
360影视 2025-02-06 15:53 1

摘要:诚挚问候:邮件开头先表达对客户的新年祝福,例如 “Hope this email finds you well and that you had a wonderful start to the new year.” 让客户感受到你的友好和关怀,拉近与客户的距


诚挚问候:邮件开头先表达对客户的新年祝福,例如 “Hope this email finds you well and that you had a wonderful start to the new year.” 让客户感受到你的友好和关怀,拉近与客户的距离 。告知开工:清晰明确地告知客户公司已经开工,恢复正常运营。可以使用 “We are pleased to inform you that our company has resumed operations after the Chinese New Year holiday.” 这样正式的表达方式。订单进度更新(如有):已下单客户:对于客户已下的订单,提供订单的最新进展情况,如 “Your order is currently in the production stage, and we expect it to be completed by [具体日期]. We will keep you updated on any further developments.” 让客户了解他们所关心的订单状态,增加客户的信任感。未完成交易客户:如果是节前谈好要打款但款项未到账的客户,可以委婉提醒,如 “Regarding the project we discussed before the holiday, we hope you can arrange the deposit as soon as possible. With a lot of orders in line, timely payment will ensure we can meet your required delivery time.”

4. 业务介绍与推广:提及公司的业务优势、新产品或新服务,以及近期的优惠活动等,吸引客户的兴趣。例如 “We have newly developed [product name], which has [list the advantages]. Also, to celebrate the new year, we are offering a special discount of [X]% on all orders placed within the next [X] days.”

5. 表达期待合作:结尾处表达对未来合作的期待,如 “We look forward to working with you in the new year and achieving more business success together.” 增强与客户继续合作的意愿。


语言简洁明了:避免使用过于复杂的句子结构和生僻词汇,确保客户能够轻松理解邮件内容。使用简单直接的语言表达核心信息,让客户在短时间内获取关键要点。格式规范:遵循商务邮件的格式规范,包括正确的称呼、清晰的主题、恰当的段落划分和正式的落款。例如:主题:简短准确地概括邮件主旨,如 “Resumption of Operations after Chinese New Year” 或 “New Year, New Business - We're Open!”

称呼:使用 “Dear [客户姓名]” 等正式称呼,如果不确定客户姓名,可以用 “Dear Sir/Madam”。

落款:包含你的姓名、职位、公司名称、联系方式等,如 “Best regards, [Your Name], [Your Position], [Company Name], Tel: [Your Phone Number], Email: [Your Email Address]”

3. 内容逻辑清晰:按照问候 - 开工告知 - 订单 / 业务相关 - 期待合作的顺序组织内容,使邮件层次分明,便于客户阅读和理解。


1. 电子邮件:这是最常用且正式的方式。通过专业的企业邮箱发送,能体现公司的专业性和规范性。邮件内容可以详细阐述各项信息,还可以添加附件,如产品目录、报价单等供客户参考 。AB客营销邮件免费送200封!

2. 即时通讯工具:对于经常使用 WhatsApp、Skype 等即时通讯工具沟通的客户,可以同时在这些平台上发送简短的开工通知,如 “Hi! Just to let you know we're back to work after the Chinese New Year. Looking forward to chatting with you!” 以便客户能更及时地收到消息。但要注意语言简洁,避免过于冗长的表述。


春节假期结束后的第一个工作日的上午是比较好的发送时间 ,上午 9 - 11 点发送较为合适。这个时间段客户通常已经开始工作,查看邮件和消息的频率较高,能够及时看到你的通知。

同时,避免在客户当地的节假日或休息时间发送,以免被忽略。可以根据不同客户所在地区的时差,合理安排发送时间,确保通知能在客户工作时间内送达 。



Subject: Business Resumption Notice after Chinese New Year

Dear [Client's Name],

Hope this email finds you well.

The Chinese New Year has passed, and we are excited to announce that our company officially resumed business on [开工日期]. We sincerely thank you for your trust and support in the past year. As we step into the new year, we are committed to providing you with more professional services and high - quality products.

If you have any new requirements or projects in mind, please feel free to let us know. We are looking forward to collaborating with you to achieve greater success in the new year.

Wish you a prosperous and fulfilling new year!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Contact Information]


Subject: Back to Business - [Your Company Name] Resumes Operation

Dear Valued Customer,

Happy New Year!

We are pleased to inform you that after the wonderful Chinese New Year holiday, our company has resumed normal business operations since [开工日期].

During this new year, we will continue to focus on product innovation and service improvement to meet your diverse needs. If you have any questions regarding our existing orders or are interested in new products, our team is standing by to assist you.

We are looking forward to a more fruitful cooperation with you in the new year.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

[Contact Details]


Subject: Resumption of Business after Chinese New Year Celebration

Dear [Client's Name],

How time flies! The Chinese New Year has come and gone, and now we are back to work, full of energy and enthusiasm. Our company officially started operations again on [开工日期].

We truly appreciate your support in the previous year and hope to strengthen our business relationship in the new year. If you are planning to place new orders or have any inquiries about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

May this new year bring you abundant business opportunities and great success!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]


