宋圭武 对科学家也不要迷信,社会也要提防科学家

360影视 2025-01-24 22:29 3


宋圭武 对科学家也不要迷信,社会也要提防科学家







Song Guiwu Do not be superstitious to scientists, and society should beware of scientists

First, scientists may not all have great wisdom, but scientists are generally smart.Smart and great wisdom are two levels.It can not be assumed that smart people have great wisdom.Scientists with great wisdom are only a small part of scientists.Great wisdom is more based on spirituality and deep intuition. If there is a lack of spirituality and deep intuition, it is difficult to have great wisdom only by using super memory and plane thinking ability.Some scientists, just with good memory and strong plane thinking ability, may not have good spirituality and strong deep intuition.Second, we can not think that the people do not understand anything, and there are many people with great wisdom among the people.The master is in the folk, scientists can not have arrogance, can not have intellectual arrogance.Scientists with arrogance and intellectual arrogance prove that they are not only a real ignorant, but also a real shameless person.Because arrogance and intellectual arrogance are not only an expression of ignorance, but also a shameless expression.People with great wisdom and great virtue can not have arrogance and intellectual arrogance.It can be said that scientists with arrogance and intellectual arrogance are not even smart, let alone have great wisdom and great virtue. Three is neither ignorant nor shameless scientists also do not lack of people.Scientists are not necessarily good people, or are moralists.There are bad people and bad people among scientists.Society should also beware of scientists.Some scientists will use their knowledge power to fool the public and seek personal gain, which is a type of magician making money with magic.Some scientists may be a liar, or a cunning liar.Four is ignorance and shameless is the two enemies of human society, the problem is whether human beings can completely eliminate the two enemies, it is difficult, because the two types of people ignorant and shameless survival rate is not low, and even higher than the knowledge and shame of a kind of people.The world is often, sometimes harm people than love people live longer, higher survival rate.Five is in today's knowledge age, knowledge power is unstoppable, society more need to beware of scientists rent-seeking problems and fool the public, especially for some cunning liar, more should be on the lookout.Six is knowledge, capital, power, should become the three major benefits of society, not become the three major harms of society.Knowledge, capital, power is the three tigers of society, are as powerful.Society needs to build an effective constraint framework for the three tigers of knowledge, capital, power.Let the tiger eat the wolf, do not eat the sheep.

