
360影视 2025-01-21 16:06 3

摘要:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport mathimport scipyfrom sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutl

import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport mathimport scipyfrom sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactordf = pd.read_pickle('data/processed/01_data_processed.pkl')outlier_columns = list(df.columns[:-1])plt.style.use("fivethirtyeight")plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 5)plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100#boxplots for each categoryfor outlier_column in outlier_columns:df[[outlier_column] + ["Category"]].boxplot(by="Category", figsize=(20, 10))plt.showdef plot_binary_outliers(dataset, col, outlier_col, reset_index):""" Plot outliers in case of a binary outlier score. Here, the col specifies the real datacolumn and outlier_col the columns with a binary value (outlier or not).Args:dataset (pd.DataFrame): The datasetcol (string): Column that you want to plotoutlier_col (string): Outlier column marked with true/falsereset_index (bool): whether to reset the index for plotting"""dataset = dataset.dropna(axis=0, subset=[col, outlier_col])dataset[outlier_col] = dataset[outlier_col].astype("bool")if reset_index:dataset = dataset.reset_indexfig, ax = plt.subplotsplt.xlabel("samples")plt.ylabel("value")# Plot non outliers in default colorax.plot(dataset.index[~dataset[outlier_col]],dataset[col][~dataset[outlier_col]],"+",)# Plot data points that are outliers in redax.plot(dataset.index[dataset[outlier_col]],dataset[col][dataset[outlier_col]],"r+",)plt.legend(["outlier " + col, "no outlier " + col],loc="upper center",ncol=2,fancybox=True,shadow=True,)plt.showdef mark_outliers_iqr(dataset, col):"""Function to mark values as outliers using the IQR method.Args:dataset (pd.DataFrame): The datasetcol (string): The column you want apply outlier detection toReturns:pd.DataFrame: The original dataframe with an extra boolean column indicating whether the value is an outlier or not."""dataset = dataset.copyQ1 = dataset[col].quantile(0.25)Q3 = dataset[col].quantile(0.75)IQR = Q3 - Q1lower_bound = Q1 - 1.5 * IQRupper_bound = Q3 + 1.5 * IQRdataset[col + "_outlier"] = (dataset[col] upper_bound)return datasetcol = "Ib (Amp)"dataset = mark_outliers_iqr(df, col)plot_binary_outliers(dataset=dataset, col=col, outlier_col=col+"_outlier", reset_index=True)# Loop over all columnsfor col in outlier_columns:dataset = mark_outliers_iqr(df, col)plot_binary_outliers(dataset=dataset, col=col, outlier_col=col+"_outlier", reset_index=True)df[outlier_columns + ["Category"]].hist(by="Category", figsize=(20, 10), layout=(3, 3))array([[, ,],[,,],[, , ]], dtype=object)def mark_outliers_chauvenet(dataset, col, C=2):"""Finds outliers in the specified column of datatable and adds a binary column withthe same name extended with '_outlier' that expresses the result per data point.Args:dataset (pd.DataFrame): The datasetcol (string): The column you want apply outlier detection toC (int, optional): Degree of certainty for the identification of outliers given the assumption of a normal distribution, typicaly between 1 - 10. Defaults to 2.Returns:pd.DataFrame: The original dataframe with an extra boolean column indicating whether the value is an outlier or not."""dataset = dataset.copy# Compute the mean and standard deviation.mean = dataset[col].meanstd = dataset[col].stdN = len(dataset.index)criterion = 1.0 / (C * N)# Consider the deviation for the data points.deviation = abs(dataset[col] - mean) / std# Express the upper and lower bounds.low = -deviation / math.sqrt(C)high = deviation / math.sqrt(C)prob = mask = # Pass all rows in the dataset.for i in range(0, len(dataset.index)):# Determine the probability of observing the pointprob.append(1.0 - 0.5 * (scipy.special.erf(high.iloc[i]) - scipy.special.erf(low.iloc[i])))# And mark as an outlier when the probability is below our criterion.mask.append(prob[i] for col in outlier_columns:dataset = mark_outliers_chauvenet(df, col)plot_binary_outliers(dataset=dataset, col=col, outlier_col=col+"_outlier", reset_index=True)def mark_outliers_lof(dataset, columns, n=20):"""Mark values as outliers using LOFArgs:dataset (pd.DataFrame): The datasetcol (string): The column you want apply outlier detection ton (int, optional): n_neighbors. Defaults to 20.Returns:pd.DataFrame: The original dataframe with an extra boolean columnindicating whether the value is an outlier or not."""dataset = dataset.copylof = LocalOutlierFactor(n_neighbors=n)data = dataset[columns]outliers = lof.fit_predict(data)X_scores = lof.negative_outlier_factor_dataset["outlier_lof"] = outliers == -1return dataset, outliers, X_scoresdf = df.dropnadataset, outliers, X_scores = mark_outliers_lof(df, outlier_columns)for col in outlier_columns:plot_binary_outliers(dataset=dataset, col=col, outlier_col="outlier_lof", reset_index=True)#selectod method Chauvenets criteronfor col in outlier_columns:dataset = mark_outliers_chauvenet(df, col)plot_binary_outliers(dataset=dataset, col=col, outlier_col=col+"_outlier", reset_index=True)


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完整代码可通过知乎付费咨询获得:https://www.zhihu.com/consult/people/792359672131756032一维时间序列信号的稀疏度度量方法(MATLAB R2018A)算法运行环境为MATLAB R2018A,执行一维信号的稀疏度量方法,包括峰度(Kurt)、负熵(NE)、d -范数(DN)、2-范数与1-范数之比(L2/L1)、基尼指数(GI)、修正平滑指数(MSI)、基尼指数2 (GI2)、基尼指数3 (GI3)、广义基尼指数(GGI)、完全广义基尼指数等。算法可迁移至金融时间序列,地震信号,机械振动信号,语音信号,声信号,生理信号(EEG,EMG)等一维时间序列信号。完整代码可通过知乎付费咨询获得:https://www.zhihu.com/consult/people/792359672131756032




