位置和数量作用一个放后面避免名字冲突两个放两边系统变量能把内建模块(builtins)覆盖掉吗??摘要:电子排版领域 The underscore is not the same character as the dash character, although one convention for text news wires is to use an un
重新赋值 __builtins__ = 1
所有的 内建函数直接 都不认识了这 搞崩系统 啦?!!! 所有函数 失效!!!! 赶紧喊救命绝望
喊救命也没人理了 退 都 退不出去了!!!本地真的没有__builtins__了吗?本地 locals
尝试引用外部模块 osimport os
python 已经彻底崩溃暴露出了c语言源程序代码的位置怎么办?删除变量
把__builtins__删除了原内建模块 就重见天日了__builtins__ = 1 del __builtins__
一切都恢复了在等号两端 总保留 一个空格看起来没什么意义啊为什么要 加空格呢?可读性
空格完成 留白非常优雅增加了 文档的可读性这两句话从何说起加空格的原因 import this
这两句话也来自于Python之禅The Zen of Python有 明确文档 做过要求 吗?具体规范
PEP 8是 Python Enhancement Proposals 8Python 代码风格指南从现在开始养成习惯打好基础提高代码质量认真、专业 的能 看得出来乱写的 代码让人一看 就想要离开拒人千里之外为什么会有下划线这么一个标点呢?下划线来历
打字机时代早期使用字模没有粗体没有斜体甚至没有 小写字母想要表现重点就用下划线电子排版领域 The underscore is not the same character as the dash character, although one convention for text news wires is to use an underscore when an em-dash or en-dash is desired, or when other non-standard characters such as bullets would be appropriate. A series of underscores [like -___ ] may be used to create a blank to be filled in on a form, although the resulting blank may have tiny gaps between each individual underscore. It is also sometimes used to create a horizontal line; other symbols with similar graphemes, such as hyphens and dashes, are also used for this purpose.
制作电子文稿的时候可以作为 填空的位置计算机时代
计算机时代 有的时候需要使用空格系统 对于命名 有要求邮件地址文件名网址代码中的标识符This character is sometimes used to create visual spacing within a sequence of characters, where a whitespace characteris not permitted (e.g., in computer filenames, email addresses, and in Internet URLs). Some computer applications will automatically underline text surrounded by underscores: underlined will render underlined. It is often used in plain text-only media (IRC, instant messaging, classical Email) for this purpose.
这个时候 使用下划线 代替空格When the underscore is used for emphasis in this fashion, it is usually interpreted as indicating that the enclosed text is underlined (as opposed to being italicized or bold, which is indicated by /slashes/ or asterisks, respectively).
这次玩的 还是 下划线下划线 在变量定义的时候代替空格空格本身也很重要留白 让 代码提高可读性还有什么方式可以 继续 提高可读性 吗??我们下次再说!蓝桥->https://www.lanqiao.cn/courses/3584github->https://github.com/overmind1980/oeasy-python-tutorialgitee->https://gitee.com/overmind1980/oeasypython来源:oeasy