Prof Gemmy Cheung:科技引领眼科未来,赋能全球视网膜疾病管理

360影视 2025-01-13 19:31 2

摘要:2024年11月22日至24日,一场备受瞩目的眼科领域国际盛会——第17届亚太玻璃体视网膜学会大会(APVRS 2024)在狮城新加坡隆重举行。此次大会以“用科技改变视网膜疾病管理”为主题,汇聚了来自全球的眼科精英,共同探讨眼科技术与治疗的前沿进展,为与会者搭

Prof Gemmy Cheung

编者按:2024年11月22日至24日,一场备受瞩目的眼科领域国际盛会——第17届亚太玻璃体视网膜学会大会(APVRS 2024)在狮城新加坡隆重举行。此次大会以“用科技改变视网膜疾病管理”为主题,汇聚了来自全球的眼科精英,共同探讨眼科技术与治疗的前沿进展,为与会者搭建了一个跨国界、跨领域的深度交流平台。大会主席Prof Gemmy Cheung在会后接受《国际眼科时讯》采访时,详细介绍了大会的亮点,并分享了此次盛会的精彩之处。她表示,APVRS 2024不仅展示了最新的研究成果和技术创新,还促进了全球眼科专家之间的合作与交流,热烈期待大家积极参与2025年APVRS年会,继续推动眼科领域的进步与发展。





为了促进更广泛的国际交流与合作,今年的会议得到了9个国际眼科学会的支持,这些学会共同主办了多场专题讨论会。这些组织包括EURETINA、黄斑学会、亚太眼科影像学会、国际视网膜影像学会、Vit Buck学会、国际葡萄膜炎研究小组、英国皇家眼科学院、加拿大玻璃体视网膜学会以及国际眼科阈值下激光学会。大会还获得了来自行业合作伙伴的鼎力支持,他们在各自的展位、研讨会和Wetlab中慷慨分享了最新的技术和见解,为与会者提供了宝贵的交流机会。


The annual congress of the APVRS has gone from strength to strength. It is one of the highlights for the vitreoretinal community. This year, the 17th APVRS annual congress was held in Singapore. The meeting attracted over 2100 registrants. The scientific program was outstanding, with 31 invited symposia featuring over 300 invited speakers from all over the world. A wide range of topics including advances in medical therapies, surgical techniques and translational research. In addition, 650 submitted abstracts were invited to be presented in free paper and poster sessions. To encourage networking and exchange, this year’s meeting also garnered the support of 9 international societies to co-host symposia. These include EURETINA, the Macula Society, the Asia Pacific Ocular Imaging Society, the International Retinal Imaging Society, the Vit Buck Society, the International Uveitis Study group, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists UK, the Canadian Vitreoretinal Society and the Subthreshold Ophthalmic Laser Society. We also received immense support from our industry partners who generously share their technologies and perspectives in their booths, symposia and wetlab. Overall participants enjoyed a rich and diverse learning experience over the 3-day event.









Globally, healthcare systems face challenges related to modern lifestyle and population aging. Retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and pathologic myopia number among the most common and sight threatening conditions all over the world. To address the unmet needs arising from these conditions, the theme of this conference focus on leveraging on research and technology to transform the management of retinal diseases. A few exciting areas that were covered include new molecular mechanisms and drug delivery, novel surgical operating systems including robotic surgery, gene and cell therapy development and big data research.



APVRS的使命之一是支持亚太地区玻璃体视网膜领域的发展。由Dennis Lam(林顺潮教授)领导的APVRS领导力发展计划(LDP)为学员提供量身定制的领导力课程,旨在提升他们在该领域的领导能力。在专家小组讨论环节,由Dennis Lam教授和Neil Bressler博士主持,来自世界各地的专家成员积极参与了热烈的讨论,分享了各自的经验和见解,为与会者提供了宝贵的行业洞察。


此外,由Judy Kim教授、Anabelle Okada教授和Shu Yen Lee教授主持的“眼科女性”(The Women in Ophthalmology)会议,汇聚了一群在研究、手术和创新领域具有影响力的女性领导者。她们强调互相支持、庆祝集体成就,并通过指导和树立积极榜样来赋予他人力量的重要性。虽然目前在眼科领域担任领导职务的女性人数有所增加,但与男性相比,数量仍然不足。这些女性领导者分享了她们的个人故事和见解,讲述了她们如何应对来自家庭和工作的双重挑战,如何树立积极的榜样,以及如何充分发挥自身优势。


在青年视网膜专家研讨会上,Kenneth Fong教授以“当我还是一名年轻的虚拟现实外科医生时,我希望知道的事情”为题进行开场演讲。其他演讲者也通过案例讨论,分享了他们在职业生涯中积累的广泛经验和教训,为年轻一代提供了宝贵的指导。

One of the missions of the APVRS is to support development of the Asia-Pacific vitreoretinal community. The APVRS Leadership Development program (LDP) led by Professor Dennis Lam provided trainees with a tailor-made program on leadership. The expert panel chaired by Prof Lam and Dr Neil Bressler saw vibrant discussions from international panel members who shared their journey and insights. The Women in Ophthalmology session chaired by Professors Judy Kim, Anabelle Okada and Shu Yen Lee brought together an inspiring panel of leaders in research, surgery and innovation. The audience were reminded of the importance of supporting one another, celebrating collective achievements and empowering others through mentorship and positive role modelling. There have been an increase in women in leadership roles but the numbers are still behind our male counterparts. During the Women in Ophthalmology session, leaders shared their personal stories and insights on how they have navigated challenges in managing family and work, in positive role modelling and owning our strengths.In the Young Retina Specialist symposium, Dr Kenneth Fong opened the session by sharing ‘Things I wished I knew when I was a younger VR surgeon’, followed by speakers shared a wide range of lessons through case discussions.

2025年12月12日-14日,第18届亚太玻璃体视网膜学会大会(APVRS 2025 )将在菲律宾马尼拉盛大召开,欢迎大家关注,积极踊跃参与。

