in real time.

5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration: Empowering customers to visualize products in their own space before making a purchase decision.

6. AI-Powered Customer Journey Mapping: Using AI to analyze customer interactions, identify key touchpoints, and optimize the journey to minimize friction and boost satisfaction.

7. Sustainability and Ethical AI: Prioritizing sustainable marketing approaches and the responsible use of AI, ensuring transparency and accountability in AI applications.

8. Enhanced Data Privacy Measures: Implementing AI solutions that respect user consent and safeguard data, maintaining regulatory compliance while extracting valuable insights.

9. Integration of Ecommerce and Social Media: Streamlining shopping experiences directly within social platforms to boost engagement and drive sales.

10. AI-Enhanced Marketing Automation: Elevating campaign management through advanced automation, including features like A/B testing, real-time optimization, and personalized email strategies.

Yes, these sub-trends are driven by advancements in AI technology. And, yes, anyone can argue that AI should be considered the only digital marketing trend to focus on for 2025.

However, everyone should prepare to find the right balance between automation and the human touch. That’s what senior executives are concerned about.

3. Digital Analytics

I’d start with measurement. (No topic is more likely to get the attention of C-level executives than measuring results.)

Following an industry report, business outcomes, such as site visits, leads, and sales, have become the primary success metrics.

Since August 2007, when YouTube started offering video advertising, brands and their agencies have always prioritized reach and frequency. So, the key criteria for digital video investments has fundamentally changed.

But two-thirds of buyers, particularly smaller advertisers targeting niche audiences, cited issues across nine key areas of measurement:

• Co-viewing.

• Placement transparency.

• Brand safety/suitability.

• Viewability.

• Ads served on made-for advertising sites (MFAs).

• Ads served on TVs turned off.

• Getting sell-side data.

• Using multiple currencies.

• Standard sell-side targets.

So, what should digital analytics focus on for 2025?

In a recent post on LinkedIn, Avinash Kaushik recommended:

“Marketing’s Incrementality: Business results from marketing tactics that would not have occurred otherwise.”

He added:

“It is the absolute pinnacle of proving the value of Marketing. It is the only answer a smart CFO wants (and upon receiving it will give your CMO all the budget required to capture incremental revenue/profit!).”

He concluded:

“Very few in our ecosystem are focused on measuring incrementality. One reason is it requires sophisticated thinking, and that’s often missing. Another reason is that incrementality is actually measured, but it gets killed by the org because the results are so bad.”

2. 人工智能(AI):自动化与人性化的博弈

如今,AI 在数据分析、客户细分和个性化营销中的广泛应用,给企业高管带来了新的困惑:如何在“自动化”与“人性化”之间找到平衡?

有人可能会建议,把所有资源都押注在 AI 上。这也不是没有道理,为了证明这一点,我利用生成式 AI 工具总结了以下 10 个 AI 子趋势:

1. 超个性化:通过 AI 精准分析用户行为、喜好与人口特征,打造高度定制化的内容与体验。

2. AI 内容生产:借助 AI 工具自动生成博客、社交媒体动态及产品描述等内容,大幅提升内容生产效率。

3. 语音与对话式营销:通过语音搜索优化与智能聊天机器人,提升客户互动体验并简化购买流程。

4. 预测分析:通过数据洞察实时优化策略,帮助营销人员快速调整方向。

5. AR 与 VR 技术结合:让用户在购买前直观感受产品如何融入自己的生活场景。

6. AI 优化客户旅程:分析客户互动数据,找出关键接触点,优化流程,提升满意度。

7. 可持续发展与伦理 AI:注重透明和负责任的 AI 使用,确保技术符合伦理与法规要求。

8. 数据隐私保护:通过 AI 技术保障用户隐私,既符合监管要求又能深挖洞察价值。

9. 社交电商整合:在社交平台内实现一站式购物,提升用户参与度并推动销售增长。

10. AI 驱动的营销自动化:支持实时优化、A/B 测试及个性化邮件策略,显著提升营销效率。

虽然这些子趋势看起来极具吸引力,但企业不能一味押宝在 AI 上,而是要学会在自动化效率与人性化服务之间找到一个平衡点。这也正是企业高管们当前最为关注的问题。

3. 数字分析:精准衡量营销效果




• 共同观看的用户行为。

• 广告投放的透明度。

• 品牌安全性与适配性。

• 广告是否被有效观看。

• 投放到广告特定网站(MFAs)。

• 广告出现在未开启的电视上。

• 卖方数据获取难题。

• 使用多种不同的衡量指标。

• 标准化的卖方目标数据。


分析专家阿维纳什·考希克(Avinash Kaushik)在 LinkedIn 的一篇文章中提出了一个核心观点:



“这是衡量营销价值的巅峰。也是 CFO 想看到的唯一答案。一旦 CFO 得到这样的数据,他们会毫不犹豫地给 CMO 提供所需预算,让企业赚取更多增量收入和利润。”


企业想要在 2025 年取得营销突破,数字分析的核心任务就是专注于增量效果的精准衡量。这不仅是一场技术革命,更是一场思维的深度重塑。

4. Digital Advertising

If you’re the head of digital advertising for your organization, then you need to find the right balance between AI and human touch in 2025.

For example, I said decision-makers at your organization already know that the new AI-generated holiday ads from Coca-Cola attracted a lot of criticism.

Some described the three new AI versions as “the biggest branding blunder of the year,” and others said the AI campaign “earns Coca-Cola a lump of coal.”

After measuring the emotional impact of holiday ads, and comparing the current AI-generated holiday ad with the original human-created 2020 version, Ian Forrester said:

“The difference between the AI and the original was most stark in their evocation of warmth, a mainstay of Christmas advertising. The original evoked intense warmth among 33.0% of viewers, whereas the AI versions were significantly below this. So, while the AI is producing images which on the face of it seem cute and heart-warming, the human viewer to some degree discerns their synthetic nature, which detracts from their impact.”

And Barney Worfolk-Smith, added:

“Some in the advertising community who feel a sense of ominous threat will instantly adopt a negative stance. I don’t blame them, but the reality is, the toothpaste is out of the tube, so we should all have a hand on the wheel of a human AI hybrid Christmas Coke truck to have a stake in the future.”

So, if you’re not in the driver’s seat for similar human-AI experiments in 2025, then someone else probably will be.

5. SEO

If you’re the head of SEO for your organization, then you might want to read, A New Era Of SEO: Leveraging YouTube, LinkedIn, And Cross-Channel Strategies For Success.

So, I don’t need to tell you that it’s time to re-envision your career path.

Going forward, you will need to invest more time in learning four additional disciplines: digital analytics, digital advertising, content marketing, and social media marketing.

And you will also need to demonstrate critical thinking about digital marketing strategy if you ever hope to climb the ladder in your organization.

Since that article was published, Rand Fishkin asked How big is ChatGPT’s market share of search? And, using data from SimilarWeb and Datos, Fishkin estimates that Google’s cross-platform share of search in October 2024 was over 83.5%.

YouTube’s share was almost 7.0%. ChatGPT’s share was over 4.3%. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, and Perplexity’s combined share was almost 3.4%. And Bing’s share was almost 2.0%.

So, yes, I realize SearchGPT is the latest Bright Shiny Object (BSO). But it’s still 1.6 times more important to leverage YouTube – at least for the near future.

4. 数字广告



广告情感效果的对比数据也揭示了问题所在。广告分析师Ian Forrester表示:“AI版本和原版广告在传递‘温暖感’上有显著差异。原版广告让33%的观众感受到强烈的温暖,而AI生成的版本远远达不到这个水平。虽然AI生成的画面看起来温馨可爱,但观众总能察觉到它的‘人工合成’感,这削弱了情感共鸣的力量。”

广告行业资深人士Barney Worfolk-Smith补充道:“一些从业者可能因为感到威胁而对AI广告持否定态度,这可以理解。但现实是,AI技术已经不可逆转。我们需要共同推动‘人类+AI混合模式’的发展,以确保未来仍掌握在我们手中。”


5. 搜索引擎优化(SEO)



自从这篇文章发布以来,Rand Fishkin还带来了新的数据。他分析了ChatGPT在搜索市场中的份额,并基于SimilarWeb和Datos的数据得出结论:到2024年10月,Google的跨平台搜索市场份额超过了83.5%,YouTube占比接近7%,而ChatGPT的市场份额约为4.3%。相比之下,Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn等平台的总和占3.4%左右,Bing仅为2%。


6. Content Marketing

If you’re the head of content marketing for your organization, then you should read Why AI in Demand Generation Is No Knight In Shining Armor [New Research].

If you do, you’ll know that most demand-gen marketers feel pressured to “get good” at generative AI so they can “do more with less.”

CMI surveyed marketers to see if they felt pressured to deliver results despite having limited budgets and resources. The response? A significant 56% said they feel this pressure “to a great extent,” while 39% admitted they feel it “to some extent.”

Just 5% reported feeling no pressure at all, and a recent Deloitte study found that 79% of C-suite respondents expect gen AI to drive substantial organizational transformation in less than three years.

However, the study also found that most organizations prioritize tactical advantages, such as boosting efficiency and cutting costs, over broader goals like driving growth and fostering innovation.

In the article above, Robert Rose recognizes an inconvenient truth: generative AI magnifies what already exists.

• If you use a content calendar to crank out dull social media posts, boring in-person events, and bland emails, then AI will simply amplify those weaknesses.

• Conversely, if your content strategy makes videos worth watching, creates content worth sharing, and provides experiences worth the price of admission, then AI will enhance those strengths.

So, AI isn’t a magic wand. It’s more like a booster that accelerates your existing efforts.

As this year’s findings demonstrate, successful demand generation remains a human-centered and complex task. Efficiency alone won’t transform ordinary efforts into extraordinary success.

True success lies in creativity, uniqueness, and the thoughtful execution of ideas.

In the end, the story is yours to tell — make it exceptional.

7. Social Media Marketing

If you’re the head of social media marketing for your organization, then you might want to pay attention to the growth of BlueSky.

Similarweb reported:

“On Nov. 6, the day after the US presidential election, both website traffic and app usage spiked for Bluesky in the US as it became the destination of choice for journalists and opinion leaders (as well as followers of those people) who decided to either stop using X or begin using it less.

Usage of the Bluesky app is up 519% compared to the first 10 months of the year. The UK echoed the trend, with Bluesky usage up 352% compared with the first 10 months of the year.”

Before you rush to add yet another platform to your social media portfolio, dig a little deeper into the latest data from Similarweb.

Below is the chart that Carr sent me of the top social networks worldwide based on desktop and mobile web visits in October 2024.

If you’re data-driven, then here’s the data:

• YouTube got 29.1 billion visits that month.

• Facebook got 12.5 billion.

• Instagram got 6.0 billion.

• X (formerly Twitter) got 4.6 billion.

• Reddit got 3.5 billion.

• TikTok got 2.2 billion.

• LinkedIn got 1.8 billion.

• Pinterest got 1.2 billion.

• Threads got 154.1 million.

• Snapchat got 130.3 million.

Although it doesn’t appear in the chart, Bsky.app got 75.9 million visits in October 2024.

So, if you’ve got 1,000 people on your social media marketing team, then shift one of them to BlueSky. But based on Similarweb’s latest data, 99.9% of us should shift more people to YouTube.

6. 内容营销:AI是“放大器”,不是“魔法棒”





Robert Rose指出了一个“不方便的真相”:生成式AI会放大已有的内容。

• 如果你的内容日历只会生成枯燥的社交帖子、无趣的线下活动和乏味的邮件,那么AI只会让这些问题更加突出。

• 反之,如果你的内容战略能够创作出值得观看的视频、值得分享的内容和让用户愿意付费的体验,AI将放大这些优势。




7. 社交媒体营销:用数据决策,别随大流




• BlueSky的应用使用量同比增长519%。

• 英国的使用量也增长了352%。


1. YouTube:291亿访问量

2. Facebook:125亿

3. Instagram:60亿

4. X(Twitter):46亿

5. Reddit:35亿

6. TikTok:22亿

7. LinkedIn:18亿

8. Pinterest:12亿

9. Threads:1.54亿

10. Snapchat:1.30亿

• BlueSky(Bsky.app):7590万



8. Digital PR

It may seem odd to include Digital PR in your list of the top 10 digital marketing trends for 2025.

But Spencer Stuart noticed that 34% of Fortune 500 CMOs lead functions in addition to marketing, such as communications.

So, if your organization is one of those companies, then you’ll want to invite your head of corporate communications to your off-site meeting.

You may also want to respectfully recommend that they read 7 Steps To Building A Kickass Digital PR Campaign before attending.

And your organization would really benefit by building a kickass digital PR campaign.

9. Influencer Marketing

Invite whoever heads up influencer marketing to your off-site – even if they report to the head of digital advertising, content marketing, social media marketing, or corporate communications.

The head of influencer marketing should argue that “schmooze optimization” is the cost-effective way to achieve your marketing goals.

And, suggest to your head of SEO that they read “SEO Industry Trends Report 2024: The Search Revolution Has Already Begun.”

Kasumovic says:

“Kevin Indig reveals that only 6% of AI Overviews (AIOs) include the search query – indicating that the future of SEO lies in understanding user intent rather than keyword targeting.”

Kasumovic argues:

“The brands that rise to the top will be those that leverage the intersection of human expertise and AI automation – a balance that requires both creativity and data-driven discipline.”

He recommends:

“Collaborate with industry experts, influencers, and knowledgeable creators to build content that demonstrates deep expertise and credibility.”

10. Omnichannel Marketing

Your customers expect a seamless experience across all platforms. But if your marketing strategy is still siloed, then you might as well be using carrier pigeons to get your message across.

That’s why your organization needs to hammer out an agreement on a customer-centric strategy that integrates all your channels to create a consistent brand experience for customers.

But who is the voice of the customer in your organization? If there isn’t an obvious choice, there are three potential candidates:

1. A digital analytics expert who recognizes a seamless customer experience across multiple channels will be essential.

2. A digital advertising expert who knows that integrating PPC campaigns across multiple channels (search, social, display) will be vital for a cohesive customer journey.

3. An SEO expert who understands search engines are increasingly considering user experience (UX) metrics as ranking factors.

In Summary: Get Key Decision-Makers Involved

This is my take on the top 10 digital marketing trends for 2025 which will hopefully give you a starting point to tailor a version for your organization.

What is important to remember is to get all the key decision-makers in your organization involved.

I suggest you take time to outline your priorities and where you need to go in 2025.

Get ready for the storm to face it head on.

8. 数字公关:不容忽视的新趋势


根据 Spencer Stuart 的研究,34%的《财富》500强企业CMO不仅负责营销,还要兼顾企业传播等重要职能。如果你的企业也在其中,那么在制定营销计划时,一定要邀请企业传播负责人参与到讨论中来。


9. 影响者营销:关系优化的新玩法


影响者营销的核心,可以概括为“关系优化”(Schmooze Optimization)。这是一种高性价比的方式,可以帮助企业更快实现营销目标。

“Kevin Indig 的研究表明,只有6%的AI生成内容概述包含完整的搜索查询。这表明,SEO的未来不再是关键词匹配,而是深刻理解用户意图。”



• 与行业专家、影响者和知识型创作者合作,打造兼具深度和专业度的内容,让品牌更具权威和信任度。

10. 全渠道营销:打造无缝体验




1. 数字分析专家:他们明白,跨渠道的无缝客户体验将是2025年的必然趋势。

2. 数字广告专家:他们清楚,整合搜索、社交媒体和展示广告等渠道的PPC广告,将是提升客户旅程的重要手段。

3. SEO专家:他们深知,搜索引擎已经开始将用户体验(UX)指标作为排名的重要因素。




原作者:Greg Jarboe(SEO-PR总裁)

