摘要:Nilufar由Nina Yashar于1979年创立,如今已成为设计界最具影响力的品牌之一。它为收藏家、机构和设计爱好者提供重要参考。Nina Yashar富有远见的创造力能够预见不断发展的设计领域的变化,提供一种现代的、多元文化的视野,同时混合一系列不限于
Nina Yashar
Nilufar由Nina Yashar于1979年创立,如今已成为设计界最具影响力的品牌之一。它为收藏家、机构和设计爱好者提供重要参考。Nina Yashar富有远见的创造力能够预见不断发展的设计领域的变化,提供一种现代的、多元文化的视野,同时混合一系列不限于特定时间段或地理区域的美学风格。
Ramírez Vàzquez
Ramírez Vázquez于1919年4月16日出生在墨西哥城的一个工人家庭——他的父亲曾是一位古籍商人。在这样的环境中长大,他深受重视创造力和知识追求的氛围熏陶,自幼便接触到了广泛的艺术与文化影响。1943年从墨西哥国立自治大学毕业后,他迅速投身于设计数千座商业建筑、住宅和公共设施之中——数量之多,以至于确切数字已无从考证。他凭借创新的设计理念和强烈的责任感——他尤其热衷于保护本国的文化遗产——成为了墨西哥建筑界的领军人物。他认为,建筑师的职责在于推动社会变革,改善普通民众的生活。事实上,他在一定程度上推动了教育体系的改革,在农村地区建造学校,从而使数百万儿童得以接受教育。
1958年,仅用短短一年时间,Pedro Ramírez Vásquez便设计并建造了他最为倾注心血的项目:位于墨西哥城的居所兼工作室。他选址于圣安赫尔的石岩区(El Pedregal de San Angel),这是首都南部的一处新兴住宅区。该区域于20世纪40年代由著名建筑师路易斯·巴拉甘(Luis Barragán)率先开发,其独特之处在于地基:一片由数千年前希特莱火山(Xitle volcano)喷发形成的固化熔岩场,石上留痕,见证岁月。对于一位前卫建筑师而言,这里不仅适宜居住,更是开设工作室的理想之地,因为这里遍布着以简约几何造型、平顶设计和天然材质为特色的建筑。
In 1958, in barely a year, Pedro Ramírez Vásquez designed and built what would be his most personal project: his home and studio in Mexico City. The site he chose was in the colonia of El Pedregal de San Angel, a new residential area in the south of the capital. This development, spearheaded in the 1940s by influential architect Luis Barragán, is set apart by its foundations: a solidified lava field, its stone formed thousands of years ago in the eruption of the Xitle volcano. It was also a fitting place for a progressive architect to live and set up shop, given the profusion of simple geometric buildings featuring flat roofs and natural materials.
Audrey Large的3D打印雕塑阿兹特克美洲豹引领视觉焦点,与国家人类学博物馆中的雕塑完全相同。火山石地面和墙面瓷砖将庭院与房屋内部连接起来,与橡木格子图案、木镶板和米色地毯相得益彰。
漫步于这座房屋之中,它围绕着一个中央的大型矩形庭院而建,该庭院最初是露天设计,风格仿照传统的殖民时期住宅。整座房屋原本构想为一层住宅,但1978年因Ramírez Vázquez不断扩大的收藏品需求,加建了第二层,同时庭院也被覆盖以抵御风雨。尽管如此,这里仍保留了一些户外元素:庭院中央摆放着一尊阿兹特克风格的豹雕塑,它是国家人类学博物馆中一尊雕塑的精确复制品。建筑师还设计了一款玻璃仙人掌,它仿佛从一位圣人的木雕胸像中生长出来。
We amble through the house, which wraps around a central large rectangular courtyard that was originally open to the sky in the style of traditional colonial homes. The whole was conceived as a single-storey dwelling but a second floor was added in 1978 – a necessity to house Ramírez Vázquez’s ever-expanding collection – and at the same time the courtyard was covered to protect it from the elements. Nonetheless there is still some suggestion of the great outdoors: an Aztec jaguar sculpture – an exact replica of one that resides in the National Museum of Anthropology – sits centre stage.The glass prickly pear cactus that looks as though it’s springing from the wooden bust of a saint.
自从 1958 年一家人搬进来以来,玻璃纤维桌椅就一直摆放在院子里,现在,它们旁边是Ramírez Vázquez设计的雕像的比例复制品,该雕像于 1983 年被赠送给多米尼加共和国。
The architect also designed Volcanic stones permeate the entire house, serving as both floors and walls. The living room and dining area are adorned with wooden finishes and beige carpets, presenting a particularly minimalist aesthetic compared to the more casual spaces such as the family lounge and breakfast room. He wonders why his parents chose to clad the ceiling in wood. They did so in 1978, but he has never liked it and eventually plans to remove it. Unlike her husband's modernist style, Olga is a devout Catholic with more traditional aesthetics and life outlooks. She has filled all remaining spaces in the home with images of the Madonna, Annunciations, and crucifixes.
Ramírez Vázquez亲自设计了家中大部分的家具——以及诸多摆件,包括大厅墙上的玻璃十字架。
Ramírez Vázquez senior designed much of the house’s furniture – and indeed objets, including the glass crucifix on the hall wall.
在一个狭长地块的一侧,Ramírez Vázquez建造了他的办公室和工作室,而在另一侧更安静的地方,则是他的家。在一个阳光明媚的早晨,他的儿子 Javier在这里详细地谈起了他的父亲:他辉煌的职业生涯、卓越的遗产、个人生活以及他生前居住了55年的家(直至2013年他94岁生日那天去世)。现在, Javier负责这所房子及其内部物品的管理——包括建筑师收藏的大量古籍、书籍、建筑图纸、照片、艺术品、邮票以及1968年奥运会纪念品。尽管他与父亲关系非常亲密,但Javier仍然认为他的父亲内心是一个简单的人”。
On one side of an elongated plot, Ramírez Vázquez constructed his office and studio, and on the other, quieter side, his home. It is here, one sunny morning, that his son Javier meets me and talks at length about his father: his illustrious career, his remarkable legacy, his personal life and the place he lived in for 55 years until his death in 2013 (on his 94th birthday). Now responsible for that house and its contents – including the vast collection of antique documents, books, architectural plans, photographs, artwork, stamps and 1968 Olympics memorabilia the architect accumulated – Javier still thinks of his father, to whom he was very close, as a ‘simple man’ at heart.
Ramírez Vázquez藏书丰富,按主题精心分类,摆满了图书馆的书架,书架顶部是一排前哥伦布时期的人物和一幅“nierika”(纱线画),是他为1968年墨西哥城奥运会设计的标志。后者的右侧挂着一幅迭戈·里维拉的小素描Ramírez Vázquez还设计了玻璃仙人掌,看上去就像是从圣人的木制半身像中冒出来的
Ramírez Vázquez还设计了玻璃仙人掌,看上去就像是从圣人的木制半身像中冒出来的。
其中一间卧室的衣柜里挂着一件藏红花色的“jorongo”,即斗篷,这是 1968 年在特奥蒂瓦坎举行的招待会上赠送给国际奥林匹克委员会所有成员的礼物
一幅Pedro Medina Guzmán绘制的基督素描悬挂在伏尔泰铜像之上,而一位年迈的拿破仑则悠闲地坐在由火山岩制成的窗台一角,与它们相隔不远。
A sketch of Christ by Pedro Medina Guzmán hangs above a bronze figure of Voltaire, while an ageing Napoleon sits idly round the corner from them on a windowsill made of volcanic rock.
伦敦设计工作室Analogia Project的Necklace吸顶玻璃灯,借鉴了古代珠宝制作工艺,与前面的Piero壁灯虽然风格迥异,但在色彩与材质方面遥相呼应。
英国设计师Bethan Laura Wood和二人组David/Nicolas为CC-Tapis设计的一系列独特地毯贯穿整个展厅,是民族、文化、美学和历史的巧妙结合。
The dining room, as seen through an opening in the partition separating it and the drawing room. The watermelon painting glimpsed beyond is by Pedro Diego Alvarado, grandson of the painter and muralist Diego Rivera.
哥本哈根设计师Vibeke Fonnesberg Schmidt的Piero壁灯,采用了20世纪60年代意大利设计手法和德国Bauhaus现代主义风格,探索了色彩、材料和形式之间的相互作用。
透过餐厅与客厅隔断的开口可以看到餐厅。隔断后方的西瓜画由画家兼壁画家Diego Rivera的孙子Pedro Diego Alvarado创作。
米兰设计师Filippo Carandini的Tenet和Mensa桌子展示了亮丽的外观与功能之间的兼容。作为New Pompeii家具系列的一部分,Carandini的木桌完全由手工打造,经过多重分层工艺,具有鲜明的手工艺之美。
项目名称 | Pedro Ramírez Vàzquez's home
项目设计 | Pedro Ramírez Vàzquez
项目地点 | 145 Granizo, México City 01900, Mexico
项目年份 | 1958年
项目摄影 | Alejandro Ramirez Orozco; Guido Taroni