在 Python 中合并和拆分 PowerPoint 演示文稿 — 完整指南

360影视 2025-01-24 12:55 7

摘要:合并 PowerPoint 演示文稿使用户能够将多个文件中的幻灯片合并为一个有凝聚力的演示文稿,从而更轻松地整合来自各种来源的信息。相反,拆分 PowerPoint 演示文稿允许用户将大型演示文稿分解为更小、可管理的文件,这对于专注于特定部分或更有效地分发内容

合并 PowerPoint 演示文稿使用户能够将多个文件中的幻灯片合并为一个有凝聚力的演示文稿,从而更轻松地整合来自各种来源的信息。相反,拆分 PowerPoint 演示文稿允许用户将大型演示文稿分解为更小、可管理的文件,这对于专注于特定部分或更有效地分发内容非常有用。


为了自动合并和拆分 PowerPoint 演示文稿,本博客将使用 Spire.Presentation for Python,这是一个用于在 Python 中创建、读取、修改和转换 PowerPoint(.ppt、.pptx 等)文件的库。可以使用以下命令安装它:

pip install Spire.Presentation

安装后,您就可以以编程方式合并和拆分 PowerPoint 文件了。

合并 PowerPoint 文件通常涉及以下步骤:

加载每个 PowerPoint 演示文稿。将这些演示文稿中的幻灯片复制到新的或指定的主演示文稿中。将合并的演示文稿另存为新文件。


将多个 PowerPoint 文件合并到一个演示文稿中时,必须保持每个幻灯片组中的幻灯片顺序。

下面的代码创建一个新演示文稿,并迭代给定文件列表中的每个 PowerPoint 文件,然后按顺序将每张幻灯片从 PowerPoint 文件复制到新演示文稿。

from spire.presentation import *# Function to merge multiple presentations sequentially into a new presentationdef merge_presentations(presentation_files, output_file): # Create a new presentation merged_presentation = Presentation # Remove the default empty slide in the new presentation merged_presentation.Slides.RemoveAt(0) for file in presentation_files: # Load each presentation presentation = Presentation presentation.LoadFromFile(file) for slide in presentation.Slides: # Copy each slide to the new presentation merged_presentation.Slides.AppendBySlide(slide) # Save the new presentation merged_presentation.SaveToFile(output_file, FileFormat.Pptx2016)# PowerPoint files_to_mergefiles_to_merge = ["presentation1.pptx", "presentation2.pptx", "presentation3.pptx"]# Call the function to merge the files sequentiallymerge_presentations(files_to_merge, "merged_presentation.pptx")


在下面的代码中,您可以通过使用 slide_indices 参数中的列表来定义要从每个演示文稿中提取的特定幻灯片。

from spire.presentation import *# Function to merge selected slides from multiple presentations into a new presentationdef merge_selected_slides(presentation_files, slide_indices, output_file): # Create a new presentation merged_presentation = Presentation # Remove the default empty slide in the new presentation merged_presentation.Slides.RemoveAt(0) for i, file in enumerate(presentation_files): # Load each presentation presentation = Presentation presentation.LoadFromFile(file) for j, slide in enumerate(presentation.Slides): if j in slide_indices[i]: # Copy the selected slides to the new presentation merged_presentation.Slides.AppendBySlide(slide) # Save the new presentation merged_presentation.SaveToFile(output_file, FileFormat.Pptx2016)# PowerPoint files to mergefiles_to_merge = ["presentation1.pptx", "presentation2.pptx"]# Slides to merge: 1st and 3rd slide from first file, 2nd slide from second fileslide_indices = [[0, 2], [1]] # Call the function to merge the selected slides into a new presentationmerge_selected_slides(files_to_merge, slide_indices, "selected_slides.pptx")

拆分 PowerPoint 文件通常包括以下步骤:

加载原始演示文稿。选择要提取的幻灯片。将这些幻灯片另存为新的 PowerPoint 文件。



The code below allows you to specify the desired number of slides per file, thereby creating multiple smaller presentations from a single original file. 重试错误原因

from spire.presentation import *# Function to split a large presentation into multiple smaller presentations by a specified number of slides per filedef split_presentation_by_chunks(input_file, slides_per_file): # Open the original presentation presentation = Presentation presentation.LoadFromFile(input_file) # Get the total number of slides in the presentation total_slides = presentation.Slides.Count # Iterate through the slides in chunks of the specified size (slides_per_file) for start in range(0, total_slides, slides_per_file): # Create a new presentation for each chunk split_presentation = Presentation # Remove the default empty slide in the new presentation split_presentation.Slides.RemoveAt(0) # Append slides to the new presentation, from the current chunk range for i in range(start, min(start + slides_per_file, total_slides)): split_presentation.Slides.AppendBySlide(presentation.Slides[i]) # Save the new presentation output_file = f"part_{start // slides_per_file + 1}.pptx" split_presentation.SaveToFile(output_file, FileFormat.Pptx2016)# Call the function to split the presentation into multiple files by 3 slides per filesplit_presentation_by_chunks("presentation1.pptx", 3)按滑动范围拆分


下面的代码允许您定义开始和结束幻灯片索引(从 0 开始),从而创建一个仅包含所选幻灯片的新文件。

from spire.presentation import *# Function to extract a specific range of slides from a presentation and save them as a new filedef split_presentation_by_range(input_file, start_slide, end_slide, output_file): # Open the original presentation presentation = Presentation presentation.LoadFromFile(input_file) # Create a new presentation split_presentation = Presentation # Remove the default empty slide in the new presentation split_presentation.Slides.RemoveAt(0) # Append slides within the specified range (from start_slide to end_slide) to the new presentation for i in range(start_slide, end_slide + 1): split_presentation.Slides.AppendBySlide(presentation.Slides[i]) # Save the new presentation split_presentation.SaveToFile(output_file, FileFormat.Pptx2016)# Call the function to extract slides 3 to 6 from the original presentation and save them to a new filesplit_presentation_by_range("presentation1.pptx", 2, 5, "split_presentation_by_range.pptx")



from spire.presentation import *# Function to extract slides containing a specific keyword to a new presentationdef split_by_content(input_file, keyword, output_file): # Open the original presentation presentation = Presentation presentation.LoadFromFile(input_file) # Create a new presentation split_presentation = Presentation # Remove the default empty slide in the new presentation split_presentation.Slides.RemoveAt(0) # Iterate through each slide in the original presentation for slide in presentation.Slides: # Check each shape in the slide to see if it contains text for shape in slide.Shapes: # Ensure the shape is an AutoShape with a text frame if isinstance(shape, IAutoShape) and shape.TextFrame is not None: # Check if the keyword is present in the shape's text if keyword in shape.TextFrame.Text: # Append the slide to the new presentation if keyword is found split_presentation.Slides.AppendBySlide(slide) # Move to the next slide after finding the keyword break # Save the new presentation split_presentation.SaveToFile(output_file, FileFormat.Pptx2016)# Call the function to extract slides containing the word "Technology" to a new presentationsplit_by_content("sample.pptx", "Technology", "split_presentation_by_content.pptx")

在 Python 中自动合并和拆分 PowerPoint 演示文稿可以大大提高生产力并简化您的工作流程。无论您是需要合并多个演示文稿还是根据标准提取特定幻灯片,本指南中概述的方法都可以为您的自动化需求提供坚实的基础。

