摘要:由于 PDF 文档的复杂性,从 PDF 文件中提取表格数据可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。与简单的文本提取不同,表格需要小心处理,以保留表格结构以及行和列之间的关系。您无需从大量 PDF 表中手动提取数据,而是可以通过编程方式简化和自动化此过程。在本文中,我们将演
由于 PDF 文档的复杂性,从 PDF 文件中提取表格数据可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。与简单的文本提取不同,表格需要小心处理,以保留表格结构以及行和列之间的关系。您无需从大量 PDF 表中手动提取数据,而是可以通过编程方式简化和自动化此过程。在本文中,我们将演示如何使
要将 PDF 表中的数据提取为文本、excel 和 csv 文件,我们可以使用 Spire.PDF for Python 和 Spire.XLS for Python 库。Spire.PDF for Python 主要用于从 PDF 中提取表格数据,Spire.XLS for Python 主要用于将提取的表格数据保存为 Excel 和 CSV 文件。
您可以在项目的终端中运行以下 pip 命令来安装 Spire.PDF for Python 和 Spire.XLS for Python:
pip install Spire.Pdfpip install Spire.Xls如果您已经安装了 Spire.PDF for Python 和 Spire.XLS for Python,并且想要升级到最新版本,请使用以下 pip 命令:
pip install --upgrade Spire.Pdfpip install --upgrade Spire.XlsSpire.PDF for Python 提供的 PdfTableExtractor.ExtractTable(pageIndex: int) 函数允许您访问 PDF 中的表。访问后,您可以使用 PdfTable.GetText(rowIndex: int, columnIndex: int) 函数轻松地从表中检索数据。然后,您可以将检索到的数据保存到文本文件中以供以后使用。
以下示例显示了如何使用 Python 和 Spire.PDF for Python 从 PDF 文件中提取表数据并将结果保存到文本文件中:
from spire.pdf import *from spire.xls import *# define an extract_table_data function to extract table data from PDFdef extract_table_data(pdf_path): # Create an instance of the PdfDocument class doc = PdfDocument try: # Load a PDF document doc.LoadFromFile(pdf_path) # Create a list to store the extracted table data table_data = # Create an instance of the PdfTableExtractor class extractor = PdfTableExtractor(doc) # Iterate through the pages in the PDF document for page_index in range(doc.Pages.Count): # Get tables within each page tables = extractor.ExtractTable(page_index) if tables is not None and len(tables) > 0: # Iterate through the tables for table_index, table in enumerate(tables): row_count = table.GetRowCount col_count = table.GetColumnCount table_data.append(f"Table {table_index + 1} of Page {page_index + 1}:\n") # Extract data from each table and append the data to the table_data list for row_index in range(row_count): row_data = for column_index in range(col_count): data = table.GetText(row_index, column_index) row_data.append(data.strip) table_data.append(" ".join(row_data)) table_data.append("\n") return table_data except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}") return None# Define a save_table_data_to_text function to save the table data extracted from a PDF to a text filedef save_table_data_to_text(table_data, output_path): try: with open(output_path, "w", Encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write("\n".join(table_data)) print(f"Table data saved to '{output_path}' successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred while saving table data: {str(e)}")# Example usagepdf_path = "Tables.pdf"output_path = "table_data.txt"data = extract_table_data(pdf_path)if data: save_table_data_to_text(data, output_path)使用 Python 从 PDF 中提取表格
当您需要对表格数据执行进一步的分析、计算或可视化时,将 PDF 表格提取到 Excel 非常有用。通过将 Spire.PDF for Python 与 Spire.XLS for Python 结合使用,您可以轻松地将数据从 PDF 表格导出到 Excel 工作表。
以下示例显示了如何使用 Spire.PDF for Python 和 Spire.XLS for Python 将数据从 PDF 表导出到 Python 中的 Excel 工作表:
from spire.pdf import *from spire.xls import *# Define a function to extract data from PDF tables to Exceldef extract_table_data_to_excel(pdf_path, xls_path): # Create an instance of the PdfDocument class doc = PdfDocument try: # Load a PDF document doc.LoadFromFile(pdf_path) # Create an instance of the PdfTableExtractor class extractor = PdfTableExtractor(doc) # Create an instance of the Workbook class Workbook = Workbook # Remove the default 3 worksheets workbook.Worksheets.Clear # Iterate through the pages in the PDF document for page_index in range(doc.Pages.Count): # Extract tables from each page tables = extractor.ExtractTable(page_index) if tables is not None and len(tables) > 0: # Iterate through the extracted tables for table_index, table in enumerate(tables): # Create a new worksheet for each table worksheet = workbook.CreateEmptySheet # Set the worksheet name worksheet.Name = f"Table {table_index + 1} of Page {page_index + 1}" row_count = table.GetRowCount col_count = table.GetColumnCount # Extract data from the table and populate the worksheet for row_index in range(row_count): for column_index in range(col_count): data = table.GetText(row_index, column_index) worksheet.Range[row_index + 1, column_index + 1].Value = data.strip # Auto adjust column widths of the worksheet worksheet.Range.AutoFitColumns # Save the workbook to the specified Excel file workbook.SaveToFile(xls_path, ExcelVersion.Version2013) except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")# Example usagepdf_path = "Tables.pdf"xls_path = "table_data.xlsx"extract_table_data_to_excel(pdf_path, xls_path)使用 Python 将 PDF 表格提取到 Excel
CSV 是一种通用格式,可以通过电子表格软件、数据库、编程语言和数据分析工具打开和处理。将 PDF 表格提取为 CSV 格式使数据易于访问并与各种应用程序和工具兼容。
以下示例显示了如何使用 Spire.PDF for Python 和 Spire.XLS for Python 将数据从 PDF 表导出到 Python 中的 CSV 文件:
from spire.pdf import *from spire.xls import *# Define a function to extract data from PDF tables to CSVdef extract_table_data_to_csv(pdf_path, csv_directory): # Create an instance of the PdfDocument class doc = PdfDocument try: # Load a PDF document doc.LoadFromFile(pdf_path) # Create an instance of the PdfTableExtractor class extractor = PdfTableExtractor(doc) # Create an instance of the Workbook class workbook = Workbook # Remove the default 3 worksheets workbook.Worksheets.Clear # Iterate through the pages in the PDF document for page_index in range(doc.Pages.Count): # Extract tables from each page tables = extractor.ExtractTable(page_index) if tables is not None and len(tables) > 0: # Iterate through the extracted tables for table_index, table in enumerate(tables): # Create a new worksheet for each table worksheet = workbook.CreateEmptySheet row_count = table.GetRowCount col_count = table.GetColumnCount # Extract data from the table and populate the worksheet for row_index in range(row_count): for column_index in range(col_count): data = table.GetText(row_index, column_index) worksheet.Range[row_index + 1, column_index + 1].Value = data.strip csv_name = csv_directory + f"Table {table_index + 1} of Page {page_index + 1}" + ".csv" # Save each worksheet to a separate CSV file worksheet.SaveToFile(csv_name, ",", Encoding.get_UTF8) except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")# Example usagepdf_path = "Tables.pdf"csv_directory = "CSV/"extract_table_data_to_csv(pdf_path, csv_directory)使用 Python 将 PDF 表格提取为 CSV