
360影视 2025-02-07 17:17 3

摘要:SendTxt = "{""model"": ""deepseek-chat"", ""messages"": [{""role"":""system"", ""content"":""deepseek AI助手""}, {""role"":""user"",

Function CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key As String, inputText As String) As String

Dim API As String

Dim SendTxt As String

Dim Http As Object

Dim status_code As Integer

Dim response As String

API = "https://api.deepseek.com/chat/completions"

SendTxt = "{""model"": ""deepseek-chat"", ""messages"": [{""role"":""system"", ""content"":""deepseek AI助手""}, {""role"":""user"", ""content"":""" & inputText & """}], ""stream"": false}"

Set Http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

With Http

.Open "POST", API, False

.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"

.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & api_key

.send (SendTxt)

status_code = .Status

response = .responseText

End With

' 调试代码,用于查看调用返回结果

'MsgBox "API 返回结果: " & response, vbInformation, "调试信息"

If status_code = 200 Then

CallDeepSeekAPI = response


CallDeepSeekAPI = "Error: " & status_code & " - " & response

End If

Set Http = Nothing

End Function

Sub DeepSeekV3

Dim api_key As String

Dim inputText As String

Dim response As String

Dim regex As Object

Dim matches As Object

Dim originalSelection As Object

api_key = "请替换为deepseek官方申请的apikey"

If api_key = "" Then

MsgBox "请输入deepseek官方申请的 API key."

Exit Sub

ElseIf Selection.Type wdSelectionNormal Then

MsgBox "请选择文本内容"

Exit Sub

End If

' 保存原始选中的文本

Set originalSelection = Selection.Range.Duplicate

inputText = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Selection.Text, "\", "\\"), vbCrLf, ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, ""), Chr(34), "\""")

response = CallDeepSeekAPI(api_key, inputText)

If Left(response, 5) "Error" Then

Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

With regex

.Global = True

.MultiLine = True

.IgnoreCase = False

.Pattern = """content"":""(.*?)"""

End With

Set matches = regex.Execute(response)

If matches.Count > 0 Then

response = matches(0).SubMatches(0)

response = Replace(Replace(response, """", Chr(34)), """", Chr(34))

' 取消选中原始文本

Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

' 将内容插入到选中文字的下一行


' 插入新行

Selection.TypeText Text:=response

' 将光标移回原来选中文本的末尾



MsgBox "解析 API返回的内容失败", vbExclamation

End If


MsgBox response, vbCritical

End If

End Sub

